The Glory Field Contract

Directions: This 3rd nine weeks we will be reading The Glory Field by Walter Dean Myers. Because the novel is so long it will take us the entire six weeks to complete it. We will read short passages in class; however, it will also require you to read the novel at home, so I need your absolute commitment to complete all assignments. Listed below is an Activity Summary for the novel. Check the box when you have completed the assignment. Review the contract with your parents and sign at the bottom of the sheet.

  1. Section One – July 1753 – March 1864

The Glory Field Contract

Read pages 3 – 23

Read pages 24 – 34

Read pages 35 – 44

Read pages 45 – 51

Read pages 52 – 58

Read pages 59 – 70

Complete Section One Discussion Guide

Take Section One Online Quiz ---Score:______

The Glory Field Contract

  1. Section Two – April 1900

The Glory Field Contract

Read pages 73 – 77

Read pages 78 – 89

Read pages 90 – 107

Read pages 108 – 113

Read pages 114 – 125

Read pages 126 – 137

Complete Section Two Discussion Guide

Take Section Two Online Quiz--- Score:______

The Glory Field Contract

  1. Section Three – May 1930

The Glory Field Contract

Read pages 114 – 154

Read pages 155 – 164

Read pages 165 – 182

Read pages 183 – 188

Read pages 189 – 200

Read pages 201 – 208

Complete Section Three Discussion Guide

Take Section Three Online Quiz---Score: ______

The Glory Field Contract

  1. Section Four – January 1964

The Glory Field Contract

Read pages 211 – 234

Read pages 235 – 241

Read pages 252 – 255

Read pages 256 – 267

Read pages 258 – 284

Read pages 285 – 290

Complete Section Four Discussion Guide

Take Section Four OnlineQuiz---Score:______

The Glory Field Contract

  1. Section Five – August 1994 – Epilogue

The Glory Field Contract

Read pages 293 –316

Read pages 317 – 327

Read pages 328 – 346

Read pages 347 – 364

Read pages 365 – 375

Complete Section Five Discussion Guide

Take Section Five Online Quiz---Score:______

The Glory Field Contract

  1. Closing Activities:

Write whole book summary and prepare to take the whole book quiz. Check the classroom website for The Glory Field Study Guide. A guideline will be provided for you.

Take Accelerated Reader Test on the entire book. Score: ______

Select one of the following topics for research. You will present the information on the topic to the class as an oral report with a visual project ( PowerPoint, Glogster, Prezi,) Guidelines and rubrics will be provided.

Music: Research any of the types of music, instruments, or people that are mentioned in the novel or are relevant to African-American heritage from 1753 – 1994.

Biography: Research the life of any of the famous people mentioned in the novel, any famous African Americans from the Civil Rights Era, or any famous African American writer.

Slave Trade and Slave Life: Research the trade routes, locating places and determining distance, goods moved on the routes, slave auction, slave life.

Art: Research famous African-American artists and present their works.

Jim Crow Law: Research the time just after the Civil War and report on laws enacted to restrict the rights of African Americans.

Current Events: Research how recent events around the world may parallel the struggles described the novel.

The Underground Railroad: people, places, historical sites, significance---Take us on a tour!

North Carolina and Slavery: Research slavery locations in North Carolina, important people, events, present day historical sites, economic influences, crops/products, personal stories. What part did North Carolina play during this time of our nation’s history?

Slaves and the Civil War: Research African American soldiers—daily life, former slaves vs. freemen, experiences, outcomes.

We have reviewed this novel contract, and are aware of all the instructional obligations that are required of him/her. We are also aware that there will be required reading at home daily.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______