Austin High School

Campus Advisory Council (CAC)

Monday, September 14, 2015 5:30 P.M. in the Library


Amy Taylor, Cathy K Smith, John Dagar, Greta Gonzales, Barbara Knaggs, Jeanette Smiecinski, Craig Bennett, Fred Campillo, Lori MacNeill, Eliza Cardiel, Amy Moore, Linda Gregory, Jill Scott, Lisa Christian, Elvie Swail, Anita Nunez, Isabelle Salazar, Lucy Gift, Lilly Hagen, Aimee Finney, Kerri Ault, Drew Calver, Diane Harrison, Amy Allen, Hannah Neil, Deena Telley, Lynn Remadna, Martin Lizarraga, Julie Ballard.

Call to Order:

Approval of Minutes of May 4, 2015. Approval of Minutes of May 28, 2014.

Public Comments:

There were no public comments.

Student Council Report:

Lilly Hagen stated they are working on Thursday, September 24, 4pm-5:30pm Homecoming: Austin High City Limits celebration with a live DJ and Powderpuff games. Lucy Gift mentioned that tomorrow is the Student Council retreat where they make plans for the year.

CAC New Member Welcome/ Role and Responsibilities

John Dagar welcomed new CAC members. Cathy K Smith spoke about the CAC’s role (to ensure that parents, teachers and community members have an active voice in school educational matters) and responsibilities (such as reviewing the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP), campus budget (BTO), campus professional development plan, Texas Academic Performance Report (TARP), and advising on other campus matters such as student safety, transportation/traffic, fundraising, dress code, and parental involvement, amongst others. AISD hosts CAC training sessions and website support: Austin High’s website is an excellent source for CAC and school information as well:

Standing Items:

Principal’s Report - the 2015-16 AHS 5 Initiatives are: 1) 21st Century Teaching and Learning, 2) Student and Community Engagement, 3) Marketing and Communication, 4) Safety, and 5) Programming and Services.

Security and Safety - two key areas of concern are the perimeter of the building and (only) seniors leaving during lunch. It was agreed that Security and Safety would be a standing agenda item. A Safety sub-committee was formed: Jeanette Smiecinski, Lori MacNeill, Kerri Ault, and Lynn Remadna volunteered. It was recommended to add students to the committee, perhaps a senior and an underclassman. The Safety sub-committee will update the CAC at the October 5 meeting. Julie Ballard brought up traffic and safety issues which will impact Austin High such as the Pressler extension and CTRMA MOPAC tollway plans with Cesar Chavez entrance/exit near the school. Julie and Principal Taylor are on the AHS Traffic and Safety Task Force and will keep the CAC informed. This will be a standing agenda item.

Strategic Planning for 21st Century Teaching and Learning – Principal Taylor referenced the application process in place for this committee. Expecting 40 members: parents, teachers, students. A key question the committee will address: “What does 21st Century teaching look like at AHS?” The committee will develop a rubric for teachers who are interested in applying to be an early adopter. The vision of the committee is that within 3-5 years, funding will be available to support the collaborative vision for 21st century teaching and learning at AHS. First committee meeting is this Thursday, Sept 17. Approximately $300,000 in Technology funds for first devices order due by Nov. 24th. There is a Google Classroom for the 21st Century Committee so all can be informed. Lori MacNeill asked if UT was tapped for their expertise. Lori recommended we invite Marilyn Kameen from School of Education at UT, encouraging that we not reinvent the wheel. 21st Century Learning Initiative will be a standing agenda item.

New Business:

CIP Draft – The CIP is developed each year to address concerns on campus for improvement. The goals should be concise and strategic. TEA System Safeguards must be addressed. AISD has a new electronic format. AHS is compared to 40 other similar high schools across the state and the data from these schools are ranked to determine Academic Distinctions. Bekki Van Ryn works with Principal Taylor to prepare the CIP which is due October 30. Greta Gonzales asked about “Highly Qualified” designation. It was explained the designation ensures that teachers are certified in their subject which includes a strict screening process by HR. There was a comment that the CIP draft aligns well with the 2015-16 AHS Initiatives. Kerri Ault asked about students being able to graduate even if they do not pass every STAAR test. The process for handling this situation was reviewed. Greta Gonzales referenced the AP participation target. Principal Taylor said she would update the CAC in October on AHS AP passing rates and how we compare to other campuses. Additionally, the TEA Report Card will be sent electronically to CAC members prior to the October 5 meeting.

Unfinished Business:

Ranking vs Non-Ranking – Principal Taylor requested an update and recommendation by the CAC sub-committee (Barbara Knaggs, Lisa Christian, Shannon Cameron) and College Counselor, Tara Miller at the October 5 CAC meeting in order to impact Class of 2016 graduates. Last year was first year for Anderson to implement non-ranking. Westlake and LASA have not ranked for 2 years.

Set Agenda Items for Oct 5, 2015 Meeting:

Standing Items – Campus Security and Safety, Traffic and Safety Task Force, 21st Century Learning

New Business – CAC Officer Elections, TEA Report Card, AP Passing Rates

Unfinished Business – CIP & Professional Development Plan, Ranking vs Non-Ranking

The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.