Florida Equestrian Club and Team Constitution

Article I

Name of Organization

Section 1.

The name of the organization shall be the Florida Equestrian Team and Club.These will be represented by FEC for the Equestrian Club and FET for the EquestrianTeam.

Section 2.

The Equestrian Team and Club is a Sports Club under the Recreational SportsDivision of the University of Florida.

Article II

Purpose Statement

Section 1.

The purpose of this organization shall be:

To promote high standards of horsemanship, sportsmanship, character, leadership,and fellowship in all members.

Section 2.

To encourage, foster, and promote the intercollegiate equestrian activities within,but not exclusively, with the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) andIntercollegiate Dressage Association (IDA) according to the rules of thatorganization.

Section 3.

To promote knowledge and skill in handling and care of horses.

Section 4.

To promote horse related intercollegiate activities and sponsor the IHSA andIDA teams representing the University of Florida.

Section 5.

To promote the University of Florida horse related educational programs andthe Horse Teaching Unit.

Article III

Compliance Statement

Upon approval by the Department for Student Activities and Involvement, the EquestrianTeam and Club shall be a registered student organization at the University of Florida. TheEquestrian Team and Club shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, as well asall University of Florida regulations, policies, and procedures. Such compliance includesbut is not limited to the University’s regulations related to Non-Discrimination, Sexual Harassment (including sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking) Hazing,Commercial Activity, and Student Leader Eligibility.

Article IV

University Regulations

Section 1: Non-Discrimination:

The University of Florida Equestrian Team and Club agrees that it will not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, genetic information and veteran status as protected under the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act.

Section 2. Sexual Harassment:

The University of Florida Equestrian Team and Club agrees that it will not engage in any activity that is unwelcome conduct of sexual nature that creates a hostile environment.

Section 3. Hazing

The University of Florida Equestrian Team and Club agrees that it will not initiate, support, or encourage any events or situations that recklessly, by design, or intentionally endanger the mental or physical health or safety of a student for any purpose including but not limited to initiation or admission into or affiliation with any student group or organization.

Section 4. Responsibility to Report

If this organization becomes aware of any such conduct described in this article, The University of Florida Equestrian Team and Club will report it immediately to Student Activities and Involvement, the Director of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution, or the University’s Title IX Coordinator.

Article V


Section 1.

Membership in this organization is open to all enrolled students at the University of Florida. Non-enrolled students, spouses, faculty, and staff may be associate members; however, they may not vote or hold office. All members and associate members are free to leave and disassociate without fear of retribution, retaliation, or harassment.

Article VI


Section 1. The elected officer positions.

  1. All officers must be in adherence with Reitz Center for Student Activities and Involvement as well as Sports Clubs pertaining to grade point average, enrolled credits, good standing, etc.
  2. Officers shall assume their official duties at the close of the last general meeting of the academic year and shall serve for a term of one academic year and/or until their successors are elected/appointed.
  3. FEC shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Fundraising Chair, Social Chair, and Merchandise Chair.
  4. FET shall be: Hunt Seat Captain, Western Captain, Dressage Captain and threerespective Co-Captains.

Section 2. The President shall:

  1. preside over all meetings at which he/she is present and shall direct the club’s activities toaccomplish its objectives
  2. call special meetings and perform other duties not specified, such as appointingcommittees
  3. create and agenda and prescribe the order in which the meetings shall be carried on during the term in office,with the general approval of the club. (Any club member may request items to be added to the agenda.)
  4. acquire a meeting place at the beginning of each semester.
  5. ensure club meets “levels” set by Sports Clubs in order to maintain Sport Team status.

Section 3. The Vice-President shall:

  1. assume duties of the president in absence of that official
  2. procure and introduce speakers for club meetings
  3. organize and establish at least 3 community service events per semester.
  4. organize club attendance at Sport Club events as spectators in accordance with Sports Clubs “levels” classifications
  5. advise the club of parliamentary procedures and work on constitutional revisions.

Section 4. The Secretary shall:

  1. record and read the minutes of all meetings
  2. issue all orders and notices required conducts all club correspondence
  3. make a report of the work and accomplishments of the club each semester
  4. keep record of attendance at meetings
  5. keep the list-serve for e-mailing the club, as well as other club contacts
  6. maintain and update an up to date list of all member (club, team, and officer) activities(fundraisers, community service, working at home horse shows, etc.).

Section 5. The Treasurer shall:

  1. receive all monies and pay all bills of the club
  2. be in charge of all club purchases, keep all financial records of the club, including clubmonies used by competition teams
  3. prepare and make a current financial report (written and oral) at all club meetings andupon request of the executive committee
  4. prepare a written summary of all financial transactions and balances at the lastmeeting of each semester and file the student government financial report
  5. file all Sports Club forms regarding finances
  6. keep record of all the tack and equipment that the club owns
  7. at the beginning and end of each academic year, provide an oral and written budget report on entire years’ expenses, including FET and FEC accounts.
  8. notify each FET representative of the FET’s financial standings.

Section 6: The Public Relations Officer shall:

  1. direct social activities of the club, solicit for membership, and be available for inquires into club activities
  2. design, maintain, and update the club and team website including but not limited tocalendar, meeting minutes, club contacts, point standings, club pictures, and club/team information.
  3. schedule and take team, club, and officer pictures in the fall of each year

Section 7. The Fundraising Chair shall:

  1. establish at least four fundraisers each semester
  2. report all monetary aspects to the club treasurer.
  3. if the Fundraising Chair fails to be elected, then duties shall default to Treasurer.

Section 8. The Social Chair shall:

  1. organize and establish at least two socials per semester.
  2. report attendance to Secretary.
  3. if the Social Chair fails to be elected, then duties shall default to Public Relations Officer.

Section 9. The Merchandise Chair shall:

  1. organize and direct the ordering and selling of club merchandise.
  2. ensure that at least two clothing orders per scholastic year are available
  3. may add or subtract from clothing order as he/she sees fit
  4. if the Merchandise Chair fails to be elected, then duties shall default to Fundraising Chair, and then to Treasurer.

Section 10. All captains shall:

- Have the general management of the team they are to preside over, including:

  1. Gathering and maintaining show information, entry lists, team and individual pointstandings, financial expenditures at shows, membership status, and all travel reimbursements (including but not limited to gas, lodging, and entries).
  2. Securing, planning, filing paperwork, and providing receipts for all travel to thetreasurer and Sports Club.
  3. Seeing that all resolutions of the Advisory Committee and UFET shall be put intoeffect.
  4. Shall receive entry forms for each show. Since entry constitutes a requirement to payfees, the captain must confirm by direct contact the individual entries with each teammember entered prior to sending in the entries and may not enter a team member in aclass without their approval.

- The captain shall be elected for one year in accordance with election guidelines (see

Art V Section III)

  1. Provide a survey for team members to fill out pertaining to satisfaction of Captains, Co-captains, and coaches’ performance of duties.

Section 11. The co-captains shall:

  1. assume the duties of the captain in his/her absence, and automatically become actingcaptain should the captain resign or be unable to serve out his term of office. In thisevent, team members must elect, by majority vote, a member to serve as co-captainalongside the acting captain, for the rest of the semester.
  2. assist in the general management of the team, including, but not limited to acquiringhorses for shows, reserving hotel rooms, properly filling out and returning showpaperwork, and other activities pertaining to the organization of going to andplanning shows.
  3. assist in seeing that resolutions of the FET and advisory committee are put intoeffect.
  4. maintain show expenses and report them to the club treasurer.

Section 12. The Senior Advisory Board shall:

  1. consist of officers from the previous scholastic year not reelected into an office.
  2. attend executive meetings and provide guidance and opinions on FEC and FET matters.
  3. be considered ‘club’ or ‘team’ members for active member requirements.

Section 13: Officer Removal

Any officer of The UF Equestrian Club and Teams may be removed from office through the following process:

Part 1: A written request by at least three voting members of the organization shall be submitted to either the President, Vice President, or Treasurer. Written notification shall be sent to the officer in question asking that officer to be present at the next meeting and prepared to respond to the removal request.

Part 2: A two thirds majority vote of members present is necessary to remove the officer.

Part 3: In the event of the removal of an officer, a special provision may be granted to the remaining officers to appoint an interim replacement until an election may be held.

Article VII


Section 1.

The officers must be elected from active members of the club. For the FEToffices, the candidates must be a team member.

Section 2.

Officers are to be elected by the first meeting of March and to be elected for afull year (fall to spring) with no officer succeeding themselves more than once. Thecaptain shall be elected for a full year (fall to spring). The officers shall be elected by amajority vote of the active members present. In case of vacancy in any office, the highestofficer shall call an election to fill the office at the next regular meeting after the vacancyoccurs. In the event of the vacancy of the President, the Vice-President shall assume theoffice, and a new Vice-President shall be elected.

Section 3.

[for purposes of Student Center for Activities and Involvement] The electionprocess will be as follows:

1. Member desiring office will be nominated by a fellow club member.

Nominator will be recorded

2. The nomination will be seconded by a club member. Seconding member will

be recorded.

3. A list of nominees will be available prior to and during the election.

4. Election will be led by the club President.

5. Voting will occur via secret ballot and will be tabulated by the club president

and an advisor.

6. The nominee who receives that majority of the votes will be elected into that


7. If there are more than two candidates running and no candidate receives a majority vote, there shall be a run-off vote between the top two vote recipients before elections proceed to the next officer.

Section 4.

All FET specific officer positions and coach will be voted by the

corresponding FET members. Team members of multiple teams will be able to vote ineach position election that they are part of.

Article VIII

Faculty Advisor

Section 1.

The club shall elect at least one but no more than two faculty members whoshall serve as the faculty advisors. These advisors may also fulfill the role of teamadvisor.

Section 2.

Advisors shall be chosen on the basis of interest in the club, contacts with thestudent body, their ability and knowledge to advise, guide, and direct the club.

Section 3.

The faculty advisor shall be nominated by the officers and confirmed by amajority vote of the members. Advisors shall be elected at the second to last meeting ofthe spring semester.

Section 4. The advisor of the team shall:

  1. look after all club and/or team activities to keep the FEC and/or FET within schooland/or IHSA regulations, as well as keeping them the Team/club functioning smoothly. Also must attend home-hosted shows at HTU.
  2. not vote, but may express his opinion as often as possible.
  3. serve as the university representative of the team or shall designate an appropriatesubstitute.

- The faculty advisor should attend executive and general meetings.

Section 5:

The faculty advisor shall serve as a resource person and provide advisory support for the officers and members of the organization. The faculty advisor should attend executive and general meetings; however, the faculty advisor may not vote in any UFEC matters. The faculty advisor shall be nominated by the officers and confirmed by a majority vote of the members. Advisers will serve a two-year term with start dates in alternate years when two advisors are utilized. Club members may ask advisers to step down after their term or ask the advisor to serve consecutive terms. In the event that a faculty advisor steps down or is asked to leave, the second faculty advisor shall step in and the club may nominate a new advisor to be voted on by the club.

Article IX


Section 1.

The FEC shall not charge membership dues.

Section 2.

All team members will be financially responsible for the individual expensesincluding coaching, transportation, and lodging.

Section 3.

Reimbursement (if any) for competition expenses will be advised by the treasurer and budgeted by respective captains/co-captains.

Section 4.

Team members who are entered in a show and subsequently withdraw will notreceive reimbursement. The member may still be responsible for any additional travelexpenses.

Section 5.

The FET will receive a budget for each academic year as advised by the Treasurer. This budget will roll over for each FET to the next year.

Section 6.

The minimum balance for the FEC outside revenue account is $5000 at the end of each academic year unless otherwise approved.

Article X

Dissolution of Organization

In the event this organization dissolves, all monies left in the treasury, after outstanding debts andclaims have been paid, shall be donated to Horse Protection Association of Florida.

Article XI

Additional Membership Requirements

Part A

Section 1:

Active members shall consist of students of the University of Florida whoregularly attend club and participate in the other club activities. Active members shall beprivileged to vote upon business of the club. An active member is defined as memberswho have not missed more than two consecutive general session meetings.

a. In addition, active club members, team members, and officers are required toparticipate in the following per semester:

Club members: one community service project, work one shift at all UF hosted shows, participate in one fundraiser, and attend one social.

Team members: one community service project, work one shift at all UF hosted shows(all shifts at their respective team’s home show), participate in two fundraisers and attend one social.

Officers: two community service projects, work one shift at all UF hosted shows,participate in two fundraisers, and attend two socials.

NOTE: There are no substitutions (example: club members may not participate in twocommunity service projects in lieu of one fundraiser) except for specifically designated events by the FEC to count for either 1 community service project or 1 fundraiser.

Section 2.

Associate members shall consist of faculty, staff, and student spouses.Associate members shall not vote or hold office.

Section 3.

Honorary memberships may be conferred upon any person identified withhorse interest by a majority of the members at any regularly scheduled meeting. Honorarymembers shall not be privileged to vote upon business of the club.

Section 4.

Members who willfully neglect or interfere with the work of the club andwhose presence is injurious, may be punished by expulsion in the following manner: amember shall recommend to the club the said member shall be expelled from the FEC,and at the following meeting the recommendation shall be voted on and must receive atwo-thirds majority of those present to expel the culprit from that meeting and throughoutthe remainder of the scholastic year.