Journal of Epidemiology Authorship Form

Each author must read and complete this form.All authors must provide therequested information, checkthe appropriate boxes below,and print and signtheirname. When the form is complete, the corresponding author must upload all authors’ forms during the submission process.


Corresponding Author:

Authorship Responsibility and Contributions to Authorship

To take public responsibility for the content of a work, each authormusthave participated sufficiently in its production. Contributors who do not qualify for authorship should be listed in the Acknowledgments section.All authors must approve the final manuscript before submission.

Also, all authors must agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Contributors who do not qualify for authorship should be listed in the acknowledgements section.

Examples of contributors who should be acknowledged include people who provide purely administrative, technical, or financial/material support.

I have checked all author names, including the corresponding author, in the manuscript and agree that I and all other authors meet the authorship requirements as stated above.



Please indicate your contributions to the submitted work.

□Substantial contributions to the conception and design of the study

□Analysis and interpretation of the data

□Assisted in drafting the article or critically revising it for important intellectual content

□Provision of materials, patients, or resources

□Literature research

□Data collection

I approve the final version.



I certify that the present work has not been published in, or submitted to, any other journal.



Conflict of Interest

All authors should state all their sources of funding and any other financial or personal relationships that might be perceive to bias their work. If any author has involvements that might raise the question of bias in the work, details of such conflicts of interest should be provided.

I have a conflict of interest to disclose.



If yes, please submit the statement of conflict of interest below.

Name Signature



Only a corresponding author has to mark the checklist below.

Confirm the following

You have included the required information in the cover letter.

You have confirmed that the first author registered to the EVISE with ORCID.

You have included a title page with the main document.

You have added line numbers.

You have followed the checklist provided below for the content and formatting.

The manuscript has been carefully reviewed by an experienced editor whose first language is English.

Your manuscript has included the statements relating to ethical approval in the text:


N/A. Reason: ______

You have included research or project support/funding in the acknowledgement:



Does your manuscript contain copyrighted material?



If yes, you must obtain permission from both the publisher and author to use such material, submit copies of these permissions to the JE editorial office, and cite the source of the material.

Tables are in the proper format:



Below is a checklist for common issues involving the content and formatting for the Journal of Epidemiology. The checklist is optional, but papers that address the items on this list may be more likely to be accepted for publication. Please note that the points on this list are simply common issues with paper formatting; authors should refer to the Guide for Authors when drafting articles.


Title page contains article title; authors’ names; institutional affiliations and locations; a running title (within 8 words); the number of figures, tables, and appendices; and the name, mailing address, email address, and fax number ofthe corresponding author.

Abstract is no more than 250 words and is structured with the following headings: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions (review articles should provide an unstructured abstract). Three to five key words are included below the abstract for cross-indexing.

The sources of special reagents, instruments, and software used in the study are provided, along with the location of the manufacturer.

All abbreviations are defined at first use and used consistently thereafter.

Means, standard deviations, and standard errors are reported using the following format: "mean (SD)" and "mean (SE)." Do not use "±."

Confidence intervals are expressed using a comma, and separate values with a hyphen, e.g., "95% CI, 1.20-1.90," unless one or both values of any CI is negative, in which case all values in the manuscript are separated by the word "to," e.g., "−2.3 to −1.4."

Methods section includes (1) a statement that written informed consent was obtained from all participants (or guardians of participants) in the study (consent for research); (2) a statement that an ethical standards committee gave approval for the conduct the study; (3) a statement providing the identity of the public trials registry and the clinical trial identifier number (if the study reports a clinical trial); (4) if applicable, a statement to report previously published methods, eg, "We used the method previously reported by Sato et al.11". Insert the published method verbatim immediately below, citing it appropriately.

All financial support for the research and any conflicts of interest, including directorships, stock holdings, and contracts, and disclosed in the Acknowledgements section.

Reference formatting

References are numbered in the order that they are first mentioned in the text (not listed alphabetically).

In-text citations are superscripted (e.g., Three studies1-3instead of three studies [1-3]).

Superscripted citations follow commas and periods and precede colons and semicolons, without a separating space (e.g., In one study,4instead of In one study4, or in one study,4).

Table formatting

Tables include a brief title and are submitted on separate pages and numbered using Arabic numerals.

Superscripted letters (a, b, c, etc.) are used for footnotes.

Internal horizontal or vertical rules are not used.

Image files of tables are not embedded and tabs were not used in creating tables.

Tables do not use color or shading.

Tables do not include patient names or initials.

References cited within a table use numbers rather than author names.