Middle School: Recreation of Starry Night

Week 1: Craftsmanship Guide worksheet- This will help students focus on the way they color larger areas correctly.

Week 2: Pattern Page-Once students have worked on their craftsmanship, they will work on creating different patterns on a pattern practice sheet. They will also practice using oil pastels, as this will be their medium for their final project.

Week 3: Van Gogh Study- Students will study the artist Vincent Van Gogh. We will look at his artwork, and discuss how he has pattern incorporated in all his works. We will discuss where his artwork is displayed as well. We will then start sketching out a parody for his piece “Starry Night”.

Week 4: Projects-Students will produce sketches for their own parodies of the Starry Night. We will discuss how to incorporate personal interests that the students may have.

CR.1.7.1 Apply strategies to combat and overcome blocks in the creative process (e.g., sketching, brainstorming, journaling)

CR.1.8.1 Document the early stages of the creative process (e.g., sketching, journaling, photographing)

CR.2.6.1 Demonstrate openness to using new artistic processes (e.g., ideas, materials, methods, approaches) using grade-level appropriate elements of art and principles of design • drawing • painting • sculpture • printmaking • mixed media

CR.2.7.1 Demonstrate persistence in using new artistic processes (e.g., ideas, materials, methods, approaches) using grade-level appropriate elements of art and principles of design • drawing • painting • sculpture • printmaking • mixed media

CR.2.8.1 Pursue ideas, forms and meanings that emerge in the process of art-making or design through experimentation, innovation and/or risk taking using grade-level appropriate elements of art and principles of design • drawing • painting • sculpture • printmaking • mixed media

CR.2.6.2 Demonstrate the safe and responsible use of traditional and/or new media and tools • conservation • norms • craftsmanship • media literacy

CR.2.7.2 Justify, with guidance, the need to be responsible in the use of traditional and/or new media and tools • conservation • norms • craftsmanship • media literacy • social media

CR.2.8.2 Justify the need to be responsible in the use of traditional and/or new media and tools • conservation • norms • craftsmanship • media literacy • social media

R.7.7.2 Analyze contexts in which viewers encounter images that influence ideas, emotions and actions (e.g., Mona Lisa on a mug vs. Mona Lisa at the Louvre)

R.7.8.2 Evaluate contexts in which viewers encounter images that influence ideas, emotions and actions (e.g., Starry Night online, in a museum, as a print)