Leadership and Talent Development

Collaboration Self-Assessment


  1. Place a check mark or ‘X’ into the box that best represents you for each statement:

H = Hardly ever, S = Sometimes, O = Often, V = Very Often, A = Always

  1. Total each column under each heading of UNITE, to get a total for each column and section.
  2. Transfer your totals to page 2 on the rating sheet.

Hardly ever / Sometimes / Often / Very often / Always
U = Utilize Differences
  1. I believe everyone has something to contribute.

  1. I ensure everyone is heard.

  1. I actively seek different points of view.

  1. I encourage debate about ideas.

  1. I am comfortable with facilitating conflict.

U - Totals
N = Nurture Safety and Trust
  1. I encourage people to speak their mind.

  1. I consider all ideas before decisions are made.

  1. I share knowledge feely.

  1. I view mistakes as learning opportunities.

  1. I am clear with others about what I expect.

N - Totals
I = Involve Others in crafting a clear purpose, values, and goals.
  1. My team is committed to a shared purpose.

  1. I know the purpose of our project and why it is important.

  1. I hold myself and others accountable for adhering to our values.

  1. I check decisions against our stated values.

  1. I hold myself and others accountable for project outcomes.

I - Totals
T = Talk Openly
  1. I am considered a good listener.

  1. I share information about myself with my teammates.

  1. I seek information and ask questions.

  1. I give constructive feedback and am open to feedback from others.

  1. I encourage people to network with others.

T - Totals
E = Empower yourself and others
  1. I continually work to develop my competence.

  1. I feel empowered to give my opinion during idea sessions, even if I disagree.

  1. I actively build and share my network with others.

  1. I share my skills and knowledge with other departments.

  1. I believe my work is important to the organization.

E - Totals

Scoring Instructions

  1. Transfer each ofthe section totals from page 1to the rating sheet.
  2. Multiply your:H responses by 1, S responses by 2, Oresponses by 3, V responses by 4, A responses by 5, and place that product in the space provided.
  3. Add the numbers in the product line of each section across to determine your total score for that section; compare scores to legend.

Rating Sheet

U / H / S / O / V / A
Total # of answers
Multiplier / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Product / Score U =
N / H / S / O / V / A
Total # of answers
Multiplier / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Product / Score N =
I / H / S / O / V / A
Total # of answers
Multiplier / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Product / Score
I =
T / H / S / O / V / A
Total # of answers
Multiplier / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Product / Score T =
E / H / S / O / V / A
Total # of answers
Multiplier / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Product / Score E =

Scoring Legend

21 – 25: Outstanding. Keep up the good work.

17 – 20: Very Good. You are definitely on the right track.

14 – 16: Average. Keep working at it.

<13: Poor. Pay attention – there is lots of room for improvement.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • In which areas did I score the highest?
  • In which area did I score the lowest? What actions can I take to improve my skills in this area?
  • Did the results surprise me? How?


From, Collaboration Begins with You: Be a Silo Buster. Ken Blanchard, Jane Ripley, Eunice Parisi- Carew. Polvera Publishing, 2015.