Correction – compréhension – 22.04.2011

1.Tick the correct answer.
The narrator describes a scene he remembers.

2.Complete the following summary with words from the text.
One day/ afternoon, there was a fire in the house of Shugg Payne, a colored / black* woman who lived in the town of Glen Allen . The narrator was surprised to see that, on this occasion, there was no racial separation between the inhabitants.

3.Put the events into chronological order (from the oldest to the most recent): 4/3/1/2

4. The narrator could see the fire./ 3. The narrator heard the cry of "fire". /1. The narrator saw blacks and whites working together to save the house. /2. The narrator heard the people saying they were sorry.

4.Right or wrong? Justify all your answers with brief quotations.

b)Miss Shugg had a great number of dogs. ⊠ Right

line. 12: "the house was infested with dogs"

c)She was determined to rescue her dogs. ⊠ Right

line.13 : " Miss Shugg could not be stopped from running back into the house to save her dogs"

d)Miss Shugg lived in a brick house. ⊠ Wrong

line.15 : " the flames engulfed the little wood structure"

e)People came into Miss Shugg's house to steal her money. ⊠ Wrong

line. 21: " They filed in and out of the burning house, savinf what they could. ...

f)Miss Shugg finally saved her money. ⊠ Wrong

line.28 : " the Bible went up in smoke , along with her money"

5.Find in the text the equivalents of the following words or expression.

a)a big dangerous fire: a blaze

b)baby dogs: puppies

c)a large group of people: a crowd

d)unhappiness and sadness: sorrow

6. Pick out two elements from the text showing that segregation was rife* in Glen Allan.

 Choose two of the following quotes :

l.1 : "there were ,however, moments when the difference in color did not make such a deep wedge in Glen Allen."

l. 7 : "the colored school"

l. 17 : "the racial separation which was ordinarily so strictly observed"

l. 24 : "the Blacks and Whites went their separate ways."

7.Choose the best title and justify your choice, using your own words (20 words)
The integrated bucket line.

Although segregation was rife in Glen Allen, Blacks and Whites made up a single line, passing each other buckets of water, to put out the fire in Miss Payne's house.

8. Do you think that the incident had an immediate effect on people's ways of life in Glen Allen ?

Answer in your own words (20 words)

The incident had no immediate effect on Blacks and Whites' ways of life, because the two communities separated immediately after putting the fire out. They "went their separate ways" (line 20).