Booking Inquiry for your wedding in Portugal

Thank you for your interest in our wedding planning service.

Please fill in the requested information for the ceremony type you are looking for and send it back to us as editable document (.doc, .docx, .odt … ), not as .pdf

I am inquiring about booking a (please highlight your choice)

  1. civil ceremony
  2. celebration ceremony
  3. civil & celebration ceremony
  4. church wedding (legally valid)
  5. church blessing
  6. vow renewal
  7. undecided

Personal Data and general details

Data needed for Wedding planning contract and detailed proposal:

Your data is secure: We will never sell your data; share your data with others, unless it is necessary for the service; call your home or mobile phone or send messages to your phone, unless we have previously agreed so, or is it necessary, e.g., to respect a deadline.

Bride/Groom**** / Groom/Bride****
Address (3 Lines)
See note below *
Phone contact **:
E-mail contact ***:
Skype (optional):
WhatsApp (optional):

* If you have a civil wedding, please indicate the address to where you want us to mail your International Wedding Certificate after your wedding.

** please provide a mobile number that will also work during your stay in Portugal if possible

*** please only provide one e-mail that can be used throughout planning

**** gender neutral form

How would you like to celebrate your wedding?

Ceremony type:
(civil, celebration, civil & celebration, church legal, church blessing vow renewal, not sure yet)
Preferred wedding date:
Preferred ceremony location:
Preferred reception location:
Preferred Time:
Number of Guests:


Please follow the link to find all information re civil weddings, this is also relevant to the civil & celebration weddings

Data needed to apply for your wedding and to send you the power of attorney:
Please fill in with the exact data as in your Birth Certificates. If you don’t have that present, please leave blank.
In case of differences of data in Passport and birth certificate please explain.

Bride/Groom**** / Groom/Bride****
Full name *:
Nationality **:
Civil status:
Address (including country):
Place of birth (including country):
Date of birth:
Full Name of Mother (with maiden name, if different) *:
Full name of Father *:
Passport number:
Passport Valid until:
Passport issued by:

* as in your birth certificate, if different today please explain. We advise if further papers are required.

** please advise if you have dual nationality

**** gender neutral form


Do You Have Children? Together - how many?
Children of the bride/groom only - how many?
Children of the groom/bride only - how many?

Information for the Statistics of the registry office:

Bride / Groom
Level of education:
Current working situation:
Employed or self employed:


Please follow the link to find all information regarding celebration weddings

Would you like the ceremony with or without personal-story-text?
Which language(s) shall the ceremony be held in?
Would you like to book a non-commitment skype call with an available celebrant?


Please follow the link to find all information re civil & celebration weddings

Please fill in the forms 1 + 2 above

4. CHURCH WEDDING (legally valid)

Please follow the link to find all information regarding church weddings

Please fill in the form under point 1 plus the below table

Confession bride
Confession groom
Desired confession for religious service
Please specify church if already chosen or let us know which area you are looking for a church
Language of service


Please follow the link to find all information regarding church weddings

Confession bride
Confession groom
Desired confession for religious service
Please specify church if already chosen or let us know which area you are looking for a church
Language of service


Please follow the link to find all information regarding vow renewals

Would you like the ceremony with or without personal-story-text?
Which language(s) shall the ceremony be held in?
Would you like to book a non-commitment skype call with an available celebrant?
How many years are you married?