Newsletter of the

WeekendCollege Student Organization

November 2, 2005Number 6


Meet QC’s President and the VP of student affairs Saturday, Dec 3rd

That’s right the President of QC and the VP of student affairs are scheduled to come over to address the weekend community. They are also going to bring a representative from the Provost’s office-the College’s chief academic officer. (I didn’t even know what that office was all about. I had to look it up.) Seems like we have created a bit of buzz and the top dogs are taking notice. This is one of the best things that could have happened to put us on the path of a better education. Let’s make sure we take advantage of this event. Let’s unite as a community and come out on Dec. 3rd. Let’s submit thoughtful questions to ensure they know what our priorities are. You can submit your questions to or at PH main hall Fri 5:30-6:30/Sat 11-1P.

Graduate School Admissions Workshop w/Kaplan

WSCO partnered with Kaplan to get information about a surprisingly complex process. For those who were unable to make it and would like information, here is the contact information for some key people.

Professor Tes Asfaw, Director,

Office/Career Dvlpmt Internships

Frese Hall 213

Phone: 718-997-4465

Stephanie Appel, Mktg Manager

Kaplan - Test Prep Admissions

QueensCollege, Student Union

Suite LL-23

Phone: 718-575-2400 ext 203



The next scheduled member meeting is set for November 19th, PH 106 12-1P. Come and meet members, air your grievances or have some coffee.


Is your resume on file at the Office of Career Development? For those looking to change careers or are open to new opportunities, it doesn’t hurt to connect with this dept.


The Computer Lab Hours for the weekend are...

Friday - 4-9PM

Saturday & Sunday 9-5P


The library is open from 9a-6p on the Weekend. A valid QC ID is needed for access. In lieu of a QC ID, a photo ID can be used for entry. It will be confiscated at the door and returned upon departure.


The club needs support for the President visit. We are looking for people to hand out flyers, direct pedestrian traffic, promote the event and set up for the event. Contact the club Pres. for details.

You need Lotus Notes: Lotus Notes is QC communication method of the future. Make sure you sign up. QC is eliminating all forms of paper mail. Don’t get caught without your vital communications. Register today!


Please join me in welcoming Tyra to the executive branch of the club.

Tyra is tasked with moving the club forward and helping to integrate the club with the entire student body. This will hopefully bring us more events, services and the like. She is also helping to build a new and powerful executive board.

Please join me in warmly welcoming her to the executive branch. Stop by the main entrance to PH Sat to meet her or in the member lounge PH 106 during the free hour 12-1P. Or send her an email at .

Thank you for your continued support.


The organization will be providing this beverage to members for the unbelievably low cost of 25cents/cup. Coffee will be available in the member lounge during their regular times of operation.


The Weekend College Student Organization provides educational support services and opportunities for social and professional networking.


Pres - Karen “Clem” Clements

VP – Tyra Robison

Tresr – Somphane Vongkhoun

Faculty Advisor – Dr. K. Kennedy

Officers are available onFri 5:30-6P 11-1P S/S in the main entrance to PH.

Become an influential person. Join Us!

Stop by the WeekendCollege office @ Kiely Hall 137 or the main entrance of PH or send an email to



  1. Log unto the internet and go to the following site.
  2. Enter your information and login
  3. College ID – Social Security #
  4. PIN – 6 digit number used during registration (or the last 6 digits of your Social Security # if you have not used online registration).
  5. Postal Code
  6. Click Details
  7. Click Activate

You are now logged unto Lotus Notes. You should get an informational screen with the details of your registration.

Your email address consists of the following

These instructions are located in the computer lab PH210 on the whiteboard. If you need help registering, please go to the computer lab and ask for Shawkat Chowdhury.