SOCIOLOGY Trimester 1 2015

Textbook: Sociology and You. Shepard and Greene. Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2008.

Instructor:Linda SunseriEmail:

Course Status: One Trimester ElectiveCourse Level: Senior and Junior

Time: Period 3Location: Room 53

Course Description: This course provides students with an examination of the basic concepts, principles, and methods central to Sociology. Objectives of the course are:

  • To teach students how sociologists think.
  • To help students to develop their “sociological imaginations”.
  • To enable students to view their own lives within a larger social & historical context.
  • To help students understand the rich diversity that is possible in social life.

Course Format: The course format is discussion/ lecture/student presentations/activities/videos. The textbook is designed to stimulate student thinking and discussions. The goal is to assist students to think in an intelligent and discerning manner about the subject mater of Sociology, and to gain insights about the usefulness of Sociology in their lives.

Course Materials: Students are required to bring the following materials to class each day:

  • Textbook
  • Binder and Paper (loose leaf)
  • Pen or Pencil
  • Folder (for keeping all class materials)

Course Rules:

  • Students should attend class and be on time and in proper dress code.
  • Students must bring their Course Materials to class each day.
  • Students should be prepared to participate in class each day.
  • Students must place cell phones on their desk tops.
  • Students must be respectful of others in class.
  • Students must hand in all assignments on time. Late assignments will not receive full credit.

Grading: Grades will be determined by the total number of points accumulated throughout the course. Grades are given for:

  • Homework
  • Journals
  • Class Participation
  • Tests (over reading assignments, discussions, lectures, handouts, or other class materials or activities)
  • Papers
  • Final Exam

Absences: Students who miss class for any reason are responsible for class work and homework assignments. Students who know ahead of time they will miss class are responsible for turning in any work due on the day(s) they will be gone before they leave.

Sociology Journal: Sociology students are required to keep a journal in which they make at least one entry each week starting with the first week of the semester. The entries should be from a paragraph to a page in length. The journals will be collected every other weekand graded. The journal entries should deal with:

  • Observations of human behavior that students make
  • OR with a sociological analysis of television programs or movies or internet content they have viewed
  • OR with something they have read or experienced that has sociological implications
  • OR with reactions to material or interactions in class

Due Dates for Journal Entries: 8/21, 9/4, 9/18, 10/2, 10/16, 10/30

Class Procedures:

  1. When you come into the classroom, check your desk or the board for the desk work you should do before class starts.
  2. Cell Phones are to be placed on your desktop during class. We will use them occasionally to look up information.
  3. We stand for prayer/focusing moment after attendance is taken.
  4. Students need to use the restrooms before class. Students may not leave during class except in extraordinary circumstances.

To access website materials associated with your text: 1. Go to; 2. NM/Student Parent/Social Studies; 3. Get Resources; 4. Under High School go to Sociology;

Select Sociology and You