Minutes of the meeting held on the18th
Present: Mrs J Prosser, Mr G Smith,Mrs B Anderson,Mrs H Hepworth,Mrs E Dowes,Mr N Ruddick, Mrs J Willetts (Clerk),Mrs V Scourfield, Mr B Wohl and Mrs S Taylor.
1. Apologies for Absence: Mrs S Stuart and Mrs G Leach.
2. Declaration of Business Interest/Confidentiality:
No business interests were declared.
3. To approve the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting on 9th May 2016 were agreed to be a true record of the meeting and signed by Mr Wohl. The actions from the previous meeting were discussed and updated.
NR explained to the Governors about liability in the car park, should an accident occur and HH showed the new signs which will be prominently displayed in the car park for the new term. Action: It was agreed that the Governors should send a letter per term to nursery parents, explaining that the car park can only be used by staff and authorised vehicles and also not as a walkway.
HH suggested that the nursery contract and rent should be reviewed. The Governors were all in agreement. Action: Re-visit legal relationship with the nursery in the new term.
4. Head teacher’s report
The Head Teacher’s report had been circulated prior to the meeting. A copy is attached.
JPand ST commented that the report was a very interesting read and NR stated that it was commendable how much had been achieved during the term. HH expressed how happy the children had been during their swimming trips and how the children’s behaviour and manners are continually praised by outsiders, as had been the case during the leaver’s meal. BW praised the school for using the sports money to fund the walking up a fell summer trip; he felt it was a great demonstration of health and wellbeing.
HH circulated a report on pupil accidents, 24 injuries had been reported during the summer term. It was agreed that the Health & Safety Governor – NR, should review the accident log book once a term in school.
5. SIP (School Improvement Plan)
HH had circulated the strategic intention section of the SIPprior to the meeting and all the Governors had found the evaluation very useful.
HH explained further that all the teachers are dedicated to the schools vision and preparing the children for the future. This is a very important section of the SIP; HH stated that Armathwaite School is part of a global community and as such the teachers take the responsibility of discussing the wider picture with pupils.
BW commented that the creativity exhibition will be a great way of communicating the child initiated learning to parents.
Action: HH to email the last sections of the SIP to Governors during the summer holiday.
The new SIP for the next academic year was discussed. BW asked HH if there was anything the Governors could help with and JP wondered what partnership Governors role with the SIP is? HH explained the process of writing the SIP, that it is formed in collaboration with the staff. Action: HH asked the Governors to evaluate the SIP over the summer: Is it an effective document and does it require pairing back?
6. Student voice
HH explained that Orian had received a complaint regarding the school dinners and the chair of the PTFA had approached the school with some parent’s views. In response to this complaint the parent has been invited to join the children for lunch, and a questionnaire has been sent out to parents, asking the children to evaluate each meal. 21 replies have currently been received, which will help establish which meals need changing. HH stressed how hard Jane had worked during the children’s swimming sessions to provide the children with a hot meal, and stated that Jane is totally flexible and avery hard working member of the team. A solution is to offer parents the opportunity to join the children for school dinners on certain days throughout the year.
Funds from the Government for pupils lunches was also discussed and HH explained that the nursery have decided that they will no longer be providing lunches.
7. PE and school sport fun
Recorded in the Head Teacher’s report.
8. Special needs and pupil premium
BA reported on the transition work which has been carried out to ensure the smooth transition of a child with a statement to secondary school.
BA explained that the next step will be to identify children for intervention in the new term.
9. Committee Reports
a) Finance & Staffing – School Financial Value Statement
The current balance stands at £115,172. Action: Appointment of a new finance governor required at the next Governor meeting in September.
b)Working Environment Committee/Health & Safety issues.
The committee have not met.
10. Policies for approval and to be approved
- Health & Safety Policy – ED recommended approval of the policy, JP seconded and all Governors were in agreement.
- School absence enforcement procedure – NR recommended approval of the policy, BW seconded and all Governors were in agreement.
- Capability policy – passed to BW to read and report at the next meeting.
- Charging & Permissions policy - BA recommended approval of the policy, BW seconded and all Governors were in agreement.
- Teacher appraisal - passed to BW to read and report at the next meeting.
11. Governor visits
No formal visits this half term.
12. Safeguarding – incident report
Nothing to report.
13. Governor Training since last meeting
14. Correspondence
HH reported that a letter had been received from a pupil expressing how they had “the best few week of my life”, having had so much fun swimming and on the trip.
15. Any other business
ED asked the Governors to consider the costs of the Key, it was agreed to stop paying the £402 for the Governor section. Access to the key for Governors will now be provided in school.
HH thanked Susan Taylor for her 18 years as governor and thanked Viv Scourfield and Gill Leach for their work and support during their term as Governor.
HH fed back the details on academisation from the recent CASL conference and distributed the parent questionnaires which the school will be sending out.
HH reported all the SATS results to the Governors, but further details will be provided at the next Governor meeting. The Governors congratulated the school on their achievements.
Date of the next meeting:
The next Full Governors Meeting will be held on Monday26th September2016 at 7.00pm.
Signed ……………………………………. Chair of Governors
Date ……………………………..
Actions from Meeting 9/5/165 / Prevent certificates to be emailed to school / Governors
Actions from Meeting 18 July 2016
1 / Send letter to Nursery Parents re car park. / Governors
2 / Re new Nursery contract and rent / HH & Govs
3 / Evaluate SIP over the summer / Govs
4 / Appoint a new Finance Gov. / Govs
Mrs H Hepworth (Head Teacher) – HH
Mr B Wohl - BW
Mrs S Stuart - SS
Mrs B Anderson - BA
Mrs G Leach - GL
Mrs J Prosser- JP
Mrs E Dowes - ED
Mrs J Willetts (Clerk) - JW
Mr G Smith- GS
Mrs V Scourfield - VS
Mr N Ruddick - NR
Mrs S Taylor - ST
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