
Chapter 3 Test

Circle the best answer.

1.  A naturally formed, inorganic solid with a crystalline structure is called a

a. atom b. compound c. mineral d. element

2.  If the atoms of a substance are arranged in a specific, repetitive pattern, the substance is

a. amorphous b. colorful c. crystalline d. easily scratched

3. Nonsilicate minerals do not contain oxygen.

a. True b. False

4.  The color of the powder that mineral leaves on a porcelain streak plate is called a

a. hardness b. streak c. luster d. cleavage

5.  In addition to reclamation, a good way to reduce the environmental effects of mining is

a. recycle materials b. use more metals c. flush mines with water

6.  The hardness mineral on Mohs' hardness scale is

a. gypsum b. talc c. florite d. diamond

7. Some 49er prospectors found “fool’s gold”, which is scientifically called

a. graphite b. pyrite c. galena d. gypsum

8.  How many crystal classes are there?

a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8

9.  The smallest particle is an

a. smallite b. atom c. crystal d. element

10.  Which mineral “fizzes” when hydrochloric acid is dropped on it?

a. graphite b. calcite c. gelana d. hematite

11. – 15. Match the term to the definition.

Streak The way the surface of a mineral reflects light.

Luster The tendency of a mineral to break along curved or irregular surfaces.

Cleavage The true color of a mineral

Hardness The tendency of a mineral to break along flat parallel surfaces.

Fracture A test to identify how strong a mineral is.

16. Why isn’t color a very good way to identify a mineral?______



17. Describe two methods used to mine minerals. ______



18.How can mining harm the environment? ______



19. Which of the following factors is not important in the formation of minerals?

a. heat b. volcanic activity c. presence of ground water d. wind

20.Which of the following terms does not describe a minerals luster?

a. pearly b. waxy c. dull d. hexagonal

Extra Credit - The specific gravity of gold is ______