Account_Number-This is the Assessor Assigned Tax Account number

Tax_Year- The is the tax year of the taxes billed, i.e. 2014 represents the 2014 taxes assessed for collection in 2015

AreaId- This number represents the unique set of Tax Authorities assessing taxes on a Tax Account.

i.e. Area 0215 consists of the following tax authorities

Authority Id / Authority Name / Mill Levy
3002 / TOWN OF CASTLE ROCK / 1.7030000

Parcel_Number - This is the Assessor Assigned number associated to the physical land parcel.

Township Index

Property_Use_Code - Currently no data for this field. This may be removed from the dataset at a future date.

Full_Street_Name - This field represents a concatenation of the individual situs street name componenents, i.e. Situs_Street_Number <space> Situs_Street_Prefix <space> Situs_Street_Name <space> Situs_Street_Designation <space> Situs_Street_Direction <space> Situs_Unit

Situs_Street_Number - The unique street number used for the property address of a land parcel

Situs_Street_Prefix - The prefix Associated to the Street Name, i.e. S, W, N, E, etc.

Situs_Street_Name - The street name associated to the land parcel

Situs_Street_Designation - The street type in accordance with US Postal Service abbreviations, i.e. ST, TRL, AVE, etc.

Situs_Street_Direction - Currently no data for this field. This may be removed from the dataset at a future date.

Situs_Unit - The unit number associated to the land parcel, i.e. 200, 300, A, B1, B2, etc.

Situs_City - The city name associated to the land parcel, i.e. Castle Rock, Parker, etc.

Situs_Zip - The postal zip code associated to the city and land parcel, i.e. 80104, 80134, etc.

Subdivision_Code - The unique id associated to a subdivision.

Subdivision_Name - The plain text name associated to the Subdivision_Code.

Legal_Description - The lot, block, tract or metes and bound description associated to a land parcel. Not all tax accounts will have an associated description.

Lot - The lot number designated in the legal description as a result of the subdivision process.

Block - The block number designated in the legal description as a result of the subdivision process.

Section - The section number of the physical land parcel associated to the physical land parcel from the U.S. Governmental land survey system. See State Parcel Number information above for specifics.

Township - The township associated to the physical land parcel from the U.S. Governmental land survey system. See State Parcel Number information above for specifics.

Range - The range associated to the physical land parcel from the U.S. Governmental land survey system. See State Parcel Number information above for specifics.

Business_Name - The Business Name associated to a personal property account, which may be different from the billing name.

Confidential_Flag - Currently no data for this field. This may be removed from the dataset at a future date.

Schedule_Code - The alpha prefix of the accounts number. Currently no data for this field.

Line_Number - Order of precedence for multiple owners. Currently the data only contains one primary owner per tax account.

Ownership_Percentage - The percentage of ownership for different owners associated to a tax account. Currently ownership is 1 or 100% on all accounts.

Owner_Type - The letter designation for primary (P) or secondary (S) owner on a tax account

Owner_Name - The name of the owner or mailing information at the time the taxes were certified by the Assessor to the Treasurer for collection.

Care_Of - Any care of mailing addressee information if applicable.

Full_Address - The concatenation of the mailing Address_1 and mailing Address_2fields.

Address_1 - The first line of mailing address information at the time the taxes were certified by the Assessor to the Treasurer for collection.

Address_2 - The second line of mailing address information at the time the taxes were certified by the Assessor to the Treasurer for collection, if applicable

City - The city mailing address information at the time the taxes were certified by the Assessor to the Treasurer for collection.

State - The state mailing address information at the time the taxes were certified by the Assessor to the Treasurer for collection.

Zip - The zip code for the mailing address information at the time the taxes were certified by the Assessor to the Treasurer for collection.

country - Currently no data for this field. This may be removed from the dataset at a future date.

Total_Actual - The total of the land, improvement, and exempt Actual values (when applicable) for Real property. The total of the Personal and Exempt Actual value (when applicable) for Personal Property

Total_Assessed - The total of the land, improvement, and exempt Assessed value (when applicable) for Real property. The total of the Personal and Exempt Assessed value (when applicable) for Personal Property

Land_Actual - The total of the land and exempt Actual values (when applicable) for Real property.

Land_Assessed - The total of the land and exempt Assessed values (when applicable) for Real property.

Improved_Actual - The total of the improvement and exempt Actual values (when applicable) for Real property.

Improved_Assessed - The total of the improvement and exempt Assessed values (when applicable) for Real property.

Personal_Actual - The total of the Personal and Exempt Actual values (when applicable) for Personal Property.

Personal_Assessed - The total of the Personal and Exempt Actual values (when applicable) for Personal Property.

Tax_Type - Currently no data for this field. This may be removed from the dataset at a future date.

Taxes - Total Taxes certified by the Assessor for collection by the Treasurer

Late_Filing_Fee - A penalty fee of $50 or 15% of the tax amount due for owners who do not file a Personal Property Declaration Schedule.

Exempt_Tax_Amount - This is the amount of taxes exempted under the Homestead Exemption statute for Senior and Disabled Veterans.

Tax_Bill_Amount - This is the amount of taxes billed minus any Exempt_Tax_Amount.

Exemption_Code - This code identifies the qualified exemption applied to a tax account, S - Senior Exemption, V - Disabled Veteran Exemption.

Charge_Type - Currently no data for this field. This may be removed from the dataset at a future date.

Location - This is the decimal degree coordinate for the physical location of the land parcel in the format (x,y) or (longitude,latitude). Not all tax accounts have a physical location that can be mapped so all tax accounts will not have an entry.