
Date:Tuesday, March 24, 2015

6:30 PM @ Cook hill school

agenda items


Parents: Jessica Hodum, Stephanie Cerrato, AdelheidKoepfer

Teachers/Staff:Chris Puzio

Administrator(s): Rich Napoli, Kristine Friend, Cindy Lavalette

Meeting called to order at 6:37 pm

  • Class lists, class size, and Step-Up Day Cindy Lavalette

Cindy reviewed the new plan for Step Up across the elementary schools. Students will not receive their teacher assignment on the last day of school. Administrators and teachers will continue to pay proper attention to balancing classes, allocating resources, and assigning appropriate staff. Class lists will not be made final until August. Prior to August 17th students will receive their teacher assignment in the mail. All students, district wide will be welcome to meet their teacher on August 28th in the morning during a specified window of time.

Cindy shared the reasons for the change… We are expecting greater movement within our schools this year as we have many retirements and the possibility of full day kindergarten for next year. She talked about the difficulty in the past with scheduling step up for both morning and afternoon kindergarten. She reviewed the scenarios at many schools last August when additional sections were added and families were informed that their children would no longer be in the class with the teacher previously assigned. (and the student had met)

Cindy recognized that this would be a change that might cause some anxiety for some students who were used to knowing who their teacher was, but felt that it is a far better scenario for the students who have had to make a switch at a late date. Maintaining appropriate class sizes will determine whether or not new sections are added and the principal will work with any teachers available to balance the classes accordingly. Cindy shared that students in second grade at Cook Hill would still have a step up visit to the sister school, Parker Farms. Students in fifth grade at Parker Farms would still have a step up visit to Moran. Kindergarten will hold an orientation on May 1st.

Parents shared concerns such as student anxiety, plans to get new classmates together over the summer, placement of students who should not be with other students and finding out late in the summer, tradition and students missing it, the need to step up to the sister school, etc. Parents wanted to know when we will know if full day kindergarten will be a reality. Adelheid shared that those who feel strongly about the budget could obtain more information on the system wide PTAC website. Two of the parents present had children that were moved to newly formed classes last summer. They shared their individual experiences.

Dr. Menzo will be distributing a letter to Parents on March 30, 2015 to inform them of these changes.

  • CH/PF New Parent Check List ( did not address)

Agenda items:

  • CMT testing (5th grade)
  • Science (2 assessments)

Rich reviewed that fifth grade students had completed their CMT science assessments. They had taken the regular assessment and then participated in the pilot assessment which is not scored and shared, but used to pilot future questions and problems.

  • SBAC Testing (April 27-May 15th) up to May 22nd if needed
  • ELA and Mathematics assessments

Students at Parker Farms in Grades 3,4,5 will take the SBAC test this spring. It is a computer Adaptive Test with both performance and nonperformance tasks. They will be practicing ahead with their teachers. Staff at Parker Farms is looking at administering each test across at least two settings. Students will have as much time as they need. They will be using computer labs and chrome book carts.

  • Track my Progress Universal Screenings (April 15-May 1)

Both schools will be administering Track My Progress universal screenings for the third and final time this school year. All students in Grades 1-5 take an ELA and a Math assessment. The kindergarten assessment is combined. All assessments are administered on the computer or IPAD. Scores are used to track progress as well as determine students who may need additional intervention in reading or math. This has been a pilot this year and teachers are learning more about the tool and how it aligns with other assessments. It is, however common core aligned.

  • OLSAT testing complete- waiting on 3rd grade results
  • Climate Surveys- please spread the word for other parents to complete

Email blasts and reminders have gone home in both schools to encourage parents to complete the survey. Cindy thanked parents for filling out one per child, as children in the same family may have very different experiences. A parent asked if both parents could complete the survey. Rich said yes as long as you use a different device to access it.

  • Responsive Classroom implementation

Both schools have received training in Responsive Classroom and are using the methods across the school. Morning meeting has been implemented in all classrooms. Kris shared how many teachers at Cook Hill are also using Mindfulness strategies to help students to self-regulate and take control of their feelings, prepare themselves for learning, and maintain higher levels of focus and attention.

Kris also shared that a team of Cook Hill teachers had visited MYB to observe a town meeting and that they are looking to implement these later in the spring and then next year.

  • Junior Achievement Day, Friday, April 10th- need parent volunteers

This was discussed at the PTO meeting directly following PTAC with guest speaker.

  • Career Day at Parker Farms
  • Chris P. shared that PF is hosting its’ first Career Day on April 1st from 9-12. They continue to look for guests to come and share their careers with students. They have 18 vendors so far. Chris also reminded the members of the upcoming Health and Fitness Fair- 4/22/15 Sheehan High School.
  • CAS Arts Banquet success ( did not discuss)
  • Nature’s Classroom meeting for 4th grade parents TBD

Dates will be in November this year, right before Thanksgiving.

  • Invention Convention March 30th- many students participating

Many students from grades 3-5 and some middle school students are involved.

  • PTO programs- High Touch High Tech, Eli Whitney

The PTO continues to support high quality learning opportunities at all grade levels at Cook Hill and Parker Farms. We are gracious for their support!Adelheid was the coordinator of this!

The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 pm. All other agenda items were continued during PTO meeting directly following.

  • Fields trips are being planned for each grade level
  • PTO program- Amazing Hero Art
  • Grade level assemblies- invites sent out to parents/guardians
  • Conferences were held on March 17 at Parker Farms and March 10th at Cook Hill. The next date is April 9th
  • School field trip to Holiday Cinemas- Earth Day movie- Monkeys
  • 5th grade to attend WSO at Choate- 4/24/1/5
  • Parker Farms Field Day- June 10th and rain date June 12th
  • Cook Hill Field Day- May 20th, and rain date May 27th.
  • 5th grade to Mt. Mist June 15th
  • 2nd grade musical May 27th
  • 2nd grade field trip to Hammonasset TBD
  • Youth Volunteer Awards Night- Town Hall (7-9pm)
  • 5th grade Promotion Day- date TBD
  • 3rd grade parent orientation- date TBD

Concerns, topics, questions we want to address as a PTAC?