Application Form – CNRC Grant Support

Contact person
Faculty, Division
Research project participants’ details
Name / Division, Faculty or external organisation / ECR yes/no / Role (eg CI, PI, ECR )
Project Details
Name of funding scheme
Type of funding sought
Project name
Project summary (approx 100 words)
Details of any ECR support this project will provide
Total funds sought from external funding agency $
Collaborating organisation contribution cash $ in-kind $
Any other information that will assist your application for CNRC grant support

CNRC Grant Support – Eligibility

The CNRC aims to foster cross-disciplinary research cooperation to build The University of Adelaide's research capacity in the broad area of neuroscience, as described on our website:
As an incentive to encourage applications for funding that meet our objectives, the cluster will offer support of $3000 per application for up to 4 grant applications submitted in 2007 by researchers within the cluster. This support will be provided to supplement other funding, such as that provided by faculties.
To be eligible for this support, applications must:
- be designed to develop collaboration that is cross-disciplinary and cross-faculty in nature;

- Involve more than one member of the Cluster and CI's in at least 2 faculties;

- be high quality applications for funding for postgraduate scholarships, post-doctoral fellows, ARC Discovery/Linkage, NHMRC or other equivalent research grants.
In the event that we receive a large number of applications that meet these criteria, we will give priority to applications that support an early career researcher within the Cluster;
Application process:

Application forms need to be submitted prior to the internal closing date for the scheme that the grant is to be submitted to. Applications will be assessed for support from this scheme by the CNRC Steering Committee and, if successful, funds transferred on evidence of submission of your proposal to Research Branch.

Researchers interested in taking advantage of this scheme are encourage to contact the CNRC early in the proposal process, in order to take advantage of support that the cluster would be able to provide, such as reading drafts, assisting with establishing partnerships etc.

Applications should be sent to Christine Barry: