We Are Licensed/Approved to train, conduct RPL and Issue Certificates On:

1. Ancillary Health Care Qualification / 1 / Organized groups offering care services in communities, clinics, hospices, disability centres and old ages at a basic level of care
2. Fundamental Ancillary Health Care / 2 / Care workers offering services in the communities, old ages, hospices, disability centres monitored by health professionals.
3. Community Health Worker / 3 / Advanced care givers in communities, clinics, VCT Centres, disability centres and old ages.
4. Occupational Safety, Hygiene and
Environment / 2 / Employers in all workplaces (city or rural) as well as mining industry workers.
5. FET Certificate In Social Auxiliary / 4 / Assistant social workers offering social work services in communities and centres recommended by the government.
6. Counselling Skills Program
(generic/therapeutic) / 4 / Those working with people who experience problem in life
7. Provide HIV/AIDS Pre-Test
Information & Support / 4 / Those to conduct VCT in clinics and private places
8. Computer Training Skills Programs / 2 & 3 / Young people wishing to be self-employed or to be employed in the labour market
9. Community Health Worker / 4 / Those doing community work in an advanced level, in clinics, hospices, old ages, disability centres, etc


  1. Ancillary Health Care Qualification, NQF level 1, ID 49606.

Details Of Unit Standards / ID No / Credits / Level
BOOK 1: Literacy, Communication English and Basics Of Mathematics
Analyse cultural products and processes as representations of shape… / 7464 / 2 / 1
Collect, analyse, use and communicate numerical data / 7451 / 2 / 1
Critically analyse how mathematics is used in social, political and economic / 7449 / 2 / 1
Demonstrate an understanding of and use the numbering system / 14084 / 1 / 1
Describe and represent objects and the environment in terms of shape… / 7463 / 2 / 1
Engage in a range of speaking and listening interactions for…. / 12462 / 6 / 1
Explore and use a variety of strategies to learn (revised) / 12471 / 5 / 1
Read and respond to a range of text types / 12469 / 6 / 1
Use maps to access and communicate information concerning routes… / 7461 / 1 / 1
Working with numbers in various contexts / 7447 / 6 / 1
Write for a variety of different purposes / 12470 / 6 / 1
Sexuality, STIs and HIV/AIDS / 14656 / 5 / 1
Awareness Of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) / 119560 / 4 / 2
Accurate Information About HIV & AIDS / 116999 / 2 / 1
Anti Retroviral Treatment (ART) / 119561 / 6 / 1
Tuberculosis and TB DOTS / 117017 / 3 / 1
BOOK 3: Nutrition, Healthy Living & Community Health Promotion
Primary Health Care / 119559 / 10 / 1
Basic Health Promotion / 119563 / 8 / 1
Community Needs Assessment / 110044 / 12 / 1
Establishing Good Nutrition / 117007 / 12 / 2
Healthy Living Habits and Prevention of Substance Abuse / 14659 / 4 / 1
BOOK 4: Caring For Those Unable To Care For Themselves
Home Based Care, 9827, 12 credits / 9827 / 12 / 1
Caring For People With Disabilities / 116991 / 8 / 2
Accessing Health Related Services & Rights / 119564 / 5 / 1
BOOK 5: Emergency Care Management
Perform basic life support and first aid procedures / 119567 / 5 / 1
Preventing and Reducing Potential Disasters / 119566 / 5 / 1
BOOK 6: Personal Finance & Environmental Care
Plan and manage personal finances / 15092 / 5 / 1
Safety & Environmental Risks In The Local Environment / 113966 / 6 / 1

2. National Certificate: Fundamental Ancillary Health Care, NQF level 2, ID 49085,

160 Credits

Target: volunteers and workers in care services in communities, hospices, clinics, old ages, etc

8963 / Access and use information from texts / 2 / 5
9009 / Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of …. / 2 / 3
7480 / Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers and…systems / 2 / 3
9008 / Identify, describe, compare, classify, explore shape and motion in 2-and 3-… / 2 / 3
8962 / Maintain and adapt oral communication / 2 / 5
8967 / Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes / 2 / 5
7469 / Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of …. / 2 / 2
9007 / Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems / 2 / 5
8964 / Write for a defined context / 2 / 5
BOOK 2: HEALTH AND CARE (82 Credits)
9824 / Assess the inter-relationships between the individual, family and ….. (PHC) / 1 / 10
117017 / Provide information about Tuberculosis and …. treatment (DOTS) / 1 / 3
117007 / Assist in the establishment of good nutrition / 2 / 12
116995 / Participate in health promotion activities / 2 / 8
117493 / Provide information about HIV and AIDS and treatment options in … / 3 / 6
9823 / Perform basic life support and/or first aid procedures in emergencies / 1 / 5
117009 / Apply palliative care principles when assisting and supporting the client ….. / 3 / 10
117004 / Provide support relating to home based care / 3 / 16
117029 / Provide care to a frail person / 1 / 12
9826 / Assist community members to access services in accordance with their … / 1 / 5
11816 / Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the rights and responsibilities … / 2 / 2
11817 / Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the structures that reinforce …. / 2 / 3
116993 / Promote awareness of rights and responsibilities / 2 / 2
8493 / Maintain occupational health and safety / 2 / 2
14042 / Demonstrate knowledge of environmental health and community …practices / 2 / 6
11813 / Apply knowledge of self in order to make a life decision / 2 / 3
11818 / Investigate work opportunities in order to make a personal career/employment / 2 / 2
116987 / Apply active listening skills in the care and support environment(Counselling) / 3 / 6
14051 / Collect and record data / 2 / 3
12352 / Demonstrate knowledge of the roles and …of a community committee / 2 / 4
8420 / Operate in a team / 2 / 4

3. National Certificate: Community Health Work, NQF level 3, ID 49128

Target: Organised groups offering care services in communities, clinics, hospices, disabilities

Individuals wishing to have advanced qualifications in community care and computers

8968 / Accommodate audience and context needs in oral communication / 3 / 5
9010 / The use of different number bases and measurement units and an awareness of error / 3 / 2
9013 / Describe, apply, analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional / 3 / 4
8969 / Interpret and use information from texts / 3 / 5
9012 / Investigate life and work related problems using data and probabilities / 3 / 5
7567 / Produce and use spreadsheets for business / 3 / 5
7570 / Produce word processing documents for business / 3 / 5
8973 / Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes / 3 / 5
7456 / Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business and national issues / 3 / 5
8970 / Write texts for a range of communicative contexts / 3 / 5
114950 / Apply ways of leading in different situations / 2 / 3
12352 / Demonstrate knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of a community committee / 2 / 4
114952 / Apply problem-solving techniques to make a decision or solve a problem in a real life / 3 / 2
14920 / Participate in groups and/or teams to recommend solutions to problems / 4 / 3
114937 / Explain and apply ways of contributing towards community development / 3 / 5
117493 / Provide information about HIV and AIDS and treatment options in community care and support situations / 3 / 6
117498 / Demonstrate knowledge of the provision and implementation of primary health care within the community / 4 / 10
117506 / Implement Health Promotion in the community / 4 / 8
117016 / Institute preventive measures to reduce the potential impact of disasters / 3 / 14
117507 / Develop and implement a client ARV treatment plan / 4 / 6
114942 / Describe how to manage reactions arising from a traumatic event / 3 / 2
117504 / Identify and support the abused child / 4 / 6
117503 / Identify children with disabilities in the community / 3 / 8
117505 / Educate and support parents in childcare / 4 / 12

4.FET Certificate In Social Auxiliary Work, SAQA ID 23993, NQF Level 4

Literacy &Communication Skills / Communication, Writing skills, Reading and Responding
Mathematical Skills / Use Of Mathematics in daily life
Understanding Inflation, Statistical Methods
Monetary and fiscal/economic matters
Interest Rates, Research findings
Foreign Exchange rate & Currencies
Daily economic indicators, Data Collection and Analysis
Understanding South African Social Welfare Context / Social welfare policies, principles and practices
Developmental approach in social welfare
Roles of social auxiliary
The Nature And Purpose Of Social Auxiliary Work / The aim of social auxiliary work
Role and functions of social auxiliary work.
Differences & similarities of s/work & s/auxiliary work.
Discuss the limits of social auxiliary work.
The Values And Principles Contained In The Bill Of Rights And The Social Work Profession’s Code Of Ethics / Values and principles of social auxiliary work.
Principles in social welfare practice
Values and principles of social work & Bill of Rights
Social auxiliary work values in the service delivery.
The South African Judicial System and Social Welfare Legislation / How South Africa passes legislations
Role players of the various courts.
The role of social welfare in the judiciary system.
Identify 5 legislations that impact in social service delivery.
Professional Services Act in social auxiliary work practice
Human Behaviour, Relationships And Social Systems / Nature And Types Of Human Relationships
The Concept Of Human Relationships On Social Issues.
The Concept Of Cultural Diversity And Dynamics.
Develop And Adhere To Professional Relationships.
Methods And Techniques Of Social Work Auxiliary / working with individuals, working with families
working with groups, working with communities
Appropriate Resources in Service Delivery / Funds and how they are handled, welfare resources
The importance of collaboration between organisations
Appropriate referral tools, Referring clients.
Working in a multi-sectoral environment / Role of different stake holders in social welfare delivery
Use of team approach in delivery of social service
The ethics of teamwork
Working special needs / Types of people with special needs, social focus groups, role social auxiliary work in the provision of assistance
Recording And Reporting / Types of records for social services
Sample of social service record.
Standards and procedures of keeping records and reports
Research / purpose of research in social welfare, methods of research
Conducting research
Administration And Management Of Organisations / Non profit organisation Act , Social security grants
A funding proposal (drafting, procedures & methods)
Self-Awareness And Supervision OnPersonal Capacities, Attitudes, And Skills / Self-awareness by social auxiliary worker
Personal strengths and weaknesses & self-development.
The role of social worker as a supervisor
Willingness to work under supervision of a social worker

5. Occupational Safety, Hygiene and Environment, NQF Level 2, SAQ ID 48804

ID / MODULE 1 (Communication, Literacy and Mathematical Skills) / LEVEL / CREDITS
14110 / Fundamental Concepts And Principles In The Natural Sciences / Level 1 / 5
7507 / Understanding The Concept Of Science / Level 1 / 2
8963 / Accessing And Using Information From Texts / Level 2 / 5
9009 / Applying Knowledge Of Statistics To Investigate Life Related Problems / Level 2 / 3
7480 / Understanding Rational And Irrational Numbers And Number Systems / Level 2 / 3
9008 / Identify, Describe, Compare, Classify, Explore Shape And Motion / Level 2 / 3
8962 / Maintain And Adapt Oral Communication / Level 2 / 5
8967 / Language And Communication In Occupational Learning / Level 2 / 5
7469 / Mathematics For Financial Aspects Of Personal And Community Life / Level 2 / 2
9007 / Working With Patterns And Functions In Solving Problems / Level 2 / 5
8964 / Writing Skills / Level 2 / 5
MODULE 2 (Emergency Scene Management)
110075 / basic fire fighting techniques / Level 2 / 5
116527 / basic health and safety principles in and around a workplace / Level 1 / 2
115101 / Address workplace hazards and risks / Level 2 / 4
116520 / Apply safety, health and environmental principles and procedures in a workplace / Level 2 / 2
116518 / Conduct safety and health representation activities / Level 2 / 2
116533 / of emergency preparedness and response / Level 2 / 2
115091 / compliance to safety, health and environmental requirements in a workplace / Level 2 / 2
116534 / Carry out basic first aid treatment in the workplace / Level 3 / 2
115093 / Control workplace hazardous substances / Level 3 / 4
116509 / Apply primary emergency life support / Level 3 / 4
116496 / Provide primary emergency care for bleeding and wounds / Level 3 / 1
116497 / primary emergency care intervention for shock, unconsciousness and fainting / Level 3 / 1
MODULE 3 (Health and Hygiene)
14656 / sexuality and sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS / Level 1 / 5
115092 / Measure & record concentration of flammable and noxious gases and vapours / Level 2 / 2
119355 / Participating in the safety, health and environmental management programme / Level 2 / 2
115097 / Participating in the establishment, implementation of health and safety agreement / Level 2 / 2
116523 / basic occupational hygiene principles / Level 3 / 2
116507 / functional aspects of the human anatomy in primary emergency care terminology / Level 2 / 1
116498 / absenteeism related to occupational health/medical related conditions / Level 3 / 4
115096 / Issue and retrieve personal monitoring equipment / Level 1 / 1
MODULE 4 (Environmental Care)
7489 / the relationship between society and natural environment / Level 1 / 4
115105 / Determining wet and dry bulb temperature/whirling hygrometer / Level 2 / 2
115102 / record evironmental elements by geographical positioning system (GPS) / Level 2 / 2
115099 / Plan sampling and analysis / Level 2 / 2
115109 / Grading potential specified industrial processes to impact on environmental … / Level 3 / 5
116524 / Measure environmental factors and take appropriate action / Level 3 / 15
MODULE 5 (Compensation and Claims)
115087 / Conducting a preliminary incident investigation into workplace incidents / Level 2 / 2
116508 / compensation claims submissions for occupational injuries and diseases / Level 1 / 2
116503 / Completion of documentation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases / Level 2 / 3
MODULE 6 (Computer Literacy)
7548 / Use personal computer operating system / Level 2 / 3
7547 / Operate a personal computer system / Level 2 / 6

6. Counselling Skills (Problem-solving/Therapeutic Counselling)

Unit Standard Title / Details of what this Skills Program covers
SAQA ID: 114478
15 Credits
Conduct Basic Lay Counselling in a Structured Environment. / The Functions And Limits Of The Lay Counsellor
Qualities And Skills Of A Lay Counsellor
Counselling Models, Approach And Methods: Egan’s Counselling Model
The Legal And Ethical Requirements And Limits Of The Lay Counsellor
The Physical Outlay Of The Room Including Table, Chair, And Lighting Should Not Create A Barrier Or Obstruct The Counselling Process
Privacy And Confidentiality In Counselling
Apply The Principles Of Lay Counselling.
Active Listening, Questioning, Reflection, Verbal And Non-Verbal Communication.
Qualities In Professional Conselling: Confidentiality, Empathy, Acceptance, Reliability, Non-Judgmental.
Problem Identification, Establishing Rapport, Prioritizing, Facilitating Client’s Decision-Making
Records In Counseling: Drafting And Storage
Offering On-Going Support To Client
Self-Evaluation Of The Lay Counseling And The Need For On-Going Training

7. Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT)

Unit Standard Title / Details of what this Skills Program covers
SAQA ID: 114729
3 Credits
Provide HIV/AIDS Pre-Test Information & Support / Communication Skills: various forms and barriers of it in relation to VCT
The ethical and legal aspects of hiv testing
Human rights and confidentiality with regard to HIV testing
Requirements for informed consent, HIV testing prescribed written protocols
Provide information and support during the hiv pre test discussion
Types and phases of testing HIV testing
The possible implications of the outcome of the testing results
Addressing the client’s questions and concerns
Client’s opportunity to grant or withhold consent
Referring clients experiencing emotional and psychological problems to a professional counsellor


On completing this qualification, you will be having a lot of business opportunities

  • Starting a community care centre: (Home Based Care, Orphans, Old Age, Child care centre)
  • Start and run you own successful business
  • Work in youth based and life skills programmes:> e.g. Love Life, SoulCity.
  • Work in NGO’s such as Home Based Care


Grade 10 – Grade 12


The office has a full fee schedule on request. This is about registration, tuition fee, price for books, graduation and other requirements.