Work Instruction
Functional Area: Purchasing / Run Purchase Orders by Vendor (ME2L)
PurposeTerm Contract Release Order Processing - Construction Management and State Invoice - Purchase Order ProcessingProcessing - UC Flex Financial Display and Reporting
Use this procedure to display a list of purchase orders by vendor.
Perform this procedure when you need to view a list of purchase orders by vendor for reporting or analysis.
A Vendor Number and/or the Scope of List must exist.
Menu Path
Use the following menu path to begin this transaction:
  • SAP Easy Access User Specific Menu
  • Select Financial Reports and Display Purchasing Purchase Orders Purchase Orders by Vendor
  • SAP Easy Access Generic Menu
  • Select LogisticsMaterials ManagementPurchasing Purchase Order List Displays By Vendor
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
  • The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
  • On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
  • The vendor number is not required to list purchase orders by vendor.
  • Dynamic selections are not available on this list display.
  • From the report you can drill-down to the order to see additional detailed information.

Ver: Rev 2013-1 / PUR_ME2L_Run PO by Vendor.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/1
Work Instruction
Functional Area: Purchasing / Run Purchase Orders by Vendor (ME2L)
1. / Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Purchasing Documents per Vendor

2. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Vendor (Number) / Required / Unique number that identifies a vendor
Purchasing organization / Optional / Code identifying the purchasing subdivision within the company
Leave blank. If a value defaults from the system remove it.
Scope of List / Optional / Parameter that determines how the list is edited
Always enter ALV. This should automatically default.
Selection Parameters / Optional / Key determining the purchasing information to be included in the display
Usually leave blank. However, this dropdown contains additional selection parameters to narrow your search; e.g., order with open invoices.
Document Type / Optional / Key that identifies to which group of documents this document will be assigned; Documents of the same type contain common information which is relevant to posting and updating of the value fields in the database
Leave this blank or use the NB document type (Standard PO).
Purchasing Group / Optional / Code used to identify a buyer or group of buyers responsible for purchasing activities
Plant / Optional / A place where materials are produced, or goods and services are provided
Item Category / Optional / Determines classification of material; For example, stock material, consumed material, etc.; Classification determines which fields and screens are required. In LIS, defines how purchase of an item is controlled
Leave this field blank, unless selecting term contract catalog items, otherwise enter “W”.
Account Assignment Category / Optional / Code used to identify the type of cost object that will receive the cost of the line item; For example, cost centers, internal orders, assets or WBS elements
This allows you to narrow the search by assets, etc.
Delivery Date / Optional / The requested or desired delivery date on the purchase document
Document Number / Optional / The unique identification value assigned to a business event as it is processed in UC Flex; the system automatically creates and assigns document numbers as each document is posted--manual assigning of document numbers is not possible
This is the Purchase Order or Term Contract Release number.
Material / Optional / Substance or commodity that is bought or sold on a commercial basis, or is used, consumed, or created in production; a material can also be a service; Also, a number identifying a material master record
This is a TC non-catalog item ID.
Material Group / Optional / Code identifying an allocated group of materials with the same features
Document Date / Optional / The date the document is created
This is the Purchase Order or Term Contract Release creation date.
Short Text / Optional / Text description of an object limited to 40 characters
Short text of a Purchase Order or Term Contract Release line item.
Vendor Name / Optional / Name of the vendor
3. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Then / Go To
Change document type to be included. / Click . / Step 4
Run the report / Click . / Step 7
Choose Documents

4. / Select to the left of Pur. order.
5. / Click.
6. / Return to Step 3.
Purchasing Documents per Vendor

7. / Review the displayed information.
8. / Clickuntil you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
9. / You have completed this transaction.
Ver: Rev 2013-1 / PUR_ME2L_Run PO by Vendor.udc
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Work Instruction
Functional Area: Purchasing / Run Purchase Orders by Vendor (ME2L)
You have displayed a list of purchase orders by vendor.
If you need to display another list, you can repeat the process without exiting the Purchasing Documents per Vendor screen.
Ver: Rev 2013-1 / PUR_ME2L_Run PO by Vendor.udc
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