Clerk: Diane Shepherd, Squirrel Lodge, Colebrooke EX17 5JH
Telephone: 01363 85051

Chairman: Councillor P Leigh


You are hereby invited to attend a Meeting of Crediton Hamlets Parish Council which will be held on Monday December 7th 2015 at the Council Chambers, Market Street, Crediton at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.

In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 members of the public are welcome to attend.

Diane Shepherd
Clerk December 1st 2015


  1. To receive and accept apologies
  1. To receive Declarations of Interest: To receive declarations of personal interest and disclosable pecuniary interest in respect of items of this agenda.
  1. Public Participation: To receive public comment on items on the agenda. A maximum of ten minutes is allowed for this item.
  1. Crediton Hamlets Parish Council Minutes 2nd November 2015: To approve and sign the minutes as a correct record
  1. Mid Devon District Council – Planning Applications

Mid Devon District Counil has asked for comments from the Parish Council on

following planning applications:


Proposal:Erection of Solar Farm

Applicant:Dunscombe Solar Ltd

7. Mid Devon District Council – Planning Applications Withdrawn
Mid Devon District Council have notified that the following applications have been withdrawn:

Reference:15/01650/FULL and 15/01651/LBC
Proposal:Erection of extension and LBC for the erection of an extension
Location:East Church Farm, Hittisleigh
Applicant:Mr G Bulley

  1. MDD Grass Cutting Consultation: To receive a report from Cllr Wholey and to respond to the MDDC consultation
  1. Transparency Rules for Smaller Councils: To receive a report from the Clerk and Cllr Wholey
  1. Closure of the Crediton Area Offices: To receive a report from the Clerk and to consider a further response
  1. Right to Buy: Housing Associations: To receive a report from the Chairman
  1. Accounts 2015/16: To receive a report from the RFO re the accounts and to approve the following payments:

D Shepherd (Clerk) Salary December£191.11

HMRC (Paye November and December)£127.20

D Shepherd (Hours worked in October)£39.60

M Valance (Hours worked in November/Expenses)£79.60

M Valance Overpayment of Salary x 2 months -£79.60

D Shepherd (Expenses – travel)£33.52

  1. Section 106 monies: To receive a report from the Clerk about the monies available to Crediton Hamlets Parish Council and to consider how to use
  1. Precept 2016/17: To receive a report from the Clerk and to agree the precept for 2016/17
  1. Citizens Advice Bureau: To consider a request for funding from the CAB
  1. Crediton Community Transport: To consider a request for funding from Credtion Community Transport
  1. Villages In Action: To consider a request from Villages in Action re Crediton Hamlets Parish Council being the lead applicant for the TAP Fund underspend
  1. Churchyard Grants: To consider requests for churchyard grants
  1. Roads and Footpaths in the Parish: To receive reports from Councillors re the roads and footpaths
  1. To receive a report from the Chairman: For information only
  1. To receive reports from Cllrs: For information only
  1. To receive a report from Cllr Coren (MDDC):
  1. To receive a report from Cllr Heal (MDDC)
  1. To receive a report from Cllr Way (DCC)
  1. Dates of Future Meetings: To agree the dates for meetings for the next twelve months