Lafayette Band

P.O. Box 855

North Kingstown, RI 02852

Lafayette Band

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

January 17, 2007

Lafayette BandTelephone: 401-295-0072

111 Himes Street

North Kingstown, RI 02852

Lafayette Band Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday January 17, 2006

Time: 9:10 pm

Site: Band Room, NKHS


President - Michael MullerIncorporation Committee 

Vice President - Sarah BrownFunds Development Committee 

Secretary - John SmithCompliance Committee √

Treasurer - Bonnie Dynon Finance Committee 

Member-at-Large –Deb GoodwinMembership Committee

Member-at-Large - Ted Johnson Concert Development Committee 

Member-at-Large - Debbie Robertson Equipment Committee

Librarian - Martin Hellewell Library Committee √

Information and Technology – Steve Alfano

Musical Director - Joseph Pelosi√

1. Call to Order by Pres. Muller at 9:10.

2. Review and Acceptance of Minutesfrom 11/15/06 meeting – deferred until prepared.

3. ExecutiveReports.

A. President / Incorporation - (M. Muller).

1. Time table for incorporation and IRS tax exempt determination.

a. Write/sign articles of incorporation – 11/15/06 meeting.Completed)

b. Submit articles of incorporation to secretary of state – by 12/1/06. (Completed)

Band incorporated as of 12/01/06.

c. Confirm EIN – (Completed).

d. Draft of by-laws given to Board members.

e. Write/sign bylaws –Completion date ppPostponed to Feb. – March period.

f. Submit IRS Form 1023, Form 8718 – TBD.

2. Obtain bonds for President and Treasurer.(Completed). Bonding of $10,000 each included in new insurance policy.

B. Vice President / Funds Development – (S. Browne).

1. Start planning for this year’s Annual Fund. Identify businesses to approach and assign 1-2 to members with connections to a business. Perhaps we could get a booth at Arts Festival and sell CDs, or have other income producing activities. Need further exploration of how to recognize donors at concerts.

C. Secretary / Compliance – (J. Smith).

1. Communications. Playlists for Christmas concerts sent to ACB. Certificates of Compliance ASCAP and BMI, and Membership Seal for 2007 received from ACB. ACB dues paid and ballot for Pres. Elect cast for Nancy Michalek, of Texas, and for Board of Directors for Gail Brechting of MI, Richard Karschner of PA, and John Stanges of New York

2. Article preparedfor June’s publication of Advance about our participation in the America’s 400th


3. ACB has a good website. Will check on user name and passwordUser name is members and password is accelerando.

4. Will file annual papers with Sec. of State when forms received

D. Treasurer / Finance – (B. Dynon).

1. Cash flow report presented. Balance 1/11/07 of $3826.75. In Dec. and Jan., Town payment, concert fee and donation received. Rent, insurance and ACB fee paid.

2. Insurance renewal.(Completed) New policy of $972 contains higher andadditional coverages

for almost $700 less than old policy.

E. Music Director/Conductor (J. Pelosi).

1. Band Stand update. No recent progress as new Town Council members getting oriented to highest priority matters first.

4. Committee Reports.

A. Membership – (D. Goodwin, absent; discussion by members present).

1. Develop membership drive. D. Goodwin developed flyer for posting at music stores, sending to teachers, high schools and colleges. D. Goodwin has sent in press releases to local papers looking for new musicians. Board suggests D. Goodwin speak with area high school band directors to see if they have lists of local private lesson teachers that we can send flyers to.

2. Consider partnership with local high school students.

3. Develop a volunteer musician handbook outlining expectations of members for rehearsals and concerts, as well as, describing use of web, phone chain and uniform. Also, can include history of organization and its structure (e.g. board of directors and officers).

B. Concert Development – (T. Johnson).

1. Need concert development. Recommend getting members to serve on a committee. Suggest advertising, to include featured songs, “Theme”, etc. Suggest a Christmas, or other concert in town and charge admission.

2. Preliminary Summer concert schedule done. Need to confirm venues other than bandstand,

Children’s concert and nursing homes.

C.Equipment – (D. Robertson). Report deferred.

D. Board Member for Information and Technology (M. Muller for S. Alfano).

1. New website is up and operational. It is still undergoing additional construction of various parts.

The new web address is

E. Librarian – (M. Hellewell).

1. Organization of NKHS/Lafayette Band music libraries.

2. Plan for scanning our music charts.

3. Plan to stamp music as Lafayette Band property.

5. Old Business.

6. New Business.

A. Begin reviewing Bylaws. Suggest that every other Board meeting be dedicated to reviewing

Bylaws only, until completed. First Bylaw meeting is 1/31/07.

B. NK Villager cover story planned for February issue. EG and Jamestown versions, also. Photos of Band taken.

C. Need research regarding recording and publishing CDs of the band. Need info on copyrighting, royalties, etc. May be some infoon ACB website. Paul Dennewitz produced CD of Summer concerts, which he played for band members last week. He should work with the Board to achieve his goal. A committee needs to be formed to look into this.

D. Pres. Muller raised issue of some members dissatisfied at amount of time spent on instructing individuals or sections, reducing amount of playing time for others. Ideas for increasing playing time included better preparation (practice music from list, proper player warm-up, band warm-up exercises), number measures in each piece before rehearsal to locate measures quicker, section/player work before or after rehearsal, etc. Director Pelosi offered to excuse himself early next week and allow for free discussion by members and Board or at other appropriate time for the President and Board to address band. Director Pelosi will be out of town for 2 rehearsals in late Feb. and early Mar. This may be a good time to hold a discussion with the musicians.

7. Other Business.

8. Adjournment.

Next Meetings: 1/31, 2/14, 2/28, 3/14, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25, 5/9, 5/23, 6/20

Respectfully Submitted,

(Original signed by)

John L. Smith,

Secretary, Lafayette Band