John A. (Jack) May Curriculum Vitae Page 2

Curriculum Vitae

John A. (Jack) May

Forensic Meteorologist, Stanwix Weather, LLC

2729 Lake Road

Williamson, NY 14589

Telephone: 315-904-4171 / e-mail:

Education and Certifications:

·  Bachelor of Science, Aeronautical Meteorology, Parks College of Aeronautical Technology, Cahokia, Illinois, July 1973

·  Masters, Public Administration, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas 1997

·  Certified Consulting Meteorologist, American Meteorological Society, January, 21, 2015

·  Certified Myers-Briggs Facilitator (2004)

·  National Weather Service Management and Supervision (1984)

·  Office of Personnel Management Leadership (1989 and 2003)

·  Surface Airways Observer (1974), Pilot Weather Briefer (1975)

·  Private Pilot, Federal Aviation Administration -- Aircraft, Single-engine, Land (1973)

Associations and Affiliations:

·  National Council of Industrial Meteorologists

·  American Meteorological Society

·  Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association

·  Member, National Weather Service Lake Placid Olympic Support Unit, 1980

Publications and Papers:

·  Member of core writing team to update the following FAA publications:

o  AC-00-45H Aviation Weather Services

o  AC-00-06B Aviation Weather For Pilots and Flight Operations Personnel

o  AC-00-30C Atmospheric Turbulence Avoidance

·  Primary author: National Airspace System Performance Aviation Weather Impact Metrics Program, FAA, 2010

·  Primary author: Concept of Use (ConUse) for Weather in the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), FAA, 2008

·  Member of core writing team of Joint Program Development Office (JPDO) Weather Concept of Operations, 2006. (JPDO is the cross-agency organization leading the development of the Next Generation Air Transportation System)

Work Experience:

Senior Scientist

AvMet Applications, Inc. / Reston, VA / September 2010 – Present

·  Provide scientific and technical support to the FAA Weather Policy and Requirements office.

o  Leader in the development of Research Evolution Plans, or REPs, in nine areas related to aviation weather significant to aviation. The REPs will be used to guide FAA aviation weather research with the goal of providing weather information that fits the NextGen concepts of operation. Under my leadership, subject matter experts from operations, academia, and government articulated the use of weather information in decision-making, identified current services, analyzed the gaps between decision-making needs and weather information, formulated a proposed evolution of weather capability in the NextGen era, and recommended research priorities including the need to provide weather information for developing decision support tools.

o  Updated FAA Advisory Circulars AC-00-45H Aviation Weather Services; AC-00-06B Aviation Weather For Pilots and Flight Operations Personnel; and, AC-00-30C Atmospheric Turbulence Avoidance.

o  Part of the team which identified initial requirements for FAA Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR).

·  Provide scientific and technical support to the FAA Aviation Weather & Aeronautical Services Programs Office.

o  Provided scientific and technical leadership to the FAA in the development of system specification documents for the NextGen Weather Processor and the Aviation Weather Display. Helped convert the information from product description documents into requiremnts for generation, delivery, and display of aviation weather information.

·  Supervisor: Sadegh Kavoussi, President, AvMet Applications, Inc., Reston, VA , (703) 351-5646

Principal of aviation weather consulting company

PMK-Tryon, LLC, Williamson, NY, July 2007 – September 2010

·  Principle writer of the NextGen Weather Processor Concept of Use

·  Principle writer of the NextGen Weather Concept of Use for the Federal Aviation Administration, September 2008, and first revision September 2009

·  One of the core team producing 4-D Weather Functional Requirements for NextGen Air Traffic Management v0.1 for the NextGen Joint Program and Development Office (January 2008)

·  One of the core team producing the NextGen Weather Concept of Operations v1.0 for the Joint Program and Development Office (May,2006)

·  Provided an assessment of aviation weather forecast capabilities of a major private weather service firm for NavCanada (November 2008)

·  Consultant to a private company that provides integrated aviation weather and air traffic/airline

Director, Aviation Weather Center

National Weather Service (NWS), Kansas City, Missouri, January 2001 – April 2007

·  Director of one of nine NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction where he led the provision and improvement of aviation en route warnings and forecasts over the entire globe. Improvements included the evolution of digital forecast and advisory information from traditional text format.

·  Led the provision of forecast information for aviation for the globe as a part of the World Area Forecast System for the International Civil Aviation Organization, including the change from graphics to digital forecast format.

·  One of four drafters of the Joint Program Development Office (JPDO) Weather Concept of Operations.

·  Led one of several NWS-wide teams to recommend to NWS senior management weather products and product formats that would serve the evolving aviation weather requirements of the FAA.

·  Led the effort which provided NWS meteorologists with interactive, web-based training regarding the importance and use of weather information within the National Airspace System.

·  Led the transition of experimental digital aviation weather information (for icing, turbulence, and thunderstorms) from research into NWS operational production.

·  He led efforts which resulted in the commissioning to operational status of the most successful aviation weather internet source known as the Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS).

·  Supervisor: Louis W. Uccelini, NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Director – Current Director of the National Weather Service

Deputy Director, Central Region

National Weather Service, Kansas City, Missouri, May 1991 – January 2001

·  Served as alter ego to the Regional Director, who was responsible for the NWS warning, forecast, and observation program four fourteen states from Wyoming to Kentucky. Programs included aviation, public, marine, fire weather, and hydrology. One year as Acting Director.

·  Managed staffing, performance and personnel management issues for the NWS Central Region (one thousand employees) including regular advice to fifty managers regarding staffing, performance and discipline.

·  One of four management officials to negotiate the national collective bargaining agreement between the National Weather Service and the NWS Employees Organization (NWSEO).

·  One of six Deputy Directors to help NWSH develop the NWS Modernization personnel transition plan. Lead the effort to advertize and select new lead forecaster and journey level forecaster positions at new modernization offices nationwide.

·  Led the effort within the NWS Central Region to restructure the workforce from 80 offices to 40, and to change the composition from one-third professional meteorologists to two-thirds – all in a four year span.

·  Supervisor: Richard P. Augulis, NW Central Region Director, Kansas City, MO

Kansas Area Manager

National Weather Service, Topeka Kansas, February 1987-May 1991

·  Managed the National Weather Service warning, forecast and observation programs for seven offices in the state of Kansas. This included services in the area of aviation, public, agriculture, and hydrology.

·  Oversaw the provision of aviation weather services to the Air Route Traffic Control Center in Olathe, Kansas

·  Oversaw the participation of Kansas Offices in Kansas Pilot Project (KaPP) which evaluated the provision of Automated Service Observations Systems (ASOS) during its development stage.

·  Supervisor: Richard P. Augulis, NW Central Region Director, Kansas City, MO

Deputy Ohio Area Manager

National Weather Service, Cleveland Ohio, December 1983—February 1987

·  Evaluated weather services for the nine NWS offices in Ohio, including the NWS Unit at the Air Route Traffic Control Center in Oberlin, Ohio.

·  Performed Pilot Weather Briefing evaluations for NWS employees in Ohio and at the FA Flight Service Station in Cleveland.

·  Issued NWS forecast and warning products in the areas of aviation, public, hydrology, and marine.

Various Responsibilities with the National Weather Service 1974-1983

·  Managed the first field operations computer system, Automated Forecast and Operations System (AFOS), for the 55 offices across the 12 states of the NWS Eastern Region. AFOS was the NWS first effort to computerize operations in field offices.

·  Led the effort to the commission of AFOS across the Eastern Region.

·  Participated in the NWS effort to implement and improve AFOS across the United States.

·  Led the implementation and operations of AFOS in the nine NWS offices in Ohio.

·  Managed the provision of marine weather services for Lake Erie, including industry liaison with the Lake Carriers Association and the Ninth Coast Guard District, both in Cleveland, Ohio.

·  One of three NWS meteorologists to provide service, products, and support to the Lake Placid Olympic Organizing Committee during the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, New York.

·  Forecaster: Albany, New York; Raleigh, North Carolina; Portland, Maine; Cleveland, Ohio; and, Topeka, Kansas -- Issued NWS severe storm warnings, watches, advisories, and forecasts for eastern New York, Vermont, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Maine, Ohio, and Kansas.