Please refer to the accompanying information sheet when completing this application form. You should use this application form to apply for an International Scholarship and/or an International Travel Scholarship. Please note, that no applicant will be offered both awards.
Personal details
Full name: Click here to enter text.
Contact address:Click here to enter text.
Home country:Click here to enter text.
Postcode / Zip Code: Click here to enter text.
Email address: Click here to enter text.
1st choice course at Falmouth:Click here to enter text.
Please note that only applicants for taught courses at Falmouth University can apply. Applicants to Flexible Falmouth, ACM, Bodmin College, DIME or FRA should contact their respective provider.
Supporting statements
- Briefly summarise the academic areas in which you feel you excel and how you will contribute positively to both the course and wider institution. (max 300 words):
Click here to enter text.
- We would like to also consider any specific financial needs which the award might be able to support. Please explain such points here (max 300 words):
Click here to enter text.
- If you would like to be considered for an International Travel Scholarship, please also tell us of the travel needs you anticipate having as part of your course. This doesn’t include your travel to and from the UK for the purposes of starting the course; instead we need to hear of your travel requirements as part of your studies.
Click here to enter text.
Applicant declaration
- In applying for this award, I understand that the information I have provided is correct and that provision of misleading information will automatically disqualify me from the selection process.
- If successful, the Scholarship will be applied to tuition fees once the remaining balance has been paid.
- I consent for the receipt of any award granted to me may be reported on and used for publicity and promotional purposes by Falmouth University.
Full name: Click here to enter text.
Date:Click here to enter text.
Please return your completed application, by way of email attachment to the Student Funding Teamat:
, by: 4pm, Friday 27th April 2018. Only those with a live application to a qualifying course will be considered. Late applications will not be considered.