President Lic. Vicente Fox Quesada

Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos

Palacio Nacional Patio de Honor

Col. Centro

06067, Distrito Federal


Fax : +52 55 5277 2376



Your Excellency,

I am a member of the English Centre of PEN, the international association of writers, and I am writing to call for all charges against Lydia Cacho Ribeiro to be dropped.

I call on the Mexican authorities to adopt the recommendation of the Inter American Commission on Human Rights and repeal the laws governing criminal defamation, so that such matters can be dealt with in the civil courts.

Meanwhile, there should be an enquiry into the manner of Lydia Cacho’s arrest and any irregularities should be thoroughly investigated.

I further urge you to do all in your power to ensure that those responsible for the ongoing death threats made against the author are brought to justice. Her right to practice her profession without judicial harassment and intimidation should be respected, in accordance with Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

I would welcome your comments on my appeal.

Yours sincerely

Cc: HE Señor Juan Bremer de Martino CVO; The Foreign Office

Carlos María Abascal Carranza

Internal Affairs Minister

Secretario de Gobernación

Secretaría de Gobernación

Bucareli No. 99

Col. Juárez

Delegación Cuahtémoc

06600 Distrito Federal



Your Excellency,

I am a member of the English Centre of PEN, the international association of writers, and I am writing to call for all charges against Lydia Cacho Ribeiro to be dropped.

I call on the Mexican authorities to adopt the recommendation of the Inter American Commission on Human Rights and repeal the laws governing criminal defamation, so that such matters can be dealt with in the civil courts.

Meanwhile, there should be an enquiry into the manner of Lydia Cacho’s arrest and any irregularities should be thoroughly investigated.

I further urge you to do all in your power to ensure that those responsible for the ongoing death threats made against the author are brought to justice. Her right to practice her profession without judicial harassment and intimidation should be respected, in accordance with Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

I would welcome your comments on my appeal.

Yours sincerely

Cc: HE Señor Juan Bremer de Martino CVO; The Foreign Office

HE Señor Juan José Bremer de Martino CVO

Mexican Ambassador to the United Kingdom

Embassy of México

16 St George Street


Fax: 020 7495 4035


Your Excellency,

I am a member of the English Centre of PEN, the international association of writers, and I would be grateful if you could forward the following letters of appeal to Their Excellencies President Lic. Vicente Fox Quesada and Carlos María Abascal Carranza.

I would welcome your comments on my appeal.

Yours sincerely