The President, Chairman and Committee wish all members a very Happy and Successful New Year.


Current membership is approximately 160 including 4 honorary members. Welcome to Rev. Becky Ayers-Harris, Michael Chappell, Mrs Nicola Herbert and Ms Michelle Westwoodwho have joined the Society since the last Newsletter.


The Society’s expenditure this year will exceed its income. This is due in part to a number of one-off items of expenditure, notably refurbishing the exhibition equipment, buying two fans for the Arts Centre, and participating in the “Stations of the Cross” as a public art event.

Other decisions will have an impact on our running costs and income, such as:

  • introducing a flat rate £20 for attendance at workshops
  • subsidised coach trips (further trips are being investigated)
  • inviting donations to our selected charityand not the Society at exhibitions
  • re-introducing prizes awarded to the most promising students at Sir John Colfox and Beaminster Schools; two winners will receive £50 and four runners up £20.
  • using retail suppliers for catering at the Annual Exhibition
  • ending the charge for refreshments at the Society’s evening meetings.

The Committee aims for a break-even budget, and is prepared to make a small loss in preference to a substantial surplus. Resources will be directed towards measures that encourage participation in the activities of the Society.

The healthy reserves that have been built up over many years will be used either to improve our equipment or to contribute to the local community in a way that’s consistent with the aim of encouraging the visual arts. We are in the fortunate position of being able to meet the cost of any eventuality without having to raise fees. For that reason the Committee does not think there is a pressing need to substantially reduce the Society’s balances.


Membership fees will stay the same for 2016/17 at £14. Exhibition entry fees will stay the same for hung works (£2.50 each) but the rules for folios, prints and cards have changed.

The new fee will be £1 for each folio and print and for up to 20 cards, so someone submitting 4 folios, 5 prints and 20 cards will pay £10. There will, however, be NO commission levied on sales of these items. (Previously commission was 10% on folios and 20% on prints and cards.) These changes have led us to simplify the entry form so that all entries can now be recorded on the two halves of one form. There is no longer a separate form for cards and prints. It is hoped this simplification meets with members’ approval.


There will be two exhibitions this year owing to the planned refurbishment of the Arts Centre during the summer, subject to the Arts Council approving a grant. The date of the Annual Exhibition has now been fixed, whatever the outcome of the grant application.

1West Bay, Salt House - Easter – Open Friday 25 March to Tuesday 29 March

Entry Forms to Denise Revy by:Tuesday 8 March

Hand in:Thursday 24 March 12.00 to 1.00 pm

Collection:Tuesday 29 March 5.30 – 6.30 pm

Exhibition rules and entry forms are attached with this Newsletter, either by email or post

2Bridport Art Centre, Allsop Gallery – Annual Exhibition – Open Wednesday 7 September to Saturday 17 September (Sunday and Monday Closed)

Entry Forms to Denise Revy by:Tuesday 22 August

Hand in:Sunday 4 September 12.30 – 1.30 pm

Preview*Tuesday 6 September 7.00 – 9.00 pm

Collection:Sunday 18 September 12.30 – 1.30 pm

Rules and entry forms for the Annual Exhibition will be sent with the next Newsletter in April.

*Note the preview may be a day later this year, subject to discussions with the Arts Centre. This will be clarified in the next Newsletter.


Enough members were interested in participating in an exhibition at the Apple Tree to enable a date to be fixed (see last Newsletter). The exhibition will take place throughout June 2016. Elaine Butcher will be sending out further information, including rules and entry forms, to those who have expressed an interest. If you would like to take part and have not yet contacted Elaine, please do so either at or on 01308 456066.


Last October’s Salt House exhibition was only moderately successful and the Committee is minded to hold only two exhibitions next year, at Easter and the Annual in the summer. The possibility of extending the Easter exhibition so that it lasts a week will be explored.


We collected £106.30 for the Air Ambulance at our October exhibition, giving a grand total of £257 for the year. We will be collecting for the same charity again at this year’s exhibitions. Suggestions for a charity for 2017 are welcome.


FEBRUARY MEETING with Dee Cowell – Derwent Pencils

The St John Ambulance have informed us that their hall is being redecorated at the end of February and therefore we have had to find another hall for our scheduled meeting on 25 February. We have booked the Bridport Christian Fellowship Hall, King Street, situated in East Street car park, Bridport, for that evening (same time 7.30).



Members’ attention is drawn to a change of date for the AGM. The original date was Maundy Thursday, which was considered likely to be inconvenient for a number of people who have other priorities at Easter.The subject for the Marlow Trophy competition this year is “Autumn”, so bring along those paintings.


Philippa and Jan have been busy organising some very interesting Workshops for 2016, of which the first two are:

Roy Lang – 10 March 2016 - Oils - See more information and booking form with this Newsletter

Jake Winkle – 8th April 2016 – Watercolours – See more information and booking form with this Newsletter

Information on later workshops will be on the new Programme sent out in April.


A letter from Sonia Rose is enclosed with this newsletter. Please consider it carefully if you think you can do all or part of the Secretary’s job. Clive Baynes and Sonia are happy to talk about how we can fill this vital position with anyone – member or spouse of member, or even friend of member!


Enc:Entry Form and Rules for Easter Exhibition (2)

Workshop Forms (2)

Letter from Sonia