Newcastle Allotment Working Group(NAWG)

Minutes of Meeting Thursday 9th February 2017 @6.30pm in Room 300 Civic Centre
Keith Rogerson (KR)Chairman,Mark Todd (MT)Newcastle Allotment Officer,Paul Herbertson(PH)Secretary (minutes),Matty Hall (MH) Funding Officer, Sean Thompson (ST), Ian Campbell (IC),Bob Heyman(BH),Vanessa Robinson (VR).
Sue Cumming, AngelaFoster, John Tucker,Leon Stewart, DonaldRobinson, SueJohnson, Susan Pownall,Michael Armstrong.
MINUTES of the12th January 2017 were agreed as a correct record.
Matters Arising not covered by main agenda:
Web Site.
(KR) Informed the meeting he was happy for the Secretary to have access to all areas of the web site.
Break ins and theft from sites.
(KR) reminded the meeting that all crime numbers must be reported to (MT).
Fund Raising.
(MH) informed the meeting the draw for the St James Park raffle would now be held at the March meeting of the NAWG.
(MH) went on to update the meeting on the progress of future raffle opportunities he has secured principally at the Sandman Hotel and a joint opportunity with the Lemington Centre.
Parks Trust.
The meeting then entered into a long and detailed discussion focusing on the opportunities and potential pitfalls for the Allotments in the city and the implications for NAWG.It was agreed that the NAWG should compile a record of the issues to which it would seek clarification from the consultation process. Members of the NAWG were asked to forward their viewsto (PH) so he could co- ordinate into a single document for the NAWGs consideration.
Financial Statement January 2017
(MT) reported a balance of £4520.71left in the budget.
NAWG business account balance stood at £3779.29 and the current account balance was £51.37.Copy of Statement attached to official minutes.
(BH) requested a skip.
Date of the next meeting, 9thMarch 2017