Staff Council

Meeting Minutes

19 May 2016

In Attendance:

Athletics – Danielle Dillahey; Commandant of Cadets –Shelton Milner, Orlando Garcia, Chris Polites; Communications & Marketing – Sam McAdams; Finance & Business – Allison Bringardner, Gino Galutera, Milton Greene, Lauren Merriken; Institutional Advancement – n/a; Operations & Administration –Paul Cantrell, Chuck Chambers, Dean Easterlin, Jonathan Lewellyn, Mark Magnussen; Office of the President – Ashley Witherspoon; Provost & Dean – Hilary Becker, Margaret Gannon, Paige Hughes, Morgan LaForge, Courtney McAllister, Edwina McGill, Ruby Murray, Beau Quarles, Lauren Smalls. Advisors –Leah Schonfeld, Col. Tom Philipkosky

Excused Absence:

Athletics – Chuck Kriese; Commandant of Cadets – Rick Dean; Communications & Marketing – n/a; Finance & Business – n/a; Institutional Advancement – n/a; Operations & Administration – n/a; Office of the President – Ashley Witherspoon; Provost & Dean – n/a.


Athletics – n/a; Commandant of Cadets – n/a; Communications & Marketing – n/a; Finance & Business – n/a; Institutional Advancement – n/a; Operations & Administration – Jay Beam; Office of the President – n/a; Provost & Dean – n/a

I.  Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Staff Council Chairman Beau Quarles’ at 9:36 am.

II.  Review/Approval of minutes from 21 April 2016

SC Secretary Shelton Milner emailed all of SC the agenda for today’s meeting and the minutes from the 21 April meeting. She said that Col. Philipkosky requested a few changes and that they had been completed. Mr. Quarles asked if anyone would like to make a motion to approve the April minutes. Milton Greene made the motion to approve the April minutes and Dana Richardson seconded. A vote was taken and the April minutes were approved.

III.  Chairman’s Report

Mr. Quarles reminded those present that Employee Appreciation Day is one week from today on Thursday, 26 May. He reminded everyone that all SC members should participate on the day of the event.

VI.  Committee Reports

A.  Benefits & Welfare. Chairman - Dana Richardson. Nothing to report.

B.  Communications. Chairman – Ashley Witherspoon. With Ms. Witherspoon’s absence, there was nothing to report.

C.  Community Service. Chairman - Paul Cantrell. Mr. Cantrell stated 5 Citadel employees took part in the Adopt A Highway event on Thursday, .

D.  Elections. Chairman - Shelton Milner. Mrs. Milner stated that the P&P committee has been working on the present P&Ps to clarify what should be done when a seat on SC is vacated or left unfilled. She said that there are two vacancies in Athletics, one vacancy in Institutional Advancement, one in Operations & Administration and one another in Provost & Dean. She told the group that a vacancy would be in Commandant’s Office as Eileen Quinn will be leaving The Citadel in May. Dean Easterlin will present P&P changes when he gives the P&P committee report.

E.  Entertainment. Chairman - Allison Bringardner.

·  New location. This year’s event will be held at Johnson Hagood Stadium on the club level on the 4th floor. Food will be served on the club level. The Service Awards ceremony will take place here as well. Games such as volleyball, badminton and corn hole will be available on the football field if the weather allows.

·  Weather Plan. If the weather is less than desirable the 5th and 6th floors of Johnson Hagood will be opened for more seating. As of this morning the weather forecast is partly cloudy at 82°F.

·  Agenda. See attachment.

·  Entrance Table. All attendees will check in on the first floor under the bleachers. Shelton Milner will ask for SC members to work the entrance table with her. An email will be sent out shortly.

·  Slide Show on video board. Danielle Dillahey stated that this year SnapCaster will be used for SC members to take photos during the event and add them to the video board slide show. Photos can be taken with your phone and posted using any social media site using the hashtag #CITEAD16. Anyone at the event can post their own photos with Instagram using the password Bulldog123 and category “Staff Council”.

·  Service Awards. This year employees who have worked at The Citadel for 10, 20 and 30 years will received a certificate of verification and a service pen. This year Margaret Hoybach prints will be included in the gift. Ten year employees will receive one of the five prints. Twenty year employees will receive four of the five prints. All prints are signed and numbered by the artist.

·  Prize drawings. There are many prizes so each employee can put his or her ticket in the bucket of the prize of their choice. This year’s grand prize is a weekend stay at The Sanctuary at Kiawah Island with four rounds of golf. To win any prize, you must be present.

·  Beach House fire. The Citadel beach house sustained major damage in the fire that occurred during the early morning house of Sunday, 8 May. Michael & Susan Kreitman, the caretaker and his wife lost everything to the fire. Staff Council is looking at potentially doing some fundraising for them. Legalities will be run through campus legal counsel Mark Brandenburg.

·  Day of the event. Col Tom Philipkosky reminded everyone to have a positive attitude to keep spirits high at our event. He asked that all SC members take part in the day’s activities and help to coordinate play with employees in attendance. He reminded everyone that this event is taking place in the same facility where the National Guard has working offices. He asks that everyone keep noise and activity in their office areas to a minimum.

·  Seating for the event. As this event is in a smaller area seating will be limited. Ms. Bringardner asks that everyone rotate seats so that everyone has the chance to sit, relax and eat. The seating is arranged in a lounge type layout but temporary seating will be available. Seating is available outside in the box seats overlooking the football field but the majority of the seating is inside the club area. If weather permits, the bleachers will be open for seating as well.

·  Activities. Ms. Bringardner announced that there will be a DJ, a photo booth as well as a professional photographer who is a Citadel graduate who owns Finger Snap photography.

·  Parking. Limited parking will be available in the Altman Lot as well as the old City Gym lot. Both of these lots are walking distance to Johnson-Hagood Stadium. These are gravel lots where cadets park their personal vehicles.

F.  Policies & Procedures. Chairman - Dean Easterlin. Nothing to report.

VI.  Unfinished Business. – Nothing to report.

VII.  New Business.

A.  Citadel Beach House fire. WHO??? advised the members of Staff Council that in the early morning hours of Sunday, 8 May The Citadel’s Robert McCormick beach house on the Isle of Palms beachfront sustained damage from initially the fire and then with water damage from the fire being stopped. Insurance adjustors have been contacted and from there a decision will be made to the future plans for the house and the property.

B.  Cost of Living adjustment. HR Director and SC advisor, Leah Schonfeld informed SC members that the State of South Carolina may be giving all state employees a cost of living pay raise. The percentage to be given has yet to be determined. Ms. Schonfeld stated that the COL raise will be between 2-4%. Once the percentage is determined these rates will go into effect on 1 July 2016

C.  Chronos. Ms. Schonfeld continued by informed the group that the decision has been made for all employees who earn less than $47,476 annually will be required to clock in and out with the Chronos system. The delay is this is due to having to give staff members Chronos access. Licensing must be acquired and employees will need training. This should go into effect on December 1 of this year.

VIII.  Open Discussion.

A.  Hurricane Season. Col Philipkosky informed SC that hurricane begins next week on June 1. He announced that Facilities & Engineering and Public Safety will be sending out information on hurricane situations at The Citadel.

B.  Hagood Avenue housing. Col Philipkosky stated that the housing along Hagood Avenue will be vacated before 31 May. The units where the tenants have moved out have had their windows removed and interior striped of electrical, appliance and anything that is salvageable. Demolition will begin once the units are emptied.

C.  Campus Tobacco Free policy. Col Philipkosky reminded everyone that the Tobacco free policy will go into full effect on 1 July. Kevin Modglin from the Campus Alcohol & Drug Information Center (CADIC) is the tobacco free campus committee. Staff, faculty and their immediate family members have access to Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to help with their tobacco cessation.

IX.  Adjournment.

Mr. Quarles asked if anyone had anything further to discuss. No one responded. With this he asked if anyone would like to make a motion to adjourn. Milton Greene made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Gino Galutera seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 10:11 AM.

Employee Appreciation Day Agenda
Thursday, May 26, 2016 – Johnson/Hagood Club Level

9:30 am: Staff Council Arrival and Set-up

11 am: Citadel Employees Begin Arriving

10:30 am to 1:30 pm: Greeter’s Area Open

·  Raffle Ticket Handouts

·  Nametags

Event Details

11:30 am – 1pm – Lunch Buffet

·  Blessing by Chaplain Joe Molina

·  Menu

o  Fried Chicken

o  Pulled Pork BBQ with three choices of sauce

o  BBQ Portabella Mushrooms (vegetarian option)

o  Pickles, Coleslaw, Beans and Pasta Salad

o  Fresh Cut Fruit

o  Cookies

1 pm – Service Certificate Awards (10, 20, and 30 year awards) – Club Level Indoors

·  Introduction by Leah Schonfeld and reading of recipient contributions

·  Lt Gen Rosa to take pictures with recipients during ceremony

1:30 pm – Photos and Door Prizes

·  Group Photo of those receiving service pins

·  Door Prizes (35+ prizes)

1:30 – 3pm - Ongoing Activities

·  DJ/photo booth

·  Jenga

·  Field games: volleyball, horseshoes, Cornhole, Frisbee, etc.

·  Event ends at 3pm

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