TITLE/CODE: Service Adviser Training Plan DATE:11.17.15

WHY? / Why am I documenting this procedure? / So many are bad and we lose people, doing our way, assure customer experiences are consistently executed, more sales, less wasted time, less the confusion, layout training program prior hiring, so the staff members will make more money, so others can be trainers also, CYA your company, you really don’t know what is working or not working,
WHO? / Who will ultimately be responsible for this procedure? / Owner, GM or Store Manager / Employee
WHAT? / What are the key elements of this procedure? / Webinars, live role play, concept language, validation sheets, FHW handouts, telephone skills, POS usage, scripts, mentoring as a process, research skills and tracking this down, after market programs, mindset, PARP, review phone calls, assessments (TTI, Berke, Orion), stop time, square peg in a round hole, progress reports, 3 month rule sales, timeline to complete the training, past experiences, industry and non-industry, results, list of what needs to be learned, train for NO, SOS, urgency, don’t think with your own emotional bank account or your own checking account, scheduled weekly batting practice, script to presentation to conversation, 10 day plan, beginners, intermediate, advanced, rookie new upstarts, earn our way into level 1, level 2 and level 3 placement system, graduate people, notebook for notes, by 15 days be able to close the store by themselves and work the store for 3 hours by themselves, setting expectations, set the bar, 15 day, 30 day, 60 day, 90 day intervals, bonus after 90 days if met before they may earn it by discretion, selling after day 5, industry person versus a non-industry plan, industry person bring some habits don’t fit, habit busting, Greg Sands > wait 1 year do it our way then we will listen to you, if don’t do it our way most likely you will not be here to discuss other ways, this how we do it here…Michael Gerber > Why because it works for the customer, the staff members, suppliers, and the company health…
HOW? / How is the procedure done? Step by Step. / 10 Day Plan:
  1. Phone skills
  2. POS
  3. Build estimates
  4. Presentation Scripts
  5. Videos
  6. Board Process
  7. Front counter etiquette
  8. Delivery
  9. PARP
  10. End of day bag

Automotive Service Leaders – The Turnaroundtour Company

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