Power Plant Construction & QA/QC – QA 212
Quiz 4
This is a closed book quiz. No materials, notes, texts, computers, droids or reference material is allowed. If, during the quiz, you have a question, raise your hand and the instructor will come to you. If you need a break, close your quiz and turn it face down. Only one person is allowed out of the room at a time.
There is only one correct answer per question. For Multiple Choice or True-False, circle the correct letter choice. For short answer, write in your answers after the letter.
Before starting the quiz, read the quiz from cover to cover. Fill in any information requested, leave the score blank. Prior to turning in your quiz, verify that you have answered all questions. For quizzes, remain in your seat. For tests, you may leave the room after completing your test. Remain near the room in the event of any questions.
Good Luck!
Name: Date: Score:
- Space Solar Power transmission to earth involve what form of transmission?
- Heat
- Light
- Microwaves
- Radioactive Energy
- Space based PRS solar power generation is classified as which type of energy?
- Limited
- Renewable
- Break Even
- None of the above
- Which of the following is the methodology of operation for Geothermal Power generation?
- Direct Steam
- Flash Steam
- Binary
- All of the above
- Geothermal Power generation is accomplished by extracting which of the following?
- Superheated water that is flashed to steam for a steam turbine
- Superheated gas that is pumped to a gas turbine generator
- Steam that is piped to a steam turbine
- Both A and C above
- To maintain the supply of superheated water or steam for Geothermal Power generation, water that is condensed from steam from the steam turbine is injected back into the ground near the supply well.
- True
- False
- Wind is generated as a result of;
- Earth’s rotation
- Hot air rising from the ground
- Heat transfer from the Earth’s equatorial regions to the polar regions
- None of the above
- Wind turbines use a gearbox to perform which of the following?
- Decrease the speed of the turbine to a speed which is usable by the generator.
- Increase the speed of the turbine to a speed which is usable by the generator.
- Maintain the speed of the turbine to prevent fluctuations in the generator.
- None of the above.
- Biomass Power Generation plants use Hogs to reduce the size of fuel to a manageable size by which means
- Grinding
- Shredding
- Hammering
- Both B and C above
- Fuel cell plants uses which type fuel to generate power?
- Helium
- Hydrogen
- Hafnium
- Hematite
- Environmental Legislation and Regulation is the responsibility of which governmental group?
- Power Plant air emissions controls consist of;
- Electrostatic Precipitators
- Flue Gas Treatment
- Nitrous Oxide Controls
- All of the above
- Water Emission Controls are needed for which type of Power Plant water;
- Cooling
- Process
- Service
- Both A and B above
- Which governmental organization establishes the Noise Exposure Limits at 90 dB for an 8 hour period?
- The primary means of reducing power plant noise is by which of the following?
- Barriers
- Mufflers
- Enclosures
- All of the above
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