November 2009IEEE P802.19-10-0001-00-0000

IEEE P802.19
Wireless Coexistence

DRAFTNovember 2009 Minutes
Date: 17-11-2009 to 19-11-2009
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Mark Austin / Ofcom / 2a Southwark Bridge Road,London, UK / +44 207 783 4364 /


Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
November 17, 2009 / November 18, 2009 / November 19, 2009
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM / TVWS Coexistence Study Group
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM / Break / Break / Break
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM / TVWS Coexistence Study Group / TVWS Coexistence Study Group
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM / Lunch Break / Lunch Break / Lunch Break
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM / TVWS Coexistence Study Group / TVWS Coexistence Study Group / TVWS Coexistence Study Group
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM / Break / Break / Break
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM / TAG
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM / Dinner Break / Dinner Break / Dinner Break



First session of the meeting was called to order on Tuesday 17 November 2009 at 10:35.


The Chairman opened the meeting and introduced the agenda in Document 802.19-09-0088R1

Approved 10:40


The Chairman informed the TAG about the IEEE patent policy and showed the set of 5 slides identified as “Highlights of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards” available at the IEEE PATCOM web site ( He directed the secretary to record the fact that this presentation was made in the minutes for the meeting. He asked if anyone wished to make a disclosure. No one spoke up.


The attendance system was reviewed and all delegates were asked to report any problems logging attendance to the Chair.


  • The revised July Plenary meeting Minutes, IEEE802, changes since September were editorial and the addition of Victor Hou from Broadcom to the Annex 1 Attendance: Approved 10:45
  • The minutes from the September Interim meeting Doc 82 rev 2: Approved 10:47

Main Body

Note: The italic indented text is copied directly from the presented documents.

Tuesday AM1 Study group meeting

802.1 Revision of IEEE std 802-2001 overview of the architecture

A request has been made to for volunteers to help with the balloting process and also for a qualified editor.

The chair asked any interested 802.19 members to contact him during the meeting.

Document IEEE80219-09-0089 PAR Presentation

The Chair presented this presentation that has been developed in the teleconferences to give background information on the proposed 802.19 PAR for the EC meeting on Friday.

Part of this presentation has already been presented to the Monday EC meeting and full presentation will be given at the Friday meeting.

Review of comments

The Study Group carried out a initial review of the comments received as far on the PAR and 5C for 802.19.1.

Meeting was recessed @ 12:30

Tuesday PM1 Study group meeting

Meeting was reconvened @ 13:35

The SG reviewed and developed comments on the 802.11 TVWS PAR, the final comments that were sent by the 5pm deadline are contained in document IEEE802.19-09/0093.

The SG reviewed and developed comments on the two PARs and 5C submitted by 802.22, the final comments that were sent by the 5pm deadline are contained in document IEEE802.19-09/0094.

The rest of this session was used to review the comments received on the 802.19.1 PAR and 5C.

Meeting recessed: 14:28

Wednesday AM1 Study group meeting

Meeting reconvened 08:10

The Chairman confirmed that there would be an Adhoc meeting during AM2 to allow further time for working on the comments received on the 802.19.1 PAR.

The group then worked towards a resolution of each comment received.

The meeting was recessed 10.05 for a 15 minute break.

Wednesday AM2 Study Group Adhoc meeting

The Adhoc meeting was convened at 10:30

The Adhoc group finished working through the comments on the PAR and 5 criteria; then started draft reply comments and new text was added.

The meeting was recessed at 12.45.

Wednesday PM1 Study group meeting

Meeting reconvened @ 13:35

The Chairman presented document IEEE802.19-09/0096:

•This document provides comments to the 802.11 WG on the 802.11 TVWS PAR;

•Each slide includes a comment with the PAR or 5C section;

•A format similar to that used by 802.11 was used:





The chair presented the latest draft of the PAR IEEE802.19-09/78R5 to the group which incorporates the new text to satisfy the comments that the group received.

Straw poll

  • Option 1: The original text in 8.1 MAC/PHY capabilities end of the section 5.2 (scope)
  • Option 2: replace capabilities with coexistence mechanisms and provide examples of the coexistence mechanisms


For option 1 = 7

For option 2 = 4

Abstained = 4

Study Group Motion

Motion to adopt the document IEEE802.19-09/0078r5 PAR.

Motion:Alex Reznik

Second: Mark Cummings

For: 14

Against: 0

Abstain: 1

The Chairman confirmed that IEEE802.19-09/0078r5 will not include the track changes.


Alex Reznikpresented the latest version of the 5C contained IEEE802.19-09/0081r2 containing text from the Adhoc session.

For information in the document

  • Black text = Template text
  • Green text = Text adopted in September
  • Red text = Text proposed during the morning adhoc session

The group discussed and amendedthe text.

Study Group Motion

Motion to adopt the document IEEE802.19-09/0081r2 5C.

Motion: Mark Cummings

Second: Mika Kasslin

For: 12

Against: 0

Abstain: 3

The meeting was recessed at 15:00

Wednesday PM2 TAG Meeting

Meeting reconvened @ 15:35

Document IEEE802.19-09/0078R5

The Chairmanpresented the document highlighting the changes made by the SG based on the comments received.


Move to accept the PAR IEEE 802.19-09/0078R5 as adopted by the study group

Moved Ivan Reede

Second: Hyunduk Kang


Matt Sherman: What is the recommend disposition of the group if the PAR is approved, will it remain a TAG or change to a working group. This was in relation to the 802.16 comments.

The Chair presented document doc IEEE 802.19-09/0096, Comment number 1 of the 802.16 group (slide 29)


The 802.19 WG would not develop MAC/PHY standards and so the potential conflict of interest would not arise

The EC can place this project in any WG it chooses and can start a new WG if it so chooses

Our recommendation is that the work be done 802.19


–No change required to the PAR

Matt was happy with the response to this comment.


For: 8

Against: 0

Abstain: 0


Move to accept the 5C IEEE 802.19-09/0081R2 as adopted by the study group

Motion: Ivan Reede

Second: Alex Reznik


For: 8

Apposed: 0

Abstain: 0


Move to extend the study group to the end of the next IEEE802 plenary.

Motion: Matt Sherman

Second: Alex Reznik


For: 8

Apposed: 0

Abstain: 0

The group reviewed the agenda and a new version was uploaded.

The next steps for the work were discussed and it was decided to schedule telephone conferences before the January interim.

Straw poll

Should the group hold a teleconference in December?


For: 1

Against: 7

The chair will update the IEEE802.19 website with the dates and times for teleconferences.

The meeting was recessed at 15:00

Thursday AM2 TAG Meeting

Meeting reconvened @ 10:35

Document IEEE802.19-09/0097r1 Ofcom Update on the TV White Space issues

This was presentation was given by Mark Austin (Ofcom)

The presentation sets out the current regulatory position in the UK of TV white space (interleave spectrum)and details Ofcom’s current consultation on Geolocation for Cognitive Access: A discussion on using geolocation to enable licence exempt access to the interleaved spectrum, published 17/11/09.

Also the current status of the European studies being carried out in ECC SE PT43: whose remit is to define technical and operational requirements for the operation of cognitive radio systems in the white spaces of the UHF broadcasting band (470-790 MHz) to ensure the protection of incumbent radio services/systems and investigate the consequential amount of spectrum potentially available as “white space.

Document IEEE802.11-09/1123R0

This document was presented by John Ziegler (Optoscope)

This contribution discusses the on-going work being performed at the SDR Forum’s Test and Measurement Task Group (T&M-TG)

•The task group’s goal is to define general requirements and test methodologies for SDR and cognitive radio, specifically for the TV white spaces band

•Group is chaired by Bob Cutler from Agilent

•Project name is “Test Guidelines and Requirements for Television Band Devices (TVBDs) Designed to Operate on Available Channels in the Broadcast Television Frequency Bands

•Results are a report calledTest and Measurement of functions for Software-Defined/Cognitive Radios: Part 1 Test Guidelines and Requirements for Television Band Devices (TVBDs) Designed to Operate on Available Channels in the Broadcast Television Frequency Bands

The Thursday PM1 meeting was cancelled.

Meeting adjourned 11.25.

Conference calls

The Chairman will update the IEEE802.19 website with the dates and times for teleconferences.

The provisional dates were set as the:

  • 6th January 2010
  • 13th January 2010



Annex 1: Attendance

First Name / Last Name / Affiliation
Mark / Austin / UK Ofcom
Tuncer / Baykas / NICT - National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Harry / Bims / Bims Laboratories, Inc.
Kim / Chang / Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Michael / Chia / Institute for Infocomm Research
Mark / Cummings / WG802.19
Wen / Gao / Thomson
Reinhard / Gloger / Nokia Siemens Networks
Andrew / Gowans / UK Ofcom
Ching-T / Hsieh / Industrial Technology Research Institute
Ju-Lan / Hsu / Samsung
Hyunduk / Kang / ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
Mika / Kasslin / Nokia Corporation
Eunah / Kim / ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
Paul / Knutson / WG802.19
Joseph / Kwak / InterDigital Communications, LLC
Zhongding / Lei / Institute for Infocomm Research
Ivan / Reede / AmeriSys Inc.
Alex / Reznik / InterDigital, Inc.
Shigenobu / Sasaki / Niigata University
Stephen / Shellhammer / Qualcomm Incorporated
Matthew / Sherman / BAE Systems
Prabodh / Varshney / Nokia Corporation
Junyi / Wang / NICT - National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Steve / Yao / ITT Corporation
John / Ziegler / Octoscope

Submission page 1Mark Austin, Ofcom