Bullying on the basis of sexism and non-conformance to gender ‘norms’ – teaching resources
Prejudice No way
20 lessons - assist students to develop the foundation knowledge and skills needed to counter racism, prejudice, and discrimination.
Early years
Welcoming schools – gender stereotyping
Website - comprehensive resource with lesson plans.
Early and primary years
Teaching about gender and gender identity
Discussion guidelines
Early and primary years
Fairy tales and gender roles
Early years
The boy who wanted to be a dancer
Early and primary years
Do Something! Early years
Lesson – solidify understanding of the harmful nature of stereotypes and the socially constructed nature of gender; support students as activists with the potential to stand up to gender stereotypes in a variety of ways.
Early years
Gender Expression
A series of five lessons - helpstudents understand whygenderstereotypes are unfair and how teasing or bullying someone who does not conform togendernorms is wrong.
Early and primary years
Gender Doesn't Limit You
Six lesson plans - help students to take a stand againstgenderbullying.
Early and primary years
Understanding Prejudice through Paper Plate Portraits
Lesson - encourage students to reflect on prejudice and better understand the complex, pervasive issues related to prejudice and stereotypes and why it is important that we all challenge biased assumptions.
Early and primary years
Reducing Gender Stereotyping and Homophobia in Sports (Early Grades)
Early and primary years
Media Awareness Network
Lesson plans and resources - gender and stereotypes, using media texts and searchable by grade level or topic.
Early, primary, middle and senior years
Write Right: Using Creative Writing to Counter Gender Stereotypes in Literature
Lesson –practice critical literacy skills around themes of gender identity and stereotypes.
Primary years
Do Something! Primary years
Lesson – solidify understanding of the harmful nature of stereotypes and the socially constructed nature of gender; support students as activists with the potential to stand up to gender stereotypes in a variety of ways.
Primary years
A Toolkit for Action
Lessons - engaging young people to achieve lives free of inequalities, discrimination and violence, See more program materials on the Promundo website here
Primary, middle and senior years
Relationship Things
Activities - engage young people and support them to expect and build safe and respectful relationships.
Middle and senior years
Reducing Gender Stereotyping and Homophobia in Sports (Middle and High School)
Middle and senior years
Reading for Social Justice
Lesson and extension activities - Think, talk and write about stereotypes of gender, race and class in literature, and engage in social action projects to combat the social problems that come up as they read.
Primary and middle years
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Four lessons
Middle and senior years
'Write for Rights' 2013 - resources for teachers
Lessons - designed to meet objectives in the Australian National English Curriculum as well as HSIE and Personal Development outcomes.
Middle and senior years
Media Violence
Lessons - media violence, with connections to the curriculum.
Primary, middle and senior years
Tough Guise: Violence, Media, & the Crisis in Masculinity
Lessons - may be used with or without the Tough Guise DVD.
Middle and senior years
Talking Sexual Health
Lessons - on gender, power and sexuality, and understanding and appreciating sexual diversity.
Middle and senior years
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Four lessons promoting acceptance and respect
Middle and senior years
A Sociometry of Oppressions
Lesson plan
Senior years
Teaching Boys: Issues of Masculinity, Violence and Gender Justice
(51 mins) - Presentation for teachers and community workers, by Dr. Amanda Keddie and Professor Martin Mills, University of Queensland.
Teaching Boys: Gender Just Classroom Practice
(44 mins) - Presentation for teachers and community workers, by Dr. Amanda Keddie and Professor Martin Mills, University of Queensland.
Gender Roles
(2:31 mins) – Young children talk about what they think girls and boys do.
Tough Guise
Video (2:18 mins) – Introduction to critique of media representation and the social construction of violent masculinity.
Tough Guise: Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity
Video (7:02) – Jackson Katz discusses the ‘narrow box that defines manhood’ and the pressure to conform.
Challenging Gender Roles and Categories
Video (8:18) - An example of a student project
Miss Representation Movie Trailer
Video (8:52) – An overview of the way society uses media as a tool to dictate gender expression. This sets into motion the subordination of women in our society and that value that they hold as individuals politically and socially. This trailer can be used alone as stimulus for discussion.
Slim Hopes
Video (5:10 mins) - An in-depth analysis of how female bodies are depicted in advertising images and the devastating effects of those images on women’s health.
Sexism, Strength and Dominance: Masculinity in Disney Films
Video (6:51)
Lana Wachowski receives the HRC Visibility Award
Video (31:09 mins) - The brilliant director of the Matrix speaks about her childhood experience and her ‘transition’.