Third Grade Reading Street ( )

2014 Edition - Unit 3.1 How Do You Raise a Raisin? Genre: Expository Text
Vocabulary Words:
1.  area – a space used for a special purpose
2.  artificial – made by humans, not by nature
3.  grapevine – a woody vine on which grapes grow
4.  preservation – a substance used to keep foods from spoiling
5.  proof – anything that can be used to show that something is true or real
6.  raise – to lift
7.  raisin – a dried grape / Spelling Words:
1. let’s
2. he’d
3. you’ll
4. can’t
5. I’d
6. won’t
7. haven’t
8. hasn’t
9. she’d
10. they’ll
11. when’s
12. we’d
13. they’d
14. wasn’t
15. didn’t
16. should’ve
17. would’ve
18. could’ve
19. needn’t
20. you’ve
Amazing Words:
1.  nature – everything in the world not made by people
2.  wildlife – wild animals, birds, and other living things
3.  teem – to be full of living things
4.  elevation – how high something is above the earth
5.  admire – think very highly of something
6.  jumble – mix things up
7.  tame – no longer wild; trained for use by human beings
8.  stumble – to trip and almost fall
9.  trek – a long and difficult journey made on foot
10. backpack – a pack with straps that you wear on your back
Comprehension: Draw Conclusions, Important Ideas
Fluency: Expression
Writing: Voice, Fiction
Spelling: Contractions
Grammar: Action and Linking Verbs
Vocabulary: Homophones, Context Clues
Media Literacy: Commercial

Third Grade Reading Street ( )

2014 Edition - Unit 3.2 Pushing Up the Sky Genre: Drama
Vocabulary Words:
1.  antlers – bony, branching growths on the head of a male deer, elk, or moose
2.  imagined – made a picture or idea of something in your mind
3.  languages –human speech, spoken or written, of different groups or countries
4.  narrator- the person who tells a story
5.  overhead – over the head; on high; above
6.  poked – pushed with force against someone or something / Spelling Words:
1. unhappy
2. recall
3. disappear
4. unload
5. mistake
6. misspell
7. dislike
8. replace
9. mislead
10. disagree
11. rewrite
12. unroll
13. unknown
14. dishonest
15. react
16. unfortunate
17. discourage
18. uncomfortable
19. recycle
20. mispronounce
Amazing Words:
1.  existence – to be alive
2.  scarce – not much of something or is hard to get
3.  elder – an older person in a community
4.  abundant – more than enough; very plentiful
5.  shrivel – dry up and wither away
6.  scorch – to burn something slightly
7.  irritable – annoyed, unhappy
8.  pierce – to make a hole with something
9.  torrent – a powerful rush of water; a heavy downpour
10. fertile – land that is good for growing things
Comprehension: Literary Elements (character, setting, plot), Inferring
Fluency: Accuracy
Writing: Sentences, Play
Spelling: Prefixes un-, re-, mis-, dis-
Grammar: Main and Helping Verbs
Vocabulary: Unknown Words, Dictionary/Glossary
Listening and Speaking: Drama

Third Grade Reading Street ( )

2014 Edition - Unit 3.3 Seeing Stars Genre: Expository Text
Vocabulary Words:
1.  dim – somewhat dark, without much light
2.  gas – a substance that is neither a liquid nor solid and that has the ability to expand indefinitely
3.  gigantic – very large, tall, or bulky
4.  ladle – a large spoon with a long handle
5.  patterns – arrangements or designs
6.  shine – to give off light
7.  temperature – the degree of heat or coldness / Spelling Words:
1. clock
2. large
3. page
4. mark
5. kitten
6. judge
7. crack
8. edge
9. pocket
10. brake
11. change
12. ridge
13. jacket
14. badge
15. orange
16. ceiling
17. advantage
18. pledge
19. Kentucky
20. pencil
Amazing Words:
1.  reflect – to give back light, heat, or a picture of something
2.  microscopic – a device used for making small things look larger
3.  dusk – when the sun sets and it begins to get dark
4.  twilight – early evening when it is just beginning to get dark
5.  active – moving around or being busy
6.  intimate – very close or familiar
7.  detect – to find out, notice, or discover
8.  sensitive – easily affected by
9.  species – groups of animals that are similar
10. downwind – the direction in which the wind is blowing
Comprehension: Graphic Sources, Text Structure
Fluency: Appropriate Phrasing
Writing: Conventions, Formal Letter
Spelling: /j/, /k/, /s/
Grammar: Subject-Verb Agreement
Vocabulary: Unknown Words, Dictionary/Glossary
Listening and Speaking: Voice Mail

Third Grade Reading Street ( )

2014 Edition - Unit 3.4 A Symphony of Whales Genre: Fiction
Vocabulary Words:
1.  anxiously – uneasily; nervously
2.  bay – a part of a sea or lake partly surrounded by land
3.  blizzards – blinding snowstorms, with very strong, cold winds
4.  channel – a waterway that joins two larger bodies of water
5.  chipped – to cut or break off a small thin piece of something
6.  melody - an easily remembered series of musical notes
7.  supplies – food and other necessary items
8.  surrounded – shut in on all sides; encircled; enclosed
9.  symphony – a long musical piece for an orchestra / Spelling Words:
1. beautiful
2. safely
3. kindness
4. finally
5. spotless
6. worthless
7. illness
8. helpful
9. daily
10. suddenly
11. wireless
12. quietly
13. fairness
14. cheerful
15. painful
16. anxiously
17. thoughtfully
18. cautiously
19. tardiness
20. breathless
Amazing Words:
1.  starvation – dying from lack of food
2.  prohibit – to not allow
3.  conservation – protecting things in nature and using them wisely
4.  biologists – a scientist who studies living things
5.  catastrophe – a really bad thing that happens suddenly
6.  inhumane – not kind to living things
7.  overpopulation – too many people or animals in one place
8.  illegally – done against the law
9.  hover – to stay in one place in the air
10. salt marsh – low, wet land near salt water
Comprehension: Generalize, Story Structure
Fluency: Rate
Writing: Sentences, News Article
Spelling: -ly, -ful, -ness, -less
Grammar: Present, Past, and Future Tenses
Vocabulary: Unfamiliar Words, Context Clues
Listening and Speaking: Description

Third Grade Reading Street ( )

2014 Edition - Unit 3.5 Around One Cactus Genre: Marrative Nonfiction
Vocabulary Words:
1.  incredible – hard to believe
2.  lofty – tall, or high off the ground
3.  noble – belonging to a high social class
4.  search – to look for something
5.  stinging – having a sharp pain
6.  survivors – people who remain alive after an event where others have died
7.  topic – a subject
8.  unseen – not seen
9.  waterless – without water / Spelling Words:
1. thumb
2. gnaw
3. written
4. know
5. climb
6. design
7. wrist
8. crumb
9. assign
10. wrench
11. knot
12. wrinkle
13. lamb
14. knob
15. knit
16. wrestler
17. bologna
18. cologne
19. honeycomb
20. knickknack
Amazing Words:
1.  origin – the place or point where something comes from; beginning
2.  appreciate - to think highly of or be thankful for something
3.  relationship – a connection between things or people
4.  birch – a type of tree that has hard wood, often used in making furniture
5.  centipede – a flat, wormlike insect with many legs
6.  dew – tiny drops of water that form on cool surfaces at night
7.  behold – to see or observe
8.  cedar – an evergreen tree with widely spreading branches
9.  border – a side, edge, or boundary of somehing
10. preserve – to keep something proected
Comprehension: Cause and Effect, Predict and Set Purpose
Fluency: Expression
Writing: Word Choice, Compare-and-Contrast Composition
Spelling: Words with wr, kn, mb, gn
Grammar: Irregular Verbs
Vocabulary: Prefixes and Suffixes, Word Structure
Listening and Speaking: Oral Report