Launching Place PS

No. 2599

Annual Implementation Plan 2013

(Based on LPPS Strategic Plan 2011-2014)

Endorsement by School Council / Insertion of a tick ( ü) in the next column indicates that the School Principal, as Executive Officer of the School Council, verifies that this Annual Implementation Plan was endorsed at a meeting of School Council.
Steve Shaw
Endorsement by Regional Director (or nominee) / Insertion of a tick (ü) in the next column indicates that the Regional Network Leader (or nominee) has endorsed this Annual Implementation Plan


Strategic Intent
Goals / Targets / One Year Targets
Student Learning / To achieve high quality educational outcomes for all students, demonstrating consistent learning growth through the school, with a particular focus on Literacy and Numeracy. / §  Expected cohort growth per VELS level to be at least 1.0 for Prep to Year 6 in VELS teacher judgments in English and Numeracy.
§  Expected cohort growth in Years 3 and 5 of at least one level over two years in NAPLAN data.
§  The percentage of students deemed capable at Year 3 and Year 5 to increase by 10% in the bands at and above the expected level.
Year 3
90% above Band 3
30% above Band 4
Year 5
90% above Band 5
30% above Band 6
§  By 2014, teacher assessment against VELS will indicate that 90% of students to be at or above the expected levels in Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening and Number. / §  2013 NAPLAN school mean scaled score to be at or above state mean in Yr 3 & 5 Reading, Writing and Numeracy.
Level / School Mean / State Mean
Reading / 3 / 442.2 / 434.5
Writing / 3 / 395.7 / 424.3
Numeracy / 3 / 423.5 / 414.1
Reading / 5 / 523.8 / 504.5
Writing / 5 / 477.4 / 493.5
Numeracy / 5 / 515.1 / 500.6
§  > 90% of students in P-6 to be at or above the expected level in all areas of Literacy and Numeracy.
§  Increased teacher proficiency in interpretation of Progression Points through making ‘consistent judgements’.
§  VELS evidenced in curriculum planning using whole school planning template for P-6, with an increased focus on metacognition.
Student Engagement and Wellbeing / To have a high level of student wellbeing whereby students are socially competent, motivated and engaged with a strong sense of connectedness to their peers, the school and their teachers. / §  To increase average student attendance rates by at least 3 days by 2014.
§  To improve the variable scores on the 2013 Staff Opinion Survey:
Student Misbehavior - Classroom
(4.0 to > 4.5),
Student Misbehavior - School
(4.1 to > 4.5),
Student Motivation
(4.2 to > 4.6).
§  To improve the variable scores on the Attitudes to School Survey:
Student Motivation
( > 4.65),
Connectedness to Peers
( > 4.66),
Teacher Empathy
( > 4.71).
§  To improve the variable scores on the Parent Opinion Survey:
Behaviour Management
( = or > 6.15),
Student Safety
(= or > 5.98)
§  Increase number of respondents on the
Parent Opinion Survey
to be above 50% / §  By 2014, to decrease the number of student absence days to equal, or be less than, the state mean.
§  Staff Opinion Survey - Maintain current levels in all areas and show growth in:
Variable / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 goal
Student Misbehaviour
Classroom / 3.8 / 4.0 / > 4.5
School / 4.2 / 4.1 / > 4.5
Student Motivation / 4.3 / 4.2 / > 4.6
§  Attitudes to School Survey – Extend growth in the following areas:
Variable / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 goal
Student Motivation / 4.62 / 4.59 / > 4.65
School Connectedness / 4.66 / 4.61 / > 4.68
Teacher Empathy / 4.71 / 4.65 / > 4.72
§  Parent Opinion Survey – Continue to maintain current levels across all variables with a focus on.
Variable / 2012 / 2013 goal
Behaviour Management / 6.15 / = or > 6.15
Student Safety / 5.98 / = or > 5.98
Student Pathways and Transitions / To ensure that all students have a smooth, planned and logical progression through all stages of schooling. / §  The proportion of parents reporting satisfaction with the quality of student transitions to remain in the 4th quartile.
§  To maintain and, as far as possible, grow the school’s current 2013 enrolment of 246 students. / §  Continue to review current induction process for newly enrolled students in years 1-6 and support this arrival through documented success of the induction protocol document.
Key Improvement Strategies
and Significant Projects / What
the activities and programs required to progress the key improvement strategies / How
the budget, equipment, IT, learning time, learning space / Who
the individuals or teams responsible for implementation / When
the date, week, month or term for completion / Achievement milestones
the changes in practice or behaviours /
Build the capacity of teachers to implement a cohesive school wide approach to teaching and learning, to explicity develop the foundational skills in Literacy and Numeracy while challenging and engaging all students. / §  Continue to undertake intensive staff Professional Learning in teaching Numeracy and Literacy
§  Explicit development of core Literacy and Numeracy skills with assistance through intervention programs
§  Informed Staff Professional Improvement Plan established
§  Continue to embed the use of the Student Performance Analyser (SPA) software to further develop a team focus on data and planning
§  Continue to increase teacher proficiency in interpretation of Progression Points through making ‘consistent judgements’, with an emphasis on writing
§  Involvement in
School Rewards
Trial / §  Provide Levels and specialists with an extended planning session each term
§  Provide suitable budget for ICT, Literacy and Maths
§  Develop a Staff Professional Learning Plan
§  Budget allocated
§  Timetable established
§  Quicksmart, Multilit and Reading Recovery programs sustained
§  Staff performance review process to be based upon school and individual improvement goals and role statement
§  Regular reviews of staff proficiency in the use of SPA
§  Team approach to ‘Data Analysis’ established for whole staff
§  Data Analysis embedded into planning days to identify individuals and cohorts at and above indicative levels
§  Conduct PL sessions in identified ‘best practices’
§  Develop an agreed school process/ timeline for writing moderation
§  Engage in whole school ‘writing days’ with moderation across levels
§  Discretionary weighting determined
§  Teacher reward process consulted and documented / §  Staff Professional Learning Team, ELS team/ Lyn Watts
§  Business Manager, Principal, Finance Committee
§  Numeracy/ Literacy Quicksmart Coordinators
§  Multilit Staff
§  Selected Educational Support Staff
§  All staff members
§  Leadership and Level teams
§  PLT – Student Learning Team
§  Data collection from across all levels / §  Set dates throughout the year to coincide with planning times
§  Weekly Staff Meetings
§  Fortnightly Level Meetings
§  Ongoing
§  Term 1 & Term 4
§  Early term 1
§  Weekly Staff Meetings
§  Fortnightly Level Meetings
§  Planning Days
§  Term 1 onwards
§  Ongoing / §  Increased sharing of pedagogy across all levels
§  Detailed Level planning documents completed for each term and utilised by teachers for classroom planning
§  Improved teaching and learning practices in classrooms
§  Improved Numeracy & Literacy outcomes across VELS levels 2, 3 & 4
§  Sharing of current goals and successes at Staff meetings
§  Annual performance review timeline established
§  Successful staff reviews and positive feedback of processes.
§  Regular student data discussions occurring amongst staff
§  Use of SPA data to inform planning, differentiation and Individual Student Learning Plans
§  Professional dialogue based around effective writing and spelling practices
§  Agreement across all levels as to what constitutes ‘best practice’ in writing
§  Consistent teacher judgements across levels
§  Continued improvement in Literacy, Numeracy & Science outcomes
Increase understandings and develop a common language related to best teaching practices for all staff / §  Increase teacher proficiency in the teaching of science through full support of the Science Specialist Program
§  Involvement in Empowering Local School’s project
§  Develop pedagogy to enhance Metacognition.
Use this model as a basis for Instructional Rounds
§  Further develop knowledge and effective use of the Ultranet
§  Further develop staff proficiency in usage of current digital resources, with a focus on IWB usage and other IT tools / §  Staff professional
learning/ coaching sessions
§  Staff assistance in
program development
§  Level Meetings
§  ELS funding through grant
§  Empowering Local Schools project funding.
§  Develop a Metacognition Concept map.
§  Teachers plan and view lessons in a reciprocal arrangement
§  Whole staff PL
§  Time allocated to assist whole staff PL
§  Introduce an Ultranet ‘Show and Tell’ component in staff meetings.
§  Whole staff PL
§  Seek opportunities within Network to become involved in ICT initiatives / §  Science Coordinators
§  Leadership Team
§  Level Coordinators
§  Principal and staff
§  Lyn Watts - consultant
§  Lyn Watts – consultant
§  Staff Professional learning team.
§  All teaching staff led by Leadership Team
§  Ultranet Coordinator/ PLT ‘s
§  All Staff
§  PLT’s and staff as identified through surveys / §  Ongoing
§  Ongoing
§  Ongoing
§  Ongoing
§  At mid-cycle check in and review in October
§  Ongoing / §  All 3-6 students
complete UNSW
§  Professional dialogue
focused on explicit
science teaching/
§  Process documented
§  All teachers reflect on and discuss their classroom practice
at staff meetings
§  Peer Observation reflection journals in use
§  All teachers reflect on and discuss their classroom practice
§  Increased understanding of ausVELS
§  Staff shared vision on how the Ultranet is linked to improving teaching and learning
§  All staff using the Ultranet as a tool to enhance pedagogy and communication
§  Increased staff professional dialogue related to ICT practices
§  Growing number of staff considered proficient users of Teamboard technology
Embed use of ICT in all classroom programs
Maintain high expectations of students as they progress through the school and enhance the engagement of students and parents in the learning journey / §  Document Yr 6-7 transition activities and guidelines
§  Track student progress (academic, behaviour, intervention etc) through school / §  Current practices audited, reviewed and ‘time lined’
§  DEECD timelines
§  Audit and refine student cumulative files
§  Analyse SPA data / §  Transition Coordinators in liaison with Level 4 staff
§  Student Learning Teams
§  Leadership Team
§  Class teachers / §  Mid Term 2
§  Ongoing / §  Yr 6-7 Transition guidelines published and distributed to parents
§  Student Cumulative files are updated, analysed and ‘handover’ formalised
Increase student achievement in writing and spelling across the Network / §  Fully support Network collaboration / §  Focus on explicit writing instruction across all genres / §  Student Learning Literacy Team / §  Ongoing / §  Improved student outcomes in Writing across all VELS levels