Revision Questions

Book 1

1. What are the six features of a case study text? See P.9

2. What are the six skills of analysing business cases? See P. 13+14

3. How can you differentiate between a high level and a low level in text? See P. 21

4. Carry out a STEP analysis. See the sample in P.51+52

5. What are the four categories of stakeholder analysis? Give examples? P.61

6. What are the three kinds of cause-effect relationship? See P.79+80

7. Circle the correct meaning for the words in P.82+83

8. Carry out a STEP analysis using cause-effect relationship. See P. 88+89

9. What is a problem? See P.109

10. What are the five steps of the problem-solution pattern in the business texts? See P.111+ Activity 4.2 P.111+112

11. See Activity 4.6 P. 117 to learn more about causal links between the problems in a factory.

12. What are the components of the SWOT analysis? See P. 119+120

13. See the sample SWOT analysis on P. 121 and do Activity 4.9 P.122 for more practice.

14. Activity 5.1 P. 137-140 (All extracts).

15. Activity 5.3 P.141

16. Activity 5.4 P.142

17. What are the eight ways of justifying a proposed solution? P.154+155

18. Activity 6.2 P.174-176

19. Activity 6.8 P. 183+184

Book 2 (Sessions 1-3)

1. See Activity 1.2 & Activity 1.3 / P. 9-10

2. What are the four characteristics of a successful essay? P. 15

3. What does essay title include? P. 15

4. Activity 1.6 (IMPORTANT)/ P.16

5. Define Primary Sources and Secondary Sources. /P. 52

6. What is an argument? What are the two kinds of basis? / P. 70

7. See Activity 3.3 / P.72

8. See figure 3.4/ P.75

9. See figure 3.5/ P.80

Book 2 (sessions 4-6)

1. What is critical discussion? P. 99

2. Activity 4.4 / P. 101+ 102 (Tasks 1 & 2)

3. What is paraphrasing? P. 103

4. Activity 4.5/ P. 105+106

5. Activity 4.7/ P. 107+108

6. See the checklist / P. 109

7. Activity 4.10/ P. 115 & its comment / P. 115+116

8. Activity 4.12/ P. 117+118

9. Activity 4.13/ P.118+119

10. Activity 5.3 / P. 135+136 (Tasks 1& 2)

11. See the checklists / P.183+184

12. What is quoting? P. 167

13. What is reporting? P.168

14. What is in-text referencing? P.169

15. What is list of references? P.169

16. Activity 6.5 / p. 170

17. What is a run-on sentence? P.172

18. Activity 6.7/ P.172

Book 3 (Sessions 1-3)

1. What is an influential document? P.9 (first paragraph).

2. Activity 1.2/ P. 9

3. What is ‘the conversationalisation of official discourse’? P.13

4. What are the parts of the influential document checklist? P.14

5. Activity 1.5/ P. 15

6. Define workplace reports? P. 16

7. Define academic reports? P.16

8. Activity 1.6/ P.16

9. How can an academic report influence two audiences? P.17

10. Activity 1.8/ P. 18

11. Activity 1.16/ P. 26

12. What are the three types of report? P.36

13. Activity 2.1/ P. 37

14. What are the three functions of a report? P. 38

15. What is ‘relationship management’ and ‘information management’? P. 39

16. What is ‘theme’ and ‘point’? P.39 + examples P. 40

17. What is SMART? P. 42

18. What is STEEP? P.43

19. What is PEST? P. 43

20. What is PESTLE? P.43

21. What are Porter’s five forces? P.44

22. Define the word ‘data’? P.47

23. Study the words and phrases P. 50.

24. Activity 2.10/P.51

25. Activity 2.11/P.51+52

26. What are the three situations in which performance-evaluation reports produced? P.62 (Introduction).

27. See the mind map /P.62

28. Why may writing become more personal? P.63

29. What is a 'writer's voice'? P.63

30. What is a skill audit? P.63

31. Activity 3.1/ P.64

32. Activity 3.3/P.66 (See the figure P.40 Resource Book 3)

33. What is the pattern of skills-evaluation reports? P. 69

34. What are the features of a self-evaluation report? P.72

35. See the examples on these features P.72- P.75.

Book 3 (Sessions 4-6)

1. What are the forms of communication in the workplace? P.86

2. Activity 4.2/ p.88

3. See tips for writing emails. /P.91

4. Activity 4.3/ P.92 (see the comment P.92)

5. What is individualist culture? P.92

6. What is collectivist culture? P.92

7. What are the elements of workplace emails? P.93/94

8. Activity 4.4/ P.94

9. Activity 4.5/P. 96 (see the comment P.97)

10. What are the different types of banks customers? P.106

11. What are the special sentence patterns used to communicate with retail customers? P.107

12. Activity 5.5/ p.108

13. What is a workplace proposal? P.137

14. Activity 6.1/P.137

15. What are the types of action proposed by a workplace proposal? P.138

16. What are the functions of a workplace proposal? P.140

17. Activity 6.10/P. 147

Prepared by tutor/ Mohammed Ghabkari e-mail: