DirectorateHigh Security Prisons
1stJune 2010
Drafted April 2005 xxxxxxxMIOSHReviewed June 2006 xxxxxxxMIOSH
Reviewed June 2007 xxxxxxxMIOSH
Reviewed January 2008 xxxxxxxCMIOSH
Reviewed July 2008 xxxxxxxCMIOSH
Reviewed June 2009 xxxxxxxCMIOSH
Reviewed June 2010 xxxxxxxCMIOSH
To be reviewed June 2011 or as requested by the Governor
Statement of Intent -Head of High Security Prisons………………………………………………….
Statement of Intent - ......
Organisation and Responsibilities......
- Governing Governors......
- Deputy Governor......
- Heads of Function......
- Health & Safety Advisor ……………………………………………………………………......
- Managers & Line Managers………………………………………………......
- Health & Safety Nominated Person …………………………………………………………… ......
- Employees ………………………………………………………………………......
- Prisoners …………………………………………………......
- Visitors, including Official Visitors & Contractors………………………………………………......
Arrangements ......
- Arrangements for the Management of Health & Safety......
- Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
- Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
- A1 21.1: Health & Safety Policy Statement and Communication ......
- A2 21.2: Health & Safety Committee ......
- A3 21.3 & 4: Access to Competent Advice……………………………………………………...
- A4 21.5: Monitoring and Audit ......
- A5 21.6: Accident Reporting and Investigation ......
- A6 21.7: First Aid ......
- A7 21.8: Inspection and Maintenance ......
- A8 21.9: Statutory Inspections ......
- A9 21.10: On-Site Contractors ......
- A10 21.11: X-Ray Equipment ......
- A11 21.12: Risk Assessments......
- A12 21.13: Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) ......
- A13 21.14: Asbestos ......
- A14 21.15: Legionella......
- A15 21.16: Noise ......
- A16 21.17: Manual Handling ......
- A17 21.18: Display Screen Equipment (DSE) ......
- A18 21.19: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ......
- A19 21.20: Safe Systems of Work ......
- A20 21.21: Training ......
- A21 21.22: Environment and Welfare ......
- A22 21.23: Traffic Management ......
- A23 PSO 3801: Cleaning in Prisons ......
- A24 24.21 & 22: Drinking Water – Identification – Water Hygiene......
- A25 24.25: Pest Control ......
- A26 31.17 & 18: Construction Design and Management Regulations (CDM) 2007......
- A27 PSI 09/07: Smoke Free Legislation ......
- A28 HSB05: Slips & Trips ………………………………………………………………………
- A29 PSO 2750: Violence Reduction......
- A30 Permits to Work…………………………………………………………………………………
- A31 Confined Spaces………………………………………………………………………………….
- BICs Colour Coding PSI 02/2007
- Safety Audit Baseline
- Health & Safety Legislation
- Extant Health & Safety Instruction & Guidance
- Establishment Risk Assessment Programme
- Establishment Active Internal Monitoring Programme
- Accident Reporting Procedures
Statement of Intent
Prison Service Order 3801: Health & Safety Policy Statement gives details of the general policy of the Prison Service with regard to the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and outlines the organisation and arrangements by means of which the policy will be implemented.
The Head of High Security Prisons and Governing Governor’s are required to provide a statement detailing the organisation and arrangements in place for their establishments. This document outlines the organisation and arrangements in place in High Security.
The PriThe Head attaches great importance to safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of staff, offenders and visitors. This requires the full commitment of all levels of management and the co-operation of all members of staff.
The High Security Directorate will comply fully with the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, and all other relevant statutory provisions, subject only to such expectations, exemptions and qualifications as are provided for in the legislation.
The High Security Directorate will provide “so far as is reasonably practicable” a safe place of work with suitable access and egress; tools, plant and machinery which are safe and appropriate for the task and ensure that they are properly maintained; safe systems of work with adequate training, instruction and supervision.
I The High Security Directorate regards the promotion of health, safety and fire safety measures as an objective shared by management and employees at all levels. The Head willingly accepts the duty to consult safety representatives with a view to promoting a healthy and safe working environment, and encourages the formation of safety committees.
The Head of High Security expects all members of staff to have regard to the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, namely that whilst at work they will take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions, and will co-operate with Management so far as is necessary to enable it to perform or comply with any duty laid upon it by the Act or other relevant legislation.
The Head of High Security has appointed a Health & Safety Sponsor to oversee all Health & Safety matters across the Directorate. The Directorate Health & Safety Sponsor will chair quarterly meetings with the High Security Health & Safety Advisors (DHS Health & Safety Practitioner’s Working Group) and ensure terms of reference are agreed and the meeting is structured, including agenda and minutes.
The Working Group will discuss all Health & Safety matters including performance data, statistics, injuries, new legislation, policy etc.
The Health & Safety Sponsor will carry out bi-annual health checks and report to the Head of High Security in May and December of each year.
The High Security Directorate will ensure arrangements are in place to bring to the attention of all prisons, changes to working arrangements which may have significant implications for Health & Safety. This will be delivered by the Business and Performance Unit and the Area Health & Safety Sponsor.
This Policy Statement will be subject to an annual review. Amendments will be issued to all policyholders and brought to the attention of staff as and when necessary throughout the year.
Danny McAllister…………………………Date………………………
Head of High Security Prisons
Statement of Intent
As Governing Governor of HMP Manchester I am fully committed to ensuring the health, safety & welfare of staff and others in the following way: -
-Ensuring that appropriate systems are in place to enable the Establishment to meeting its legal obligations contained within the Health & Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and all other relevant statutory provisions.
-Providing, so far as is reasonably practicable, a safety place of work with proper access and egress, tool, plant and machinery which are safe and suitable for the task and properly maintained along with safe systems of work with adequate training, instruction and supervision.
-So far as is reasonably practicable, ensuring the health and safety of persons other than its employees who may be visiting, working at or under custodial care within any of the premises.
-Promoting the values and visible behaviours in managers and staff that contribute to a positive health and safety culture across the Establishment shared objective of improving health and safety for all.
-Consulting and sharing information with staff and others, through an active Health & Safety Committee
-Provision of an Occupational Health Advisory Service
In support of this, it is expected that all staff, prisoners and visitors to the Establishment will comply with applicable health and safety legislation and will take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of any persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
This includes: -
-Following any safe system of work or other instruction in place to ensure their safety
-Wearing of personal protective equipment where required and supplied
-Not to misuse equipment, or PPE provided for use and to report any defects
-Cooperate in any other way with HMP Manchester to allow us to fulfil our legal obligations.
This policy will be reviewed at least annually and consultation with staff will be sought where appropriate. The policy will be brought to the attention of all staff, by the use of the intranet.
Review of Safety Policy
Reference: Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Prisons Act 1952
Health & Safety (Miscellaneous amendments) Regs 2002
The Health & Safety Advisor on my behalf will carry out a formal review of this policy annually. A review date will be endorsed on the front page whether or not any change is made.
If any revision is found to be necessary, a change will come into effect as soon as practicable. Copies of revisions will be sent to recipients as defined.
The Health & Safety Advisor will collate information which may necessitate a revision of this policy and will communicate intended amendments to a Health & Safety Committee.
Distribution of the Policy
Due to sustainable development reasons, hard copies of this policy will be limited however,
Hard copies will be distributed as follows:
1)Safety Sponsor – xxxxxxxxxx
2)Health and Safety Advisor – xxxxxxxxxxx
3)Functional Heads
4)BMPU – AdminBuilding
Policy Statement Will Be Drawn To Attention of All Staff
1)I will expect Managers to display a copy of my Policy Statement in departments and kept within departmental safety portfolios.
2)Managers will obtain signatures of staff as evidence of reading this policy Document.
2)A copy of the statement will be displayed at the gate by the Head of Operations
3)This policy document with relevant H&S information will form part of induction training for all new employees.
4)A copy of this Policy Document will be available for all Quantum users on the intranet:
- Governors Notice to staff via GSI to all staff, who can then save a copy for their personal use
- Access via an Open Access Heady on the P drive – Health and Safety general information
- A further link via the weekly bulletin
Organisation and Responsibilities
The Governor
Governor is responsible, via the Area Manager and the Head General of the Prison Service, for all aspects of Safety, Health & Environment in HMP Manchester. The Governing Governor has a statutory duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all staff, prisoners, contractors and visitors within the environs of HMP Manchester. The Governor will take whatever action is deemed necessary to ensure that the activities undertaken by the prison do not endanger anyone.
Deputy Governor
Deputy Governor is responsible to the Governor for all aspects of Safety, Health & Environment in HMP Manchester. He must assist the Governor to ensure that compliance with legislation is maintained and in the Governors absence, uphold the principles laid down within the Health and Safety Policy.
Senior Management Team
Responsible to: The Governor
Responsible for: Health and Safety responsibilities for senior managers will depend on their role and areas of responsibility. A few generic responsibilities that will apply to anyone in a senior management role are given below.
- Ensuring assessments of all significant risks in their area of control have been carried out and control measures are implemented and assessments reviewed regularly;
- Ensure staff receive adequate training in health and safety to allow them to carry out their worksafely;
- Maintaining healthy and safe working conditions in areas under their control.
- Instilling safety awareness in their personnel through personal involvement and giving full support to safety activities.
My Senior Management Team will ensure arrangements for the health and safety of their staff, employed within their function. Additionally, they will nominate a representative to attend my Health and Safety Committee and be custodians of Departmental Safety Portfolios. They will ensure Annual Audits and Risk Assessments are in date and are undertaken, with action plans being implemented to rectify deficiencies.
Health and Safety Sponsor
Responsible for:
- Assisting myself as Governor to co-ordinate all health and safety activities within HMP Manchester to ensure implementation of this local policy document.
- Advising on all health and safety issues to the SMT.
- Line management of the health and safety advisor;
- Chair H&S committee or ensuring it is chaired by another member of the SMT in absence.
- Ensuring the local health and safety policy is revised as required, but at least annually;
- Liaising with local union health and safety representatives;
- Acting as liaison point with HASS, the HSE;
- Ensuring all accidents are reported in line with PSI 11/2002 Accident Reporting;
- Bringing any serious incident or significant breach of any Health and Safety legislation to the immediate attention to myself as Governor and each Head of Function.
Heads of Function
Management structure is broken down into three functions:-
- Deputy Governor
- Head of Business Support Services
- Head of Reducing re-offending
Each group then has individual Heads of Function, who must ensure that:
- Ensuring assessments of all significant risks in their area of control have been carried out and control measures are implemented and assessments reviewed regularly;
- Ensure staff receive adequate training in health and safety to allow them to carry out their work safely;
- Maintaining healthy and safe working conditions in areas under their control.
- Instilling safety awareness in their personnel through personal involvement and giving full support to safety activities.
- Staff, prisoners and others under their area of responsibility are aware of the Safety, Health & Environment Policy
- All persons are informed of any new regulations, safe systems of work or potential hazards
- They must attend the Health and Safety Committee Meetings or send a representative
- Ensure that annual audits/risk assessments are undertaken and action plans implemented to rectify any deficiencies
- Ensure that all staff undertakes mandatory health, safety and fire training.
Management chart is available on the intranet under SLA information
Health and Safety Manager
Responsible to: Head of Business Services and Safety Sponsor
Whilst health and safety is a responsibility of line managers the health and safety advisor is a source of competent advice and assistance in the management of health and safety, thus is responsible for:
- Providing advice and guidance on all health and safety matters.
- Preparing and monitoring the implementation of the establishment health and safety policy;
- Attending health & safety committee meetings and advising the committee
- Ensuring all accidents are recorded and reported locally, to HASS and to the HSE as appropriate and as required by PSI 11/1002;
- Monitoring accident statistics, evaluating trends and preparing reports for managers and the health and safety committee:
- Assisting managers in investigating accidents and putting procedures in place to prevent recurrence.
- Liaising with HSE, Environmental Health, the National Radiation Protection Board and other external bodies as required.
- Advising and assisting managers in carrying out risk assessments.
- Advising management on the health and safety training and deliver training as required.
- Monitoring the working environment and reporting the findings to management.
- Ensuring all registers, records and documentation relating to health and safety are properly maintained.
- Advising Senior Management Team, unions and individuals on health issues in the workplace;
- Developing local policies and procedures on occupational health issues;
- Organising immunisation programmes;
- Advise management on the medical aspects of the Attendance Management Policy;
- Organise health surveillance under COSHH and other Regulations;
- Carry out pre-employment and pre-placement health assessments;
- Advise on provision of safe and healthy working conditions;
- Advise management on risk assessment for hazardous substances, new and expectant mothers, communicable diseases and work processes that can result in repetitive strain injury;
- Investigate all cases of alleged work related ill health and advise accordingly;
- Ensure that fire prevention procedures are adequate throughout the establishment by management of the Fire Advisors.
- ensures all safety assessments are completed current and available to all staff and where necessary prisoners;
- ensures that the establishment complies with all legislation as it comes into force via the Health and Safety Committee;
- ensures suitable arrangements are in place to prevent the occurrence of fire
- Fire prevention procedures are adequate throughout the establishment.
- Monitors the receipt and completion of all accident reports and to collate copies of all F2508 forms sent to the HSE in relation to all reportable incidents under the Reporting of Incidents Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995. Monitor trends in accidents and prepare statistics for the Health & Safety Committee;
Fire Safety Advisor
Responsible to: Health and Safety Advisor
Responsible for:
- Advising the Governing Governor on all aspects of fire safety in the establishment;
- Carrying out and reviewing fire risk assessments;
- Inspection, maintenance and testing of all fire fighting equipment within relevant timescales;
- Arranging and monitoring fire evacuation drills in all areas of the prison on an annual basis;
- Liaising with the local fire brigade;
- Delivering induction, fire safety training to staff and any other contractor who may request it;
- Deliver CSRE training to all relevant staff to ensure that we are compliant to relevant legislations
- Inspection of all areas of the establishment to assess the fire hazards, advising on remedial action as necessary;
- Auditing fire evacuation plans;
- Compiling reports of all fires where a crime is not suspected and recommending remedial action to reduce the chance of a recurrence.
Radiation Protection Supervisor
Responsible to: Head of Estates and Head of Healthcare
Responsible for:
- Ensuring adequate Local Rules are available and are being complied with;
- Making arrangements for the appropriate training of all staff who work with the equipment;
- Ensuring that adequate arrangements have been made for the supervision of contractors, visitors and other persons who may come into contact with the x-ray equipment.
- Ensuring daily checks on the correct operation of the safety features (warning lights, emergency stop buttons are carried out and the findings recorded;
- Ensuring satisfactory operation of suitable maintenance contracts for all security x-ray equipment;
- Notifying the RPA of the impending purchase of any new security equipment which may emit ionising radiation or/and incorporate radioactive material.
- Being the principal point of contact for liaison with the RPA;
- Maintaining the RPA Operational file;
- Ensuring remedial action required as the result of an RPA inspection is completed and recorded.
All Managers (Governors, DPSM’s, PO’s, SOs, EO’s Administrative Grades)