College FAC – October 11, 2016
Room 507 Erickson Hall, 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Committee Members Present: Dean Bob Floden, Christine Greenhow (CEP); Rajiv Ranganathan (KIN); Gail Richmond (TE); Matt Wawrzynski (EAD); Pat Edwards (TE); Kim Maier (CEP). Absent: Leps Malete (KIN); BetsAnn Smith (EAD);
1. Minutes Approved
- Minutes from the September 13, 2016 FAC meeting were reviewed by the committee’s members and approved.
4. Continuing Business
- College Hearing Board
●The list has been generated and was completed and was sent to the Dean’s office and Michael Sedlak’s office. The FAC will access this list as needed and will need to do this again next spring.
b. FAC Bylaw Review
●Gail requested and received updated College Bylaws from Matt Koehler and Kim Maier.
●The committee discussed these revised College Bylaws and the process for approving the proposed changes. The FAC will need to put this process in motion.
●FAC needs a volunteer from the FAC committee to review the bylaws and then, the FAC will review the revised bylaws as a committee.
●FAC should be able to explain any revisions of substance to the faculty.
●Faculty will need to vote on the revised bylaws and FAC are in charge of the process: 1) Send out the revised bylaws explaining changes to the faculty and students; 2) Invite faculty and students to a hearing on the revised bylaws. FAC must hold one or more hearings for faculty and students; 3) Call for a written vote on the changed bylaws. Two-thirds of the faculty must vote. Voting may also include full-time, fixed term faculty who have served for a minimum of 3 years and other categories of instructional staff such as adjunct faculty, specialists, research associates and post-docs.
●Before the next FAC meeting in November, Kim Maier will go over the revised College Bylaws to make sure they align with the University’s Bylaws. She will review the University’s Bylaws which were updated last April.
●Kim and Gail will decide when the Bylaws are ready to be shared with the FAC and then, the FAC will set up a hearing for students and faculty.
c. Climate Survey
●Dean Floden asked Kris Renn to help with the climate survey with Dorinda Carter and Sandra Crespo to review the questions.
●Kris Renn is aiming for a late October data collection to hopefully turn around results by late this semester or the beginning of next semester.
●Gail raised the question of whether these data would be shared with the faculty.
●It was suggested that we ask Kris Renn and her team to come to an FAC meeting after they’ve had a chance to look at the data and talk with us about the survey analysis and how it should be discussed and shared such as what groups to engage and how we should engage them. Dean Floden will follow-up with Kris Renn.
5. Dean’s Report
- Faculty Searches. Regarding the search for a faculty member in the CREATE for STEM area, they are engaging in Skype interviews presently. Three searches for faculty at the associate level are all moving forward.
- MSU in the Media. A Wall Street Journal reporter interviewed the Provost about a student engagement survey where MSU was in the top 5 institutions for student engagement. All the other colleges were privates. It’s possible that the Neighborhoods approach is having a positive impact on student engagement at MSU.
- Academic Advancement Network (AAN). Elizabeth Simmons heading up the new AAN (which was F&OD) and AAN is facilitating discussions about how to improve faculty development. AAN held meetings with the deans to discuss new initiatives and what new services and resources faculty would like. Ann Austin from the College of Education is heading up one of the areas in the new AAN.
- Academic Profile. The idea is to have a central repository for faculty members’ portfolio across their years of service, which could be a tool for annual reviews and reappointment and promotion. In the spring all faculty will be asked to edit their vita and send it into a central group who will populate the academic profile.
- Digital Strategy. The budgeting process will include questions asking about the College’s digital strategy. Dean Floden is working with Leigh Graves Wolf on this.
- Dean Floden’s Appointment. Dean Floden has been appointed as the College’s dean to be reviewed at the end of a five-year term.
6. 2016-2017 FAC Items
- The group will discuss potential FAC agenda items at its November meeting when all members are present.
3:00 PM Meeting Adjourned