English 9
Ms. Leuthner
Be respectful. This is a classroom of RESPECT. This includes respecting other people’s property (including mine), using appropriate language, respecting the ideas/opinions of others, and respecting yourself. Remember that we are here to learn and everyone has the right to do so in a respectful environment!
Be ready. This means Bring Your Own Stuff. Do not expect Ms. Leuthner to furnish you with a pen, paper, textbook, highlighter, homework, shoes, socks, breakfast, or any other necessity. You are in high school, and this is your responsibility.
* If you forget something, borrow from a neighboror leave collateral for a pencil from me. If you have to go back to your locker, it will count as a tardy.*
Be on time. It wastes other students’ time to repeat instructions; therefore it is RESPECTFUL to be in class on time. If you are late, you will:
A) Lose daily points,
B) Not be allowed to leave class for your locker, bathroom, office, counselor, etc. that day,
C) Miss out on assignments passed out at the start of class,
D) After 3 tardies, be invited to attend Ms. Leuthner’s SNAP. If tardiness persists, further actions will be taken.
Be professional. We are learning tools for success in the “real world”. Besides working on reading, writing, and speaking, we will also work on other qualities of the business professional. These include being present, punctual, positive, and a team player. Professionals are rewarded for quality work, for being creative, and for going beyond expectations. How will you be professional on your journey in English 9?
Class Components
Our main text for this trimester will be The Odysseyby Homer.
You will learn the basics of effective communication and give speeches using those techniques.
You will complete short writing assignments based on prompts and one to two large papers.
We will do Content Area Reading (CAR) several times a week and do other reading in and out of class.
We will concentrate on the parts of speech and sentence structure.
94-100% A
90-93% A-
87-89% B+
83-86% B
80-82% B-
77-79% C+
73-76% C
70-72% C-
67-69% D+
63-66% D
60-62% D-
below 60% F
Grades are posted on the back cupboard, along with the grading scale.
Grades are determined by exams, quizzes, daily work, papers, participation, professionalism etc.
Essential Assignments: You will not pass the class unless you complete all essential/major assignments, and all typed papers must be turned in to turnitin.com to receive credit.
Plagiarism or cheating will result in a 0 for the assignment.
If you miss an assignment due to an unexcused absence, you will not be able to make it up.
Make up Work: located in the black class binder. Please always grab these sheets first. Do your best to keep them in order. If you are absent you should first grab any handouts (sift through as people tend to shuffle them around), then ask classmates if we took notes, etc,and finally come and ask the teacher.
Assigned work: is almost always to be handed in at the beginning of the hour. If it is not done when the bell rings, it becomes late. If you are tardy to class, your homework is late.
Late work is docked by 25% for the first day(unless otherwise noted), 50% for days after.
Work can be turned in until a designated date at mid-term or the end of the trimester.
If you are absent, you receive two days to make up DAILY work. Large or extended projects are due on the due date, regardless of absence.
If you have a legitimate excuse and need an extension, just ask by talking to me first thing in the morning, calling ahead, or e-mailing ahead. I have no problem giving extensions for honest reasons. However, please remember that the class period an assignment is due is too late to ask for an extension.
My classroom is a silent SNAP. Only my current students and homeroom are invited to come to get help, complete work, or read. I have lots of books and magazines to choose from.
Contact Information
The easiest way to contact me is through e-mail-
Phone- (763) 497-2192 ext. 83472
I also post information on my wiki site, which you can access through the school website.
Please sign, date, and returnconfirming that you have read and understand the class expectations and guidelines.
Student(print then sign)______/______
Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. ~Chinese Proverb
I look forward to learning with all of you!
Ms. Leuthner