Secretary Role Description:

·Attend all board and coaches’ meetings

·Take meeting minutes and submit via email to the board within a week of the meeting for editing and approval.

·After approval, add meeting minutes to the website

·Maintain a NWTS Policy and Procedure handbook

·Maintain an updated contact list for board members and coaches.

·Make sure field use forms are current and submitted on time for practice

·Update insurance verification and forms from CJSA

·Coaches Handbook maintain and distribute every season

·Parent Handbook maintain and distribute every season

·Voting privilege

Registrar Role Description:

·Responsible for registering all teams/players/coaches and volunteers with CJSA and the northwest district

·Responsible for communicating with coaches and getting team commitments for upcoming season (ages and divisions) and then entering them when due (see timeline)

·Uploading and maintaining all rosters and player passes including collecting birth certificates and pictures for new players

·Ensure all background checks are completed for all adults involved in the club and communicate when a background check is expiring.

·Tryout registration-- management/coordination, website review and report to board with issues

·Voting privilege

Treasurer Role Description:

·Provide board with monthly income and expense report

·Pay bills for equipment, CJSA, district fees, referees and field usage

·Contact person for coaches for inquiries in regards to families in need financing/present to board

·Manage collection of coach’s and board credit and email with deadline usage

·Voting privilege

Vice President Role Description:

·Attends district/CJSA meeting if the president(s) cannot attend

·Supports coaches’ training and development

·Supports player training and development

·Keep track of coaches’ training/licenses/certifications

·Coach support/liaison

·Voting privilege

President’s Role Description:

·Attend all CJSA meetings

·Attend all NW District meetings

·Attend all League meetings and facilitate all meetings

·Ensure notification to coaches/assistant coaches/manager of monthly meetings and mandatory pre/post season meetings.

·Meet with, develop and maintain a relationship with other organizations: Dome, Rec clubs including Multi-town and New Hartford Rec; CJSA, NW District; Wrona, FSA, CFC, DFA.

·Tryout development, oversight and implementation with tryout coordinator and registrar

·Training development, oversight and implementation with Vice President.

·Monitor and address player/coach/parent relationship issues

·Develop monthly board/coach meeting agenda

·Weekly monitor of scheduling and ref assigning issues through email contact with assignor and scheduling rep for league or individual teams.

·Maintain by-laws and entry of new laws as they become voted on

Head Coach’s Role Description:

·Communicates with parents and players respectfully and in a timely manner with regards to practices and games and each player’s development.

·Runs most of (if not all) of the team’s practices and attends most of (if not all) of the team’s games.

·Works with manager or scheduler to have all games scheduled by 1st week of season

·Attends mandatory pre-post season league meetings

·Optional attendance to monthly board meetings


Assistant Coach’s Role Description:

·Attends most of (if not all) of the team’s practices and attends most of (if not all) of the team’s games.

·Attends mandatory pre-post season league meetings

·Optional attendance to monthly board meetings

Team Manager Role Description:

·Communicates all league, board, and coaches information in a timely and respectful manner

·Schedules all games by 1st week of season

·Alerts Board of repetitive scheduling conflicts/cancels from our team or opposing teams

Scheduling Coordinator:

Sponsorship Liaison:

Tryout Coordinator:

Equipment/Uniform manager:

·Maintains an equipment list for teams and updates at the end of every season when equipment is turned in for replenishing

·Over sees uniform orders and works with supplier as a liaison