Page 1Robert F. McLain, M.D.
Orthopaedic Surgeon: Adult Spine and Spinal Disorders
Robert F. McLain, M.D.
Curriculum Vitae
March15, 2015
Current Appointment
Staff Spine Surgeon,
St Vincent Medical Group
Spine and Orthopaedic Institute
Staff Spine Surgeon
Solon Physician’s Center
Adjunct Professor, Biomechanics, Cleveland State University
Personal Data
Solon Physicians CenterSt Vincent Medical Center
Spine and Orthopaedic InstituteMedical Office Building,
33001Solon Road, Suite 112 and Center for Spine Health
Solon, Ohio 44139East 22nd Street, Suite 201
Phone: (440) 248-1297Cleveland, Ohio 44195
Email: hone: (440) 248-1297
Fax: (440) 349-7131
Date and Place of Birth:
May 25, 1956; Agana, Guam, Territory of USA
American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery,California: G067050 (Sept. 18, 1989)
Diplomate, July 9, 1993Ohio: 72349 (May 13, 1997)
Re-Certified, January, 2013
Educational Background
Secondary School:
1970-74-La CanadaHigh School, La Canada, California
1974-75-University of Denver, Denver, Colorado
1975-76-University of California, Riverside, California
1976-78-University of California, Davis, California, B.S. Biology , December 16, 1978
Education, Cont.
1980-84-University of California, Davis, School of Medicine, Davis, California. MD,
June 15, 1984
1984-85-Internship, Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa
1985-89-Resident, Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa
1989-90-NIH Research Fellow, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa
1990-91-Clinical Fellow, Spine Surgery, University of California, Davis, SacramentoMedicalCenter, Sacramento, California
Current Academic Appointments:
Staff Surgeon, Spine and Orthopaedic Institute, St Vincent Charity Medical Center, St Vincent Medical Group, Cleveland Ohio, 2015 – present.
Professor, CCF Adjunct, Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Cleveland State University. Cleveland, Ohio, 2003 - present
Previous Academic Appointments:
Professor of Surgery, ClevelandClinicCenter for Spine Health, ClevelandClinicFoundationLernerCollege of Medicine, at Case Western Reserve. 2004 – 2014.
Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Ohio State University Health Sciences Center, Columbus, Ohio, 2000- 2014
Staff Surgeon, Cleveland Clinic Center for Spine Health, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 2003 – 2014
Staff Surgeon, Section of Spine Surgery, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1997 – 2014
Staff Surgeon, CCF Spine Center, Joint Appointment,Division of Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1999 – 2014
Staff Surgeon, Department of Neurosurgery, Joint Appointment,Division of Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 2001 – 2014
Director, Spinal Surgery Fellowship Program, Section of Spine Surgery, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1997 - 2012
Affiliations, Cont.
Director, Spine Research Program, Combined Program of the Departments of Orthopaedic and Neurological Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1997 - 2014
Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, School of Medicine, University of California, Davis, 1991 - 1994
Acting Chief, Spine Surgery Division, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of California, Davis, 1993 - 1994
Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, School of Medicine, University of California, Davis, 1994 - 1997
Director, SpineCareCenter, University of California, Davis, MedicalCenter, 1996 - 1997
Hospital Affiliations:
Spine and Orthopaedic Institute, St Vincent Charity Hospital and Medical Group, Cleveland, Ohio, 2015 - present
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland Clinic Spine Institute, Cleveland, Ohio, 1997 - present
Meridia-Euclid Hospital, Cleveland Clinic Health System, Cleveland, Ohio, 1999 - present
Lutheran Hospital, Cleveland Clinic Health System, Cleveland, Ohio, 2006 – present
University of California, Davis, MedicalCenter, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Sacramento, California 1991 - 1997
SutterCommunityHospitals, Sacramento, California 1994 - 1997
- Consultant, Cleveland Browns Football Team, National Football League Franchise
- Consultant, Cleveland Barons Hockey Team, American Hockey League Franchise
School of Medicine and Departmental Committees:
- Admission Committee, UC Davis, School of Medicine: 1992-1996
- Appointment and Promotion Committee, UC Davis, School of Medicine: 1992
- Orthopaedic Resident Selection Committee, UC Davis, School of Medicine: 1991-present
- Orthopaedic Research Laboratory Committee, UC Davis, School of Medicine: 1993 - 1997
- Managed Care Utilization Committee, UC Davis, School of Medicine: 1993-1996
- Pain Management Policy and Education Committee, UC Davis, School of Medicine: 1994-1996
- NeuromusculoskeletalCenter of Excellence, UC Davis, School of Medicine:Chairman - Spine Subcommittee - 1996
- Orthopaedic Research Committee, Cleveland Clinic Foundation: 1997 – 2008
- Programs and Lectureships, Cleveland Clinic Foundation: 1997 – 2014: Chair
- Spine Research Laboratory Development Committee, Cleveland Clinic Foundation: 1997 – 2014
- Research Advisory Committee, Cleveland Clinic Foundation: 2000 – 2014
- Resident Selection Committee, Cleveland Clinic Foundation: 2002 – 2007
- Departmental Orthopaedic Research Committee, Cleveland Clinic Foundation: 1999 – 2006
- Musculoskeletal ResearchCenter Steering Committee, Cleveland Clinic Foundation: 2001 – 2006
- Resident Education BS10 Biomechanics Core Program – Co-Director 2003 - 2006
University, Hospital and Foundation Committees:
- UC Davis, School of Medicine: Academic Senate, 1991-1996
- Euclid Hospital Spine Care Center Advisory Committee, 2000 – 2014
- CCF Programmatic Research Planning – Leadership GroupChair – Spine Research Section
- CCF Innovations – Invention Disclosure and Technology Commercialization - Peer review and critique committee – 2003 – 2014
- Orthopaedic Surgery Web Site Development/Maintenance Group – 2003
- CCF Spine Institute Web Site Development Committee – 2003
- Coding and E&M Departmental Task Force – 2003 –2009
- EuclidHospital Spine Surgery Migration Task Force – 2006 – 2009
- CCF Neuroscience Institute Education Committee – 2006 –2014
- CCF Neuroscience Institute Leadership Committee – 2006 - 2014
- CCF Spine Institute Relocation Strategic Planning Committee – 2006 - 2009
National Committees:
- American Orthopaedic Association – Corporate Relations Committee 2001 – 2008
- North American Spine Society - Program Committee 1995
- Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) Representative to Federation of Spine Associations, 1996 - 1999
- North American Spine Society –Research Project Management Committee 1998 – 2000
- International Society for Study of the Lumbar Spine – Site Committee – 1999 – 2001
National Committees, Cont.
- Selby Spine Society – Annual Conference Program Committee – 2001.
- Clinical Spine Research Committee – Membership Committee – 2001 – 2003
- Clinical Spine Research Committee – Meeting/Organization Committee – 2001 – 2004
- North American Spine Society – Young Investigator Award Committee 1999 – 2006
- Mid America Orthopaedic Association – Program Committee – 2003 – 2006
- Mid America Orthopaedic Association – Program Committee Chair – 2006
- Mid America Orthopaedic Association – Board of Directors – 2004 – 2007
- North American Spine Society – Outcomes Research Task Force 2003 – 2006
- AmericanAcademy of Orthopaedic Surgery – Annual Meeting Committee – 2003 - 2008
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery – Ancillary Programs– 2004 – 2008
- AmericanAcademy of Orthopaedic Surgery – Exhibitor Event Planning Sub-Committee – 2005 – 2008
- North American Spine Society – Practice Management Committee 2007 – 2010
- Mid America Orthopaedic Association – Audit Committee – 2009 – 2011
- AOA North American Traveling Fellowship Committee – 2009 –2014
- North American Spine Society – Audit Committee 2010 – present
- North American Spine Society – Membership Committee 2010 – present
- Orthopaedic Research Society – Nominating Committee 2011 –2012
- Mid America Orthopaedic Association – Nominating Committee – 2011 – 2012
- Mid America Orthopaedic Association – Membership Committee – 2011 – 2014
- Mid America Orthopaedic Association – Membership Committee Chair – 2013 – 2014
- Mid America Orthopaedic Association – Board of Directors – 2013 – 2014
Editorial Appointments
Editorial Responsibilities:
- Associate Editor - Spine, 1993 – present
- Editor – Cancer in the Spine: Comprehensive Care. The Humana Press, Inc., New Jersey – 2005.
- Feature Editor - Controversies in Spine Care - Spine, 1993 – Present
- Editorial Board – The Spine Journal, 2003 - present
- Associate Editor – The Lumbar Spine and Sacrum – The Adult Spine, Third Edition, JW Frymoyer, S Weisel ed’s, Lippencott-WilliamWilkens, New York. – 2001
Editorial Appointments, Cont.
- Section Editor – Spine Surgery - Operative Orthopaedics, Third Edition, MW Chapman, M Madison ed’s, Lippencott-Raven, New York. – 1997
- Section Editor - Diagnosis, in Cancer of the Spine: Handbook of Comprehensive Care. Humana Press, Inc. New Jersey, 2006.
- Section Editor - Pain Management and Palliative Carein Cancer of the Spine: Handbook of Comprehensive Care. Humana Press, Inc. New Jersey, 2006.
- Section Editor - Long Term Follow-up, in Cancer of the Spine: Handbook of Comprehensive Care. Humana Press, Inc. New Jersey, 2006.
- Section Editor - The Adult and Pediatric Spine: 3rd Edition, Frymoyer, Weisel, An, Boden, Lauerman, Lenke, & McLain eds. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Publishers; Philadelphia, PA. 2004.
Reviewer (Journals):
- Reviewer - Spine, 1993 – Present
- Reviewer – TheSpine Journal, 2003 - Present
- Reviewer - Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery -1995 – present
- Reviewer - Orthopaedics -2012 – present
- Consulting Reviewer - Journal of Bone and Calcified Tissue Research -2008 - Present
- Consulting Reviewer - Journal of Orthopaedic Research -1999 – Present
- Consulting Reviewer - Lancet -2004 – Present
- Consulting Reviewer - Journal of Musculoskeletal Medicine -2004 – Present
- Consulting Reviewer - Journal of Anesthesia -2010 – Present
- Consulting Reviewer - Journal of Neurosurgery Spine -2011 – Present
- Consulting Reviewer – Acta of BioEngineering and Biomechanics -2013 – Present
Reviewer (Other – National and Regional):
- National Institutes of Health, Small Business Innovation Research Grants, Reviewer and Ad Hoc Committee Member, 1995
- North American Spine Society Annual Meeting, Abstracts for Open Presentations, 1995.
- Basic Research Grants, Institutional Review Board Proposals, Cleveland Clinic Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Grant Review, 1997 – Present
- Spine Surgeon’s International Symposium, Annual Meeting, Abstracts for Open Presentations, 2000.
- North American Spine Society Research Grant Applications and Proposals – Grant Reviewer 1999, 2000, 2001.
- North American Spine Society Young Investigator Awards– Application and Paper Reviewer 1999 - 2006.
- Research & Development Grant Program, Guy's & St Thomas' Charitable Foundation. Guy's Hospital, St Thomas Street, LondonEngland - Grant Reviewer 2001.
1972-Eagle Scout, June 12, 1972, San GabrielValley Council
1974-Academic Achievement Scholarship, University of Denver
1977-Associated Students of the Univ. of California Davis, Council Member, Academic Senate
1982-University of California Davis, Chancellor's Ad-Hoc Committee on Budgetary Planning, Appointed Representative of the School of Medicine
1983-Morton Levitt Research Scholar - Award for original research: Patellar Strain in Total Condylar Knee Prostheses
1983-American Cancer Society Stipend, for the study of Orthopaedic Oncology, Mayo Medical Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
1984-Paul R. Lipscomb Award for Excellence in Orthopaedic Surgery
1989-Mid-Central States Orthopaedic Society Resident Paper Award: A Fracture Grading System for Open Fractures of the Hand
1989-NIH Research Fellow, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of IowaHospital
1992-John J. Fahey North American Traveling Fellow of The American Orthopaedic Association
1992-Zimmer Research Investigator Award, Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation
1995-American British Canadian (ABC) Traveling Fellow of the American Orthopaedic Association
1996-Orthopaedic Research Society New Investigator Recognition Award. Yerby, S. and McLain, R.F.
1996-Vernon P. Thompson Award, Western Orthopaedic Association: McKinley, T.O., and McLain, R.F.
2002-Charles H. Herndon Resident Research Award, Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation: Fleming, J.E., and McLain, R.F., Sponsor.
2002 -Cleveland Orthopaedic Society Residents Research Award: Fleming, J.E. Jr., Muschler,G.F., McLain, R.F.,Lieberman, I.H.
2003- Midwest Resident Research Competition Award Paper: Fleming, J.E., and McLain, R.F., Sponsor. Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation
2003-Resident Scholar Award, Ohio Orthopaedic Society: Fleming, J.E., and McLain, R.F., Sponsor.
2004 –Society for Experimental Mechanics Student Competition Award, Basic Science Research: Inceoglu, S., and McLain, R.F., Senior Investigator.
2004 – American Society of Biomechanics Academic Travel Award: Inceoglu, S., and McLain, R.F., Senior Investigator.
2004 – Lerner Research Institute Graduate Research Award, First Place – Applied Science: Inceoglu, S., and McLain, R.F., Senior Investigator and Advisor.
2008-Best Doctors in America: Orthopaedic Surgery – Annual Selection, Cleveland Magazine, March, 2008.
2009-Best Doctors in America: Orthopaedic Surgery – Annual Selection, Cleveland Magazine, March, 2009.
2010-Best Doctors in America: Orthopaedic Surgery – Annual Selection, Cleveland Magazine, March, 2010.
2011-Best Doctors in America: Orthopaedic Surgery – Annual Selection, Cleveland Magazine, March, 2011.
2012-Best Doctors in America: Orthopaedic Surgery – Annual Selection, Cleveland Magazine, March, 2011.
2012-Crain’s Business Journal Healthcare Heroes Award: Clinical Award Winner – 2012 Honoree, May, 2012.
2013-Best Doctors in America: Orthopaedic Surgery – Annual Selection, Cleveland Magazine, March, 2012.
2014-Best Doctors in America: Orthopaedic Surgery – Annual Selection, Cleveland Magazine, March, 2013.
2015-Best Doctors in America: Orthopaedic Surgery – Annual Selection, Cleveland Magazine, March, 2014.
American Orthopaedic Association (AOA) -Member, Elected 1997
AmericanAcademy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) -Fellow, Inducted 1995
American Medical Association (AMA)
Iowa Orthopaedic Alumni Association -Member, Inducted 1990
Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) -Member, Inducted 1992
Paul R. Lipscomb Society -Member, Inducted 1992
Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) -Candidate Member 1993
Full Member 1999
North American Spine Society (NASS) -Associate Member, Inducted 1993
International Society for the
Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS) - Member, Elected 1994
Federation of Spine Associations (FOSA)
Mid-American Orthopaedic Association -Member, Elected 1999
Selby Spine Society -Member, 2000
OREF Alfred R. Shands, Jr. Circle SocietyMember, 2002
Spine Arthroplasty SocietyMember, 2005
Grants Awarded
- Faculty Research Grant, University of California, Davis: $3000 (1992); "The Effects of Osteoinductive Factors in Systemic Circulation". R.F McLain, M.D., Principle Investigator.
- Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Grant: $144,887 (from 2/1/92 - 1/31/94); "Mechanoreceptor Innervation of Spinal Facet: Neurosensory Input in Health and Disease". R.F McLain, M.D., Principle Investigator.
- Hibbard E. Williams MD Research Grant: $33,500 (1993-1994); "Facet Innervation: Protective Spinal Reflexes in Health and Disease". R.F McLain, M.D., Principle Investigator.
Grants and Funding, Cont.
- AO North America Research Grant: $18,400 (1993-1994); "Biomechanical Characteristics of Pedicle Screw Failure in Burst Fractures: Development of a Comprehensive Finite Element Model". R.F McLain, M.D., Co-Investigator and Faculty Sponsor.
- Industrial Research Grant, National Medical Services: $15,500.00 (1994-1995); "Pull-out and Failure Characteristics of a New Bone Screw". R.F McLain, M.D., Principle Investigator.
- Hibbard E. Williams MD Research Grant: $48,500 (1996-1997); "Analysis of Vertebral Strain Characteristics using a Texture Correlation Technique". B.K.Bay, Ph.D., Principle Investigator, R.F McLain, M.D., Co- Investigator.
- Industrial Research Grant, Osteonics Spine Systems: $52,000.00 (1997 – 1999); “ Pedicle Screw Biomechanics: Failure Characteristics and Bending Behavior of a Unique Conical Screw Design”. R.F McLain, M.D., Principle Investigator.
- Industrial Research Grant, Osteonics Spine Systems: $160,000.00 (1999 – 2002); Fellowship Funding for Spine Biomechanical Research. R.F McLain, M.D., Principle Investigator.
- Program Development Grant, Dupuy-Acromed: $1,450,000.00 (2000); Equipment, materials, and laboratory resources for start-up of Joint Orthopaedic and Neurosurgery Laboratory Research Program. R.F. McLain, M.D. Director, Spine Research, Co-Investigator.
- IDE Study Grant, Osteonics Spine Systems: $60,000.00 (1999 – 2004); Randomized Controlled Trial of SAC Interbody Device Compared to BAK. R.F McLain, M.D., Principle Investigator. IDE #G980102; IRB #2873.
- Industrial Research Grant; Biopure Corporation - $45,000.00 (1999 – 2003). Multicenter, Randomized, Single-Blinded Trial of Allogenic Blood Transfusion in Orthopaedic Surgery Patients. Evaluation of Hemoglobin Based Oxygen Carrier – 201 (HBOC-201). R.F. McLain, MD, Co-Investigator.
- SBIR Phase 1 Grant: $139,000.00 (2001 - 2002) “Integrating Design and Manufacture of Composite Implants.” NIH# IR43-GM62703. R.F. McLain, M.D., Co-Investigator.
- Research Programs Committee Grant: $22,200.00 (2000 – 2003) “Allograft Bone Augmented with Autogenous Bone Marrow Aspirate for Lumbar Interbody Fusion: A Pilot Study. R.F McLain, M.D., Co-Investigator. IRB #3966.
- North American Spine Society Basic Research Grant: $35,000.00 (2001 – 2002) “Deformation Characteristics of the Vertebral Pedicle During Pedicle Screw Insertion: Effects of Tapered and Cylindrical Screws.” R.F McLain, M.D., Principle Investigator. RPC# 6746.
- Research Programs Committee Grant: $20,250.00 (2001 – 2002) “Elastic Deformation of Cortical and Trabecular Bone During Transpedicular Screw Placement.” R.F McLain, M.D., Principle Investigator. RPC# 6746.
- Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation Grant: $15,000.00 (2001 – 2003) “Aspiration and Characterization of Osteoprogenitor Cells from the Vertebral Body During Pedicle Screw Fixation: Comparison to Iliac Crest. R.F McLain, M.D., Co-Investigator/ Sponsor.
- Research Programs Committee Grant: $25,000.00 (2002 – 2003) “The Effect Of Anti-Resorptive Agents on Spine Fusion in a Rabbit Model.” R.F McLain, M.D., Principle Investigator. RPC# 7065.
- Program Development Grant, Dupuy-Spine: $100,000.00 (2004 - 2006); Research and Education Support Grant for Cleveland Clinic Spine Fellows. R.F. McLain, M.D. Director, Spine Surgery Fellowship, Co-Principle Investigator.
- Program Development Grant, Spinal Concepts: $100,000.00 (2004 - 2006); Research and Education Support Grant for Cleveland Clinic Research Fellows. R.F. McLain, M.D. Director, Spine Surgery Fellowship, Co-Principle Investigator.
- Industrial Research Grant: EBI Corporation - $35,000.00 (2004 – 2006). Randomized, Prospective Trial of Stem Cell Augmented Allograft for Anterior Cervical Interbody Fusion. R.F. McLain, MD, Principle Investigator.
- NIH Orthopaedic Research Training Grant: $1,791,476.00 (2004 – 2009) “Cleveland Clinic Orthopaedic Research Training Grant. Peter Cavanaugh PI; R.F. McLain, Co-investigator.
- NIH Program Project Grant: $1,791,476.00 (2004 – 2009) Cleveland Clinic Orthopaedic ResearchCenter Program Project Grant. Peter Cavanaugh/ Joseph Iannotti, PI; R.F. McLain, Co-investigator.
- Industrial Research Grant: Depuy-Acromed Corporation - $25,000.00 (2004 – 2006). Aspiration of Marrow Progenitor Cells from Lumbar Vertebral Bodies. R.F. McLain, MD, Principle Investigator.
- Industrial Research Grant: Depuy-Acromed Corporation - $35,000.00 (2004 – 2006). Randomized, Prospective Trial of Stem Cell Augmented Allograft for Anterior Cervical Interbody Fusion, Part Two. R.F. McLain, MD, Principle Investigator.
- Industrial Research Grant: Stryker Spine Corporation - $91,000.00 (2004 – 2006). Biomechanics of Pedicle Fixation: Analysis of Pedicle Deformation and Recovery During Screw Insertion and Removal. R.F. McLain, MD, Principle Investigator.
- Industrial Research Grant: Stryker Spine Corporation - $93,000.00 (2006 – 2008). Biomechanics of Screw Pullout Strength: Analysis of Two Implant Scenarios – A) Pedicle Screw Pullout Comparing Traditional to Vertically Oriented Screws; B) Pullout Strength of Cortical vs Cancellous Thread Designs in Lateral Mass Cervical Screws. R.F. McLain, MD, Principle Investigator.
- Clinical Research Grant: LDR Spine - $440,000.00 (2007-2011). Controlled, Randomized, Prospective Trial of Mobi-C Cervical Disc Arthroplasty vs. Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion. R.F. McLain, MD, Principle Investigator.
Grants and Funding, Cont.
- Program Development Grant, Dupuy-Spine: $160,000.00 (2008 - 2010); Research and Education Support Grant for Cleveland Clinic Spine Fellows. R.F. McLain, M.D. Director, Spine Surgery Fellowship, Co-Principle Investigator.
- Program Development Grant, AO North America: $50,000.00 (2009 - 2010); Research and Education Support Grant for Cleveland Clinic Research Fellows. R.F. McLain, M.D. Director, Spine Surgery Fellowship, Co-Principle Investigator.
- OREF Fellowship Education and Research Support Grant - $75,000.00 (2010 - 2011). Competitive grant for program support, directed to Orthopaedic Fellowship education in spine surgery. R.F. McLain, M.D. Spine Surgery Fellowship, Principle Investigator.
- NREF Fellowship Education and Research Support Grant - $75,000.00 (2010 - 2011). Competitive grant for program support, directed to Spine Surgery Fellowship education in spine surgery. R.F. McLain, M.D. Spine Surgery Fellowship, Principle Investigator.
- Research Programs Committee Grant RPC#2012-1003 - $25,000.00 – (2012-2013)A Robotic Neuro-Musculoskeletal Simulator for Spine Research. Colbrunn, R., PI, R.F. McLain, M.D. Co- Investigator/ Staff Sponsor
- Research Programs Committee Grant 2011-1048: $25,000.00 (2011 - 2012); Analysis of Unilateral vs Traditional Anterior cervical Plating in Corpectomy Model.R.F. McLain, M.D. Principal Investigator.
- Clinical Research Grant: LDR Spine - $42,300.00 (2012-2013). Controlled, Randomized, Prospective Trial of Mobi-C Cervical Disc Arthroplasty vs. Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion. FDA Trial Extension R.F. McLain, MD, Principle Investigator.
- OREF Spine Prospective Clinical Research Grant #12-205$200,000.00 (2011-2014). Anatomical differences and protective helmet design in American football; Contributions to head, neck and spine trauma risk in adult and youth participants. Benzel, PI; McLain, Other Significant Contributor.
Grants Submitted: