The Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services
Annual CACFP Conference
May 23, 2012
Deadline date for registration is May 18, 2012.
Registration is limited so please don’t miss the deadline!
Southern New Hampshire University
Webster Hall
2500 North River Road
Manchester, NH
8:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.
About Our Conference
Our 2012 Annual Child and Adult Care Food Program conference, “Sharing the Benefits of Child Nutrition Programs”, identifies that the Child Nutrition Programs are an existing food access and important resource which is under-utilized in NH. This year, we are fortunate to have Erika Argersinger, Policy Director from the Children’s Alliance of New Hampshire as our Keynote speaker. Erika will discuss the shared goal of public awareness in utilizing the benefits of the Child and Adult Care Food Program.
The Children’s Alliance of New Hampshire, a 20-year old research-based multi-issue advocacy organization, works to better the lives of NH’s children, in particular, working to reduce the number of children living in poverty. During this recession, the data shows that more NH children and the elderly are hungry and are being fed by utilizing food stamps, subsidized school lunches, breakfasts and snacks to augment or replace meals at home. In response to the growing need of poverty and hunger prevention, the Children’s Alliance of New Hampshire launched “NH Hunger Solutions.” This is a statewide initiative designed to address child nutrition and hunger systematically, by working with others in the state to eliminate barriers families face in order to put food on the table and to ensure that every child and adult in NH can access healthy, affordable food.
In order to guide coordination of anti-hunger efforts across the state, the Children’s Alliance of New Hampshire partnered with Food Solutions New England at the University of New Hampshire’s Sustainability Academy. Food Solutions New England is an initiative designed to advance sustainable food systems throughout New England. Together, both organizations formed the NH Food Advisory Council, whose first goal has been to develop the Plan to End Childhood Hunger in NH.
Please join the NH Department of Education, Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services, your colleagues, and a dynamic slate of speakers to explore the many options this conference will provide.
The Department of Education, Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services will give a special
recognition to the Child Care programs that have enrolled in the Let’s Move! Child Care
initiative. If you have not already done so, please contact Carole Dennis at (603) 271-3883
or with the participating Center information by May 18, 2012.
Registration deadline is May 18, 2012.
Walk-In Registrations WILL NOT be accepted on the day of Conference.
Conference attendance is limited. Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please indicate on your registration your 1st and 2nd choice for Session I and Session II.
Please call Carole Dennis at (603) 271-3883 or email at if you have any questions.
Return your Conference Registration, and check*, if applicable to:
Tami Drake
NH Department of Education
101 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301-3860
fax: (603) 271-1953
Conference Registration
One registration per person - Make copies of the form as needed.
Return registration form by May 18, 2012.
Classes will be filled on a first come – first serve basis. Please indicate your 1st and 2nd choice for Session I and Session II. Note: Only indicate one 1st and 2nd choice per Session.Session I
10:00 – 12:00 / 1st Choice
(Pick one) / 2nd Choice
______/ ______/ Ready! Set! Go! – Creating and Maintaining a Wellness Environment in Child Care
______ / ______/ NH Afterschool Network – What’s In It for You?
______/ ______/ Sanitation and Food Safety
______/ ______/ Diabetes Meal Planning - (Target audience - Adult Day Care Centers.)
______/ ______/ Put Healthy and Tasty on the Menu – Fruit and Veggie Quantity Cookbook
12:00 – 1:30 / Lunch – provided (A $10 meal certificate will be issued to each participant at registration. Important! Please see last page of this brochure for information regarding the lunch provision.)
Session II
1:30 – 3:30 / 1st Choice
(Pick one) / 2nd Choice
______/ ______/ More Marvelous Menus
______/ ______/ Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity! (MVPA) Every day –
Adapted from I Am Moving, I am Learning
______/ ______/ Organic Gardening: How and Why
______/ ______/ Safety and Nutrition in the Afterschool Setting
______/ ______/ New! CACFP Web Application and Claiming System
Description of Workshops
Keynote Address
“Sharing the Benefits of the Child Nutrition Programs”
Presenter: Erika Argersinger
Audience: All
The keynote address will review the current status of food insecurity and hunger among New Hampshire children and families and describe NH Hunger Solutions, the recently launched initiative of the Children’s Alliance, working to improve children and families access to nutritious and affordable food. This keynote address will include the work of the NH Food Advisory Council in developing the NH Plan to End Childhood Hunger, in which the child nutrition programs play a key part.
10:00 – 12:00
Ready! Set! Go!
Presenter: Jessica Sugrue and Scot Foster
Audience: Child Care Centers
This informative and dynamic workshop, adapted from “Creating and Maintaining a Wellness Environment in Child Care Centers Participating in the CACFP”, will take you through self-assessment tools designed to help you improve and enhance nutrition and physical policy and practice in your program. Together, we will explore the Ready! Set! Go! tool for Child Care Centers participating in the Child Care and Adult Food Program, the Let’s Move! Child Care tool, and the NAP SACC tool. We will use strategies to utilize the tools interchangeably and to enhance your classroom and program environments.
NH Afterschool Network – What’s In It for You?
Presenter: Lynn Stanley
Audience: Child Care Centers
This workshop will outline the mission and goals of the newly formed Afterschool Network in New Hampshire. Given these missions and goals, participants will be asked to brainstorm how the Network can be of assistance to their own programs and promote the value of afterschool care on a statewide level. The professionalization of afterschool care will be highlighted.
10:00 – 12:00
Sanitation- Safety Awareness in the Food Environment
Presenter: Alice Mullen
Audience: All
Do you prepare or serve food at a child care center or adult day care center? This workshop will help you understand how poor decisions can affect the safety of the food that you serve, what practical steps can reduce the risk in food handling situations, and how these steps fit your process from receiving to serving. You will explore the alternatives and consequences of various “risky” situations that happen when serving food to the public.
Diabetes Meal Planning
Presenter: Cindy Nemec
Audience: Adult
In this workshop you will learn the differences between Type I and Type II diabetes. The Exchange List System for Diabetic Meal Planning will be discussed and you will be given an overview of the Glycemic Index and how to provide a balanced meal when it comes to sugars/starch. We will also touch on fiber, protein, fat and exercise guidelines when controlling diabetes.
Put Healthy and Tasty on the Menu
(Fruit and Veggie Quantity Cookbook)
Child Care Centers and schools attending this workshop will receive a free
Fruit and Veggie Quantity Cookbook – Revised Edition
Presenter: Mindy Fitterman
Audience: Child Care Centers
Child care is a great place to introduce young children to healthy foods, beverages, and eating habits. In this workshop, learn how one child care program overcame barriers to adding healthy choices, find new ways to create healthy celebrations, and discover new recipe resources including the “Fruit and Veggie Quantity Cookbook – Revised Edition.” Cookbooks will be available for sale on the day of the conference. The cost to schools and child care is $5.00; a $10 fee will be charged all other entities. Payment will be by check only.
1:30 – 3:30
More Marvelous Menus
Presenter: Jennifer Kozaczek
Audience: Child Care Centers
This workshop will give child care staff new tips and tools for creating nutritious, appealing, child-friendly menus that meet the CACFP requirements. You will learn tips on how to include whole grains, fruits and vegetables into child care menus in addition to special menu considerations for children with food allergies. One menu option discussed will include Centers with limited kitchen facilities. The presenter will include information from the Let’s Move! campaign.
1:30 – 3:30
Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity! (MVPA) Every Day
(Adapted from I Am Moving, I Am Learning)
Presenter: Scot Foster and Jessica Sugrue
Audience: Child Care Centers
This exciting and dynamic workshop is an introduction to the I Am Moving, I Am Learning foundational concepts. You will learn fun movement activities to implement the next day with your classroom and program environments. Come prepared to move and learn with Scot and Jessica. Learn creative strategies to get to 60 minutes a day of physical activity utilizing zero to low cost materials and strategies.
Organic Gardening: How and Why
Presenter: Larry Pletcher
Audience: All
In this workshop you will learn how to start and maintain a small organic garden. We will discuss the benefits of organic gardening and why this type of gardening is preferred. You will learn about soil preparation, soil fertility and how to control insects and diseases that could possibly plague your garden.
Safety and Nutrition in the Afterschool Setting
Presenter: Terri Peck
Audience: Child Care Centers
This workshop will explore what “Keep Out of Reach of Children” means for the school age child. We will discuss nutrition and obesity prevention in the Afterschool care setting as well as identify how to deal with bullying and other social issues.
NEW! CACFP Web Application and Claiming System
Presenter: BNPS Staff
Audience: Sponsors of the Child and Adult Care Food Program
Attend this workshop to learn about the NEW and EXCITING USDA web application and claiming system that the Bureau of Nutrition is currently having designed. The new system is designated to be in operation October 2012. We will be providing basic information on the forthcoming new system.
While the “look” of the sponsor and site applications will change, the information that needs to be collected and reported each year has not. Learn how to successfully complete the application, and more importantly, how to correctly identify those budget items that will ultimately lead to a viable and sustainable program.
Technical Information
Parking for Webster Hall: Parking is available free of charge in front and behind Webster Hall as well as across the street.
Breakfast: For your convenience, coffee and light refreshments will be served during registration.
Lunch: A $10 meal certificate will be distributed during registration. Please be advised that this certificate can only be used once during the lunch meal time. The conference host will pay for any lunch total of $10 or under. For any lunch totaling more than $10, the participant will be responsible for paying the difference.
Lunch will be served in the Dining Hall. SNHU's Dining Hall offers a wide-variety of culinary options. The Dining Hall is up the hill from Webster Hall. Free parking is available across the street from the Dining Hall for those participants who are unable to walk the distance. A building directory of SNHU will be provided at the day of the conference.
Certificates: Applicable Core Knowledge Health, Safety and Nutrition Certificates will be awarded to those who attend the certificate workshops. Certificates of Attendance will be available for participants at the end of the conference.
CACFP Training Requirements: Attending an approved CACFP Training is a USDA federal requirement. The Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services offers three approved trainings each year. The next training is scheduled for October 23, 2012. Contact Carole Dennis at (603) 271-3883 if you will be unable to attend this training or if you did not attend the training in March 2012.
CACFP 2012-2013 Applications: For FY 2012-2013, sponsors will be required to access the new web application and claiming system. It will be the responsibility of the sponsor to complete all required web based components of the application for upload to the Bureau of Nutrition and Services.
Bureau of Nutrition Programs and Services StaffCheri White, Administrator
(603) 271-3860
Carole Dennis, Program Specialist, CACFP
(603) 271-3883
/ Judy Gosselin, Program Specialist, NSLP, SFSP
(603) 271-3862
Tami Drake, Accountant
(603) 271-3646
/ Kathryn Hodges, Program Specialist
Financial Management
(603) 271-3861