Supplementary Table S1 Definitions of job groups analysed

Job Group / Units in Classification of Occupations 1980 / Units in Standard Occupational Classification 1990 / Units in Standard Occupational Classification 2000
Marketing and Sales Managers combined / 005.1 / Marketing and sales managers and executives / 121 / Marketing and sales managers / 1132 / Marketing and sales managers
005.2 / Advertising and PR executives / 122 / Purchasing managers / 1133 / Purchasing managers
005.3 / Buyers (retail trade) / 123 / Advertising & PR Managers / 1134 / Advertising and public relations managers
005.4 / Buyers and purchasing officers (not retail) / 700 / Buyers (retail trade) / 1142 / Customer care managers
701 / Buyers and purchasing officers (not retail) / 1163 / Retail and wholesale managers
3433 / Public relations officers
3541 / Buyers and purchasing officers
3543 / Marketing associate professionals
3544 / Estate agents, auctioneers
Vocational Trainers, Social Scientists etc. / 012.1 / Vocational and industrial trainers / 232 / Education officers, school inspectors / 2212 / Psychologists
012.2 / Education officers, school inspectors / 235 / Special education teaching professionals / 2313 / Education officers, school inspectors
012.3 / Social and behavioural scientists / 239 / Other teaching professionals nec / 2316 / Special needs education teaching professionals
290 / Psychologists / 2319 / Teaching professionals nec
291 / Other social and behavioural scientists / 2322 / Social science researchers
391 / Vocational and industrial trainers / 3563 / Vocational and industrial trainers and instructors
392 / Careers advisers and vocational guidance specialists / 3564 / Careers advisers and vocational guidance specialists
Doctors / 015.1 / Medical Practitioners / 220 / Medical Practitioners / 2211 / Medical practitioners
Other Health Professions combined / 017.3 / Ophthalmic and dispensing opticians / 222 / Ophthalmic opticians / 2214 / Ophthalmic opticians
017.5 / Chiropodists / 344 / Chiropodists / 3215 / Chiropodists
017.6 / Therapists nec / 345 / Dispensing opticians / 3216 / Dispensing opticians
018.1 / Medical technicians, dental auxiliaries / 346 / Medical technicians, dental auxiliaries / 3218 / Medical and dental technicians
107.2 / Dental technicians / 347 / Occupational and speech therapists, psychotherapists, therapists nec / 3222 / Occupational therapists
348 / Environmental health officers / 3223 / Speech and language therapists
349 / Other health associate professionals nec / 3229 / Therapists nec
592 / Dental Technicians / 3568 / Environmental health officers
643 / Dental nurses / 6113 / Dental nurses
6131 / Veterinary nurses and assistants
Professional athletes, sports officials / 023.1 / Professional sportsmen, sports officials / 387 / Professional athletes, sports officials / 3441 / Sports players
3442 / Sports coaches, instructors and officials
3443 / Fitness instructors
3449 / Sports and fitness occupations nec
Chemical Engineers and Scientists / 024.2 / Chemical scientists / 200 / Chemists / 2111 / Chemists
028.1 / Chemical engineers / 215 / Chemical engineers / 2125 / Chemical engineers
Other Professional Engineers / 025 / Civil, structural, municipal, mining and quarrying engineers / 210 / Civil, structural, municipal, mining and quarrying engineers / 1137 / Research and development managers
026.1 / Mechanical and aeronautical engineers / 211 / Mechanical engineers / 1141 / Quality and assurance managers
026.2 / Design and development engineers (mechanical) / 216 / Design and development engineers / 2121 / Civil engineers
028.2 / Production engineers / 217 / Process and production engineers / 2122 / Mechanical engineers
028.3 / Planning and quality control engineers / 218 / Planning and quality control engineers / 2126 / Design and development engineers
028.4 / Engineers nec / 219 / Other engineers and technologists nec / 2127 / Production and process engineers
028.6 / Technologists nec / 2128 / Planning and quality control engineers
2129 / Engineering professionals nec
Draughtspersons / 029 / Draughtsmen / 310 / Draughtspersons / 3122 / Draughtspersons
Laboratory Technicians / 030.1 / Laboratory technicians / 300 / Laboratory technicians / 3111 / Laboratory technicians
030.2 / Engineering technicians, technician engineers / 301 / Engineering technicians / 3113 / Engineering technicians
136.8 / Foremen - laboratory assistants
138.1 / Laboratory assistants
Aircraft Flight Deck Officers / 032.1 / Aircraft flight deck officers / 331 / Aircraft flight deck officers / 3512 / Aircraft pilots and flight engineers
Seafarers / 032.3 / Deck, engineering and radio officers and pilots, ship / 332 / Ship and hovercraft officers / 3513 / Ship and hovercraft officers
147 / Foremen - ships, lighters and other vessels / 880 / Seafarers (merchant navy); barge, lighter and boat operatives / 8217 / Seafarers (merchant navy); barge, lighter and boat operatives
148 / Deck, engine-room hands, bargemen, lightermen, boatmen
Other Technicians / 033.1 / Architectural and town planning technicians / 303 / Architectural and town planning technicians / 3114 / Building and civil engineering technicians
033.2 / Building and civil engineering technicians / 304 / Building and civil engineering technicians / 3115 / Quality assurance technicians
033.3 / Technical and related workers nec / 309 / Other scientific technicians nec / 3119 / Science and engineering technicians nec
390 / Information officers / 3121 / Architectural and town planning technicians
396 / Occupational hygienists and safety officers (health and safety) / 3539 / Business and related associate professionals nec
399 / Other associate professional and technical occupations nec / 3551 / Conservation and environmental protection officers
3567 / Occupational hygienists and safety officers (health and safety)
Production and maintenance managers / 034 / Production, works and maintenance managers, works foremen / 110 / Production, works and maintenance managers / 1121 / Production, works and maintenance managers
Managers in Construction / 035.1 / Managers in building and contracting / 111 / Managers in building and contracting / 1122 / Managers in construction
035.2 / Clerks of works / 112 / Clerks of works
Managers in Transport, Mining and Energy Industries / 036.1 / Managers in mining and public utilities / 113 / Managers in mining and energy industries / 1123 / Managers in mining and energy
036.2 / Transport managers / 140 / Transport managers / 1161 / Transport and distribution managers
036.3 / Stores controllers / 141 / Stores controllers / 1162 / Storage and warehouse managers
036.4 / Managers in warehousing and materials handling nec / 142 / Managers in warehousing and other materials handling
Butchers / 038.2 / Butchers (managers and proprietors) / 178 / Managers and proprietors of butchers and fishmongers / 5431 / Butchers, meat cutters
090.2 / Foremen - butchers, meat cutters / 581 / Butchers, meat cutters
092.1 / Butchers, meat cutters
Publicans and Bar staff / 039.1 / Hotel and residential club managers / 175 / Publicans, innkeepers and club stewards / 1224 / Publicans and managers of licensed premises
039.2 / Publicans / 622 / Bar staff / 9225 / Bar staff
039.4 / Club stewards
063.3 / Supervisors of barmen, barmaids
065.2 / Barmen, barmaids
Farming and Fishing combined / 040 / Farmers, horticulturalists, farm managers / 160 / Farm owners and managers, horticulturists / 1211 / Farm managers
076.1 / Farm foremen / 169 / Other managers in farming, horticulture, forestry and fishing nec / 1219 / Managers in animal husbandry, forestry and fishing nec
076.2 / Horticultural foremen / 594 / Gardeners, groundsmen/ groundswomen / 3552 / Countryside and park rangers
076.3 / Foremen gardeners and groundsmen / 595 / Horticultural trades / 5111 / Farmers
076.4 / Agricultural machinery foremen / 900 / Farm workers / 5112 / Horticultural trades
076.6 / Other foremen in farming and related / 901 / Agricultural machinery drivers and operatives / 5113 / Gardeners and groundsmen/ groundswomen
077 / Farm workers / 902 / All other occupations in farming and related / 5119 / Agricultural and fishing trades nec
078.1 / Horticultural workers / 903 / Fishing and related workers / 6139 / Animal care occupations nec
078.2 / Gardeners, groundsmen / 8223 / Agricultural machinery drivers
079 / Agricultural machinery drivers, operators / 9111 / Farm workers
081 / Supervisors, mates - fishing / 9119 / Fishing and agriculture related occupations nec
082 / Fishermen
083 / All other in farming and related
Armed Forces / 041 / Officers, UK armed forces / 150 / Officers in UK armed forces / 1171 / Officers in armed forces
042 / Officers, foreign and Commonwealth armed forces / 151 / Officers in foreign and Commonwealth armed forces / 3311 / NCOs and other ranks
058 / NCOs and other ranks, UK armed forces / 600 / NCOs and other ranks, UK armed forces
059 / NCOs and other ranks, foreign and Commonwealth armed forces / 601 / NCOs and other ranks, foreign and Commonwealth armed forces
Police / 043.2 / Police officers (inspectors and above) / 152 / Police officers (inspector and above) / 1172 / Police officers (inspectors and above)
060.1 / Police sergeants / 610 / Police officers (sergeant and below) / 3312 / Police officers (sergeant and below)
061.1 / Policemen (below sergeant)
Fire Service Personnel / 043.3 / Fire service officers / 153 / Fire service officers (station officer and above) / 3313 / Fire service officers (leading fire officer and below)
060.2 / Fire service supervisors / 611 / Fire service officers (leading fire officer and below)
061.2 / Firemen
Sales Representatives / 057.1 / Importers, exporters, commodity brokers / 702 / Importers and exporters / 3536 / Importers, exporters
057.4 / Credit agents, collector salesmen / 703 / Air, commodity and ship brokers / 3542 / Sales representatives
057.5 / Sales representatives / 710 / Technical and wholesale sales representatives / 7121 / Collector salespersons and credit agents
057.6 / Sales representatives (property and services), other agents / 719 / Other sales representatives nec
730 / Collector salespersons and credit agents
Other Service Personnel combined / 044.1 / Proprietors and managers, service flats, holiday flats, caravan sites, etc / 630 / Travel and flight attendants / 6121 / Nursery nurses
067.1 / Housekeepers (non-domestic) / 670 / Domestic housekeepers and related occupations / 6122 / Childminders and related occupations
067.2 / Supervisors of other domestic and school helpers / 671 / Housekeepers (non-domestic) / 6123 / Playgroup leaders/assistants
067.3 / Supervisors of travel stewards and attendants / 672 / Caretakers / 6124 / Educational assistants
067.5 / Supervisors of hotel porters / 699 / Other personal and protective service occupations nec / 6211 / Sports and leisure assistants
068.1 / Domestic housekeepers / 941 / Messengers, couriers / 6213 / Travel and tour guides
068.2 / Nursery nurses / 951 / Hotel porters / 6214 / Air travel assistants
068.3 / Other domestic and school helpers / 955 / Lift and car park attendants / 6219 / Leisure and travel service occupations nec
069.1 / Travel stewards and attendants / 956 / Window cleaners / 6231 / Housekeepers and related occupations
069.3 / Hotel porters / 957 / Road sweepers / 6232 / Caretakers
071.1 / Supervisors of caretakers / 958 / Cleaners, domestics / 6292 / Pest control officers
071.2 / Supervisors of cleaners, window cleaners, chimney sweeps, road sweepers / 959 / Other occupations in sales and services nec / 7212 / Customer care occupations
071.4 / Supervisors of lift and car park attendants / 650 / Nursery nurses / 9222 / Hotel porters
072.1 / Caretakers / 651 / Playgroup leaders / 9226 / Leisure and theme park attendants
072.2 / Cleaners, window cleaners, chimney sweeps, road sweepers / 652 / Educational assistants / 9229 / Elementary personal services occupations nec
075.2 / Lift and car park attendants / 659 / Other childcare and related occupations nec / 9231 / Window cleaners
153.1 / Bus conductors / 875 / Bus conductors / 9232 / Road sweepers
153.2 / Drivers' mates / 934 / Drivers' mates / 9233 / Cleaners, domestics
9239 / Elementary cleaning occupations nec
9244 / School mid-day assistants
9245 / Car park attendants
9259 / Elementary sales occupations nec
Rail travel assistants combined / 071.3 / Supervisors of railway stationmen / 631 / Railway Station Staff / 6215 / Rail travel assistants
075.1 / Railway stationmen / 881 / Railway Inspectors, Supervisors & Guards
149.1 / Foremen - railway guards
149.4 / Foremen - other foremen rail transport
150.2 / Railway guards
Forestry Workers / 076.5 / Forestry foremen / 904 / Forestry Workers / 9112 / Forestry workers
080 / Forestry workers
Leather and related trades combined / 084.1 / Foremen - tannery production workers / 555 / Shoe Repairers, Leather Cutters & Sewers etc. / 5413 / Leather and related trades
084.2 / Foremen - shoe repairers / 810 / Tannery Production Operatives
084.3 / Foremen - leather cutters and sewers, footwear lasters, makers, finishers
084.4 / Foremen - other making and repairing - leather
085.1 / Tannery production workers
085.2 / Shoe repairers
085.3 / Leather cutters and sewers, footwear lasters, makers, finishers
107.7 / Other making and repairing - leather
Weavers and knitters combined / 086.4 / Foremen - warp preparers / 550 / Weavers / 5411 / Weavers and knitters
086.5 / Foremen - weavers / 551 / Knitters
086.6 / Foremen - knitters
087.4 / Warp preparers
087.5 / Weavers
087.6 / Knitters
Other Textile Processing Operatives combined / 086.1 / Foremen - preparatory fibre processors / 811 / Preparatory Fibre Processors / 8113 / Textile process operatives
086.2 / Foremen - spinners, doublers, twisters / 812 / Spinners, doublers, twisters
086.3 / Foremen - winders, reelers / 813 / Winders, reelers
086.8 / Foremen - menders, darners / 814 / Other Textile Processing Operatives
086.9 / Foremen - other material processing - textiles
087.1 / Preparatory fibre processors
087.2 / Spinners, doublers, twisters
087.3 / Winders, reelers
087.8 / Menders, darners
098.4 / Other material processing - textiles
136.2 / Foremen inspectors, viewers, examiners –textiles
138.2 / Inspectors, viewers, examiners - textiles
159.1 / Foremen - labourers and unskilled workers nec - textiles (not textile goods)
160.1 / Labourers and unskilled workers nec - textiles (not textile goods)
Chemical workers combined / 086.7 / Foremen - bleachers, dyers, finishers / 552 / Warp Preparers, Bleachers, Dyers & Finishers / 8114 / Chemical and related process operatives
087.7 / Bleachers, dyers, finishers / 820 / Chemical, Gas & Petroleum Process Plant Operatives / 8119 / Process operatives nec
088 / Foremen - chemical processing / 826 / Synthetic Fibre Makers
089 / Chemical, gas and petroleum process plant operators / 829 / Other Chemicals, Paper, Plastics & Related Process Operatives nec
095.5 / Foremen - calender and extruding machine operators, moulders (plastics)
095.6 / Foremen - man-made fibre makers
097.2 / Calender and extruding machine operators, moulders (plastics)
098.1 / Man-made fibre makers
159.2 / Foremen - labourers and unskilled workers nec - chemicals and allied trades
160.2 / Labourers and unskilled workers nec - chemicals and allied trades
Bakers / 090.1 / Foremen - bakers, flour confectioners / 580 / Bakers, flour confectioners / 5432 / Bakers, flour confectioners
091 / Bakers, flour confectioners / 800 / Bakery and confectionery process operatives
Other Food, Drink & Tobacco Process Operatives nec combined / 090.4 / Foremen - brewery and vinery process workers / 801 / Brewery & vinery process operatives / 8111 / Food, drink and tobacco process operatives
090.5 / Foremen - other material processing - bakery and confectionery workers / 802 / Tobacco Process Operatives
090.6 / Foremen - other material processing - food and drink nec / 809 / Other Food, Drink & Tobacco Process Operatives nec
098.2 / Brewery and vinery process workers
098.5 / Other material processing - bakery and confectionery workers
098.6 / Other material processing - tobacco
098.7 / Other material processing - food and drink nec
136.3 / Foremen inspectors, viewers, examiners - food
138.3 / Inspectors, viewers, examiners - food
Paper and wood machine operatives combined / 093.1 / Foremen - paper, paperboard and leatherboard workers / 572 / Case & Box Makers / 8121 / Paper and wood machine operatives
093.3 / Foreman - cutting and slitting machine operators (paper and paper products making) / 821 / Paper, Wood & Related Process Plant Operatives
093.4 / Foremen - other material processing - wood and paper / 822 / Cutting & Slitting Machine Operatives (paper products etc)
093.5 / Foremen - other making and repairing, paper goods and printing / 897 / Woodworking Machine Operatives
094.1 / Paper, paperboard and leatherboard workers
094.3 / Cutting and slitting machine operators (paper and paper products making)
098.8 / Other material processing - wood and paper
104.3 / Foremen - case and box makers
104.5 / Foremen - sawyers, veneer cutters, woodworking machinists
105.3 / Case and box makers
106 / Sawyers, veneer cutters, woodworking machinists
107.9 / Other making and repairing, paper goods and printing
134.4 / Foremen assemblers - paper production, processing and printing
136.9 / Foremen - inspectors, sorters in paper production, processing and printing
138.7 / Inspectors, sorters in paper production, processing and printing
138.8 / Assemblers - paper production, processing and printing
Glass and ceramics workers combined / 095.1 / Foremen - glass and ceramics furnacemen, kilnsetters / 590 / Glass product & ceramic makers / 5491 / Glass and ceramics makers, decorators and finishers
095.2 / Foremen - glass formers and shapers, finishers, decorators / 591 / Glass product & ceramic finishers & decorators / 8112 / Glass and ceramics process operatives
095.3 / Foremen - casters and other pottery makers / 823 / Glass & ceramics furnace operatives, kilnsetters
095.8 / Foremen - other making and repairing - glass and ceramics
096.1 / Glass and ceramics furnacemen, kilnsetters
096.2 / Glass formers and shapers, finishers, decorators
096.3 / Casters and other pottery makers
107.5 / Other making and repairing - glass and ceramics
132.1 / Foremen - pottery decorators
133.1 / Pottery decorators
159.4 / Foremen - labourers and unskilled workers nec - glass and ceramics
160.4 / Labourers and unskilled workers nec - glass and ceramics
Coal miners combined / 095.7 / Foremen - washers, screeners and crushers in mines and quarries / 597 / Face Trained Coalmining Workers, Shotfirers & Deputies / 8122 / Coal mine operatives
098.3 / Washers, screeners and crushers in mines and quarries / 890 / Washers, screeners and crushers in mines and quarries
159.7 / Foremen - labourers and unskilled workers nec - coal mines / 910 / Coal mine labourers
160.7 / Labourers and unskilled workers nec - coal mines
144 / Foremen/deputies - coalmining
145 / Face-trained coalmining workers
Upholsterers / 101.4 / Foremen - coach trimmers, upholsterers, mattress makers / 554 / Coach trimmers, upholsterers, mattress makers / 5412 / Upholsterers
103 / Coach trimmers, upholsterers, mattress makers
Carpenters & Joiners / 104.1 / Foremen - carpenters, joiners / 570 / Carpenters & Joiners / 5315 / Carpenters and joiners
105.1 / Carpenters, joiners
Cabinet Makers combined / 104.2 / Foremen - cabinet makers / 571 / Cabinet makers / 5492 / Furniture makers, other craft woodworkers
104.6 / Foremen - other making and repairing, wood / 579 / Other woodworking trades nec
105.2 / Cabinet makers / 920 / Mates to woodworking trades workers
107.1 / Labourers and mates to woodworking craftsmen
107.6 / Other making and repairing - wood
136.6 / Foremen inspectors, viewers, examiners - woodwork
138.6 / Inspectors, viewers, examiners - woodwork
Smiths & Forge Workers / 108.3 / Foremen - smiths, forgemen / 530 / Smiths & Forge Workers / 5211 / Smiths and forge workers
109.3 / Smiths, forgemen
Moulders, Core Makers, Die Casters / 108.5 / Foremen - moulders, coremakers, die casters / 531 / Moulders, Core Makers, Die Casters / 5212 / Moulders, core makers, die casters
110.2 / Moulders, coremakers, die casters
Electroplaters combined / 108.6 / Foremen - electroplaters / 834 / Electroplaters, Galvanisers, Colour Coaters / 8118 / Electroplaters
108.8 / Foremen - galvanisers, tin platers, dip platers
110.3 / Electroplaters
131.2 / Galvanisers, tin platers, dip platers
Other Metal Manufacturers combined / 108.1 / Foremen - furnace operating occupations (metal) / 830 / Furnace Operatives (metal) / 8117 / Metal making and treating process operatives
108.2 / Foremen - rollermen / 831 / Metal Drawers / 9131 / Labourers in foundries
108.4 / Foremen - metal drawers / 832 / Rollers
108.7 / Foremen - annealers, hardeners, temperers (metal) / 833 / Annealers, Hardeners, Temperers (metal)
108.9 / Foremen - metal making and treating workers nec / 839 / Other metal making and treating process operatives nec
109.1 / Furnace operating occupations (metal) / 911 / Labourers in foundries
109.2 / Rollermen
110.1 / Metal drawers
110.4 / Annealers, hardeners, temperers (metal)
131.3 / Metal making and treating workers nec
159.5 / Foremen - labourers and unskilled workers nec - foundries in engineering and allied trades
160.5 / Labourers and unskilled workers nec - foundries in engineering and allied trades
Metal machining setters and setter-operators combined / 111.1 / Foremen - press and machine tool setters / 510 / Centre, Capstan, Turret & Other Lathe Setters & Setter-Operators / 5221 / Metal machining setters and setter-operators
111.2 / Foremen - centre lathe turners / 511 / Boring and drilling machine setters and setter-operators
111.3 / Foremen - machine tool setter operators / 512 / Grinding machine setters and setter-operators
112.1 / Press and machine tool setters / 513 / Milling machine setters and setter-operators
112.2 / Centre lathe turners / 514 / Press Setters & Setter-Operators
112.3 / Machine tool setter operators / 519 / Other machine tool setters and set-operators nec (including CNC setter-operators)