Details of Plan to RUSA for approval of further grant during 2014-15 in the component no.2 & 4 within the envelope resource for the State as per decision of PAB meeting held on 10.12.2014 at New Delhi.

Component 2: Creation of Universities by conversion of colleges in a cluster

State level plan should examine the proposal from the state university to establish cluster college into a university. As the proposal from the university is accompanied with details of lead and cluster colleges, the research publications of all the teachers of Lead college, report of Lead and cluster college on the willingness to be up graded to the university status and financial plan, the Higher education Council may consult Directorate of Higher Education and management and Principal of Lead and cluster colleges. After having carefully scrutinised the state level proposal may include the following information:

1. Discussion and Minutes

Level / Persons / Decisions and dates
At the level of university / VC and officials along with Principals, teachers and Management of Lead and cluster colleges
At the State level / State directorate, HEC and VC and Management of lead and cluster colleges

2. Proposal of Lead and cluster colleges with basic information (Maximum of three such proposals A, B and C may be finalised at the state level)

Proposal A

Indicator / Unit / Lead College / Cluster college 1 / Cluster college 2 / Cluster college 3
Whether Govt./Aided/Private / Category / Govt. / Govt. / Govt. / Govt.
Name of College / MBB College / BBM College / Women’s College / Ramthakur College
Distance from Lead College (KM) / 500 Mt. / 1 K.M. / 6 K.M.
Land Area of the College / 60 acres(approx) / 6.26 acres(approx) / 9 acres (approx) / 7 acres(approx)
Year of Establishment / 1947 / 1969 / 1964 / 1967
Whether Autonomous college / No / No / No / No
Whether College with Potential for Excellence (CPE) / No. But this College is an old College having good Teacher student ratio, adequate books and Library facility, ICT enabled smart classroom with 23 UG Deptts. and earlier accredited by NAAC in ‘B’ grade in 2004. These parameters definitely demonstrate the areas amply for CPE status. / No. But this College is an old College having good Teacher student ratio, adequate books and Library facility, ICT enabled smart classroom with 15 UG Deptts. These parameters definitely demonstrate the areas amply for CPE status. / No. But this College is an old College exclusively for Women students having good Teacher student ratio, adequate books and Library facility, ICT enabled smart classroom with 22 UG Deptts. and earlier accredited by NAAC in ‘B’ grade in 2004. These parameters definitely demonstrate the areas amply for CPE status. / No. But this College is an old College having good Teacher student ratio, adequate books and Library facility, ICT enabled smart classroom with 23 UG Deptts. and now accredited by NAAC in ‘B’ grade. These parameters definitely demonstrate the areas amply for CPE status.
Number of Departments / 23 / 15 / 22 / 19
Total Students Enrolled in undergraduate programme / 3830 / 3962 / 3951 / 3869
Total Students Enrolled in postgraduate programme / No PG Deptt. is running in the College. / No PG Deptt. is running in the College. / No PG Deptt. is running in the College. / No PG Deptt. is running in the College.
Total Number of Teachers (sanctioned positions) / 126 / 69 / 63 / 85
Student Teacher (sanctioned position) Ratio / 1:30 / 1:57 / 1:62 / 1:45
Total Number of Teachers (actual in position) / 126 / 69 / 63 / 85
Total number of Administrative and Support Staff / 57 / 31 / 54 / 36
Accreditation Grade / Submitted LOI. Earlier accreditated in B grade / Submitted LOI. / Submitted LOI. Earlier accreditated in B grade / Accreditated in B grade.
Number of Books in Library / 92607 / 38364 / 39287 / 40148
Number of Computers / 104 / 36 / 48 / 44
Student in Boys Hostels / SC / Number / Nil as no Hostel exists. / Nil as no Boys Hostel exists. / Nil as no Hostel exists.
ST / Number / Nil as no Hostel exists. / Nil as no Boys Hostel exists. / Nil as no Hostel exists.
OBC / Number / Nil as no Hostel exists. / Nil as no Boys Hostel exists. / Nil as no Hostel exists.
Others / Number / Nil as no Hostel exists. / Nil as no Boys Hostel exists. / Nil as no Hostel exists.
Student in Girls Hostels / SC / Number / Nil as no Hostel exists. / 10 / Nil as no Hostel exists.
ST / Number / Nil as no Hostel exists. / 83 / Nil as no Hostel exists.
OBC / Number / Nil as no Hostel exists. / Nil as no Hostel exists.
Others / Number / Nil as no Hostel exists. / 17 / Nil as no Hostel exists.
Number of Quarters / Nil / Nil / 111 / 1 / Nil
Whether separate Sports Complex / Yes / Yes (On sharing basis with Lead College) / Yes / Yes
Whether Academic Council in position / Teacher’s Council and Monitoring committee available / Teacher’s Council and Monitoring committee available / Teacher’s Council and Monitoring committee available / Teacher’s Council and Monitoring committee available
Whether Board of Studies/Research Councils in position / No / No / No / No
Whether Finance Committees in position / No / No / No / No
Whether it is autonomous college / No / No / No / No
Total revenue accrual of constituent colleges / Amount / Rs. In lakhs
Total Revenue (including grants from government and UGC) (2012-13) / Amount / Rs. In lakhs / Rs.49.11 / Rs. 78.5 / 25.86
Total per annum expenditure (2012-13) / Amount / Rs. In lakhs / Rs. 40.77 / Rs.68.29 / 26.58
Five important reasons for university up gradation / 1.There is no State University at present.
2. For better monitoring.
3. Ensuring quality.
4.Increasing access to higher education. / 1.There is no State University at present. / 2. For better monitoring. / 3. Ensuring quality.

Note: Give in a separate sheet (appended herewith) the research publications of all the teachers of Lead college and all cluster colleges.

Plan to improve and upgrade Library, laboratory and ICT facilities of the College:-

There is no separate Library Complex in the cluster Colleges, except the Lead College. So, with the available fund, separate ICT enabled Libraries(Central) would be set up in 3 cluster Colleges and also Departmental Libraries would be set up in phase manner. The Library would be turned e library with requisite software, where digitization and copying and Cyber Café like services would be extended in future.

The Science Labs would be upgraded. Already with the available fund from NEC and State, the Labs have been upgraded with provision of new furniture and Lab equipments. However, to introduce subjects like Biotechnology, Microbiology, B.Sc, IT, Geology which are lab based and costly equipments are needed, fund from RUSA will be helpful in this regard. There is demand for these subjects also in the State and students are to go other Sates to pursue these subjects.

As regards ICT based services to be provided in the Colleges, a DPR has already been submitted to MHRD for overall IT backbone to be installed in the Colleges and providing LAN, Wi Fi etc. Connectivity with high speed broadband internet in the Colleges. These includes hardware as well as software part also. Online services like Admission, scholarships and other e-services are also planned to be covered under ICT enabled services in the Colleges.

Pointwise views:-

4.2.i. / The proposed new University would introduce Arts, Commerce and Science in phase manner. The Cluster colleges have already got these three steam of study introduced.
4.2.j. / The Cluster Colleges have got teaching and research facilities for various disciplines of Arts, Commerce and Science. Semester system and new pattern of syllabus has been introduced in the Colleges recently, which entails interdisciplinary teaching & research programmes, especially in Science Subjects. Already some courses/subjects are made interdisciplinary and common to all the students as per the new pattern of semester system introduced in the Colleges. Thrust will be given to make more interdisciplinary programmes in teaching, so that students are benefited.
4.2.k. / The State Government has taken step to appoint faculties in the Colleges. Moreover, as per need basis, some guest lecturers may be appointed as stopgap arrangement to meet the required norms of Students-Teacher ratio.
4.2.L. / There would be Board of Studies/Research Council and Finance Committee in the proposed new State University, which will govern the Cluster Colleges, if come under the purview of the University.
4.2.m. / There is shortage of administrative and support staff in almost all the sectors of the State. The State Government is trying to meet up the requirement by appointment of such staff. Steps would be taken to increase administrative staff in all the Colleges to reach required ratio in future.
4.2.n. / The new buildings are constructed keeping provision of facilities for the disabled persons. In future, in case of all new physical infrastructures, focus will be put for the facility to be provided for disabled students.
4.2.o. / As indicated above, the State Government has already introduced some ICT based systems in the colleges, which will be strengthen further by use of ICT tools and since the State Government is having only 22 Govt. General Degree Colleges at this moment, affiliation of more than 100 Colleges by such University does not arise at this moment.
4.2.p. / As regards Governance reforms, steps have already been taken and some committees and Councils are functioning in the Colleges which look after overall governance of academic as well as administrative affairs of the Colleges.
4.2.q. / The Cluster of the Colleges are already following merit based admission of students and also following the State Government’s reservation policy and other criteria in force during admission of students of different categories in the Colleges. One college and Polytechnic is exclusively set up for women students. This is to promote and increase gender parity in higher education. Girl students also encouraged for taking admission in the Colleges.

3. Give the Physical and Financial Plan as per the following table (Cost per sq meter as per the RUSA guideline) for each proposal A, B and C:

Cluster College 1 BBM College / Cluster College 2
Women’s College / Cluster College 3
Ramthankur College / Lead College
MBB College
The proposed college falls under, please specify (Tier-1/Tier-2/Tier-3) / Tier-3 / Tier-3 / Tier-3
Details for the proposed college / Physical Value (Area in Sq. Mt.) / Financial Value (Rs. in lakhs) / Physical Value (Area Sq. Mt.) / Financial Value (Rs. in lakhs) / Physical Value (Area in Sq. Mt.) / Financial Value (Rs. In lakhs) / Physical Value (Area in Sq. Mt.) / Financial Value (Rs. In lakhs)
Administrative Area / 500 / 223.25 / 500 / 223.25
School of Sciences / 1000 / 446.5
School of Social Sciences / 750 / 334.87
School of Engineering,
Technology & Computer Technology / 1000 / 446.5
School of Teacher Education / 590 / 263.43
School of Humanities
and Liberal Arts / 750 / 334.87
Classrooms (Common) / 1000 / 446.5 / 1000 / 446.5 / 1000 / 446.5
Central library / 2000 / 893
Blocks/Misc. / 500 / 223.25
Total / 4500.00 / 2009.25 / 1750.00 / 781.37 / 1590.00 / 709.93 / 2750.00 / 1227.87

Grand total:- Area-10590 Sq. mt.

Financial value-Rs.4728.42 lakhs.

Component 4: New Model Colleges (General)

At the State level the model colleges proposal sent by the universities may be scrutinized following the RUSA guidelines and funding priorities under the component. A maximum of 5 Proposals from a particular state may be proposedunder the existing 374Model College Scheme of general education.

The following information in the table below should be given:

Model College Scheme

Indicator / Unit / Model college 1
Proposed new English medium College at Agartala
Whether College (Govt./ Aided) / Yes
District under which model college is proposed / West Tripura
Is it EBD District / Yes/No. / Yes
Reservation for socially & economically weaker section / % of Hostel seats / % / As per state reservation rule
Whether a new MDC / Yes/No / Yes
Sanctioned /Established after 01.01.2008 / Yes /no / Yes
Available land area / Area / In acres / 21 acres.
Does the state commit to bear recurring expenses / Yes/no / Yes
Number of colleges in the concerned district / Number / 6 GDCs
No of Colleges per 1,00,000 students of 18‐23 year age group in the district / Number / 6 GDCs
Percent of SC and ST population to total in the district / % / SC-16.57
Percent of Female students enrolled to 18‐23 year age group female population in the district / % / 6.01
Percent of SC and ST students enrolled to 18‐23 year age group SC and ST population in the district / % / SC-13

State should submit the following financial plan for each model college proposed (Cost per Sq. Meter as per RUSA Guideline):

Model college 1
Proposed new English medium College at Agartala
Proposed College Falls under, Please specify (Tier-1/Tier-2/Tier-3) / Tier-3
Details for proposed college / Physical Value (Area in Sq.Mt)) / Financial Value (Rs. in lakhs)
AdministrativeBuildings,Faculty rooms / 525 / 234.41
Laboratories / 300 / 139.95
Classrooms / 730 / 325.94
Library / 300 / 133.95
ComputerCentre/E‐campus / 100 / 44.65
Toilet Blocksseparate for boysand girls / 100 / 44.65
Miscellaneous / 50 / 22.32
Hostel / 800 / 260.64
Total / 2905 / 1200.51

3. A consolidated table of all model colleges may be given:

Model College / Total cost (Rs. lakhs) / Reasons in support of model college
A 1 Model college Proposed new English medium College at Agartala / 1200.51 / Being an EBD District and having low GER and increasing demand for higher education. The present six Colleges (Not Model college)can not cater the need of all aspirant H.S. passout students for enrolment within the District.

Details of Research publications of faculty members of Bir Bikram Memorial College,

Agartala, Tripura West – 799004

Name of the Faculty / Title of Paper / Name of the Journal/Book / Name & Address of the Publisher / Year of Publication / ISSN/ISBN
DR. NANDINI GUPTA / An assessment of heavy metal contamination in vegetables grown in wastewater irrigated areas of Titagarh, West Bengal, India. / Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 80(2), 115-118 / - / 2008 / 115-118. ISSN: 0007-4861
Prevalence of intestinal helminth eggs on vegetables grown in wastewater-irrigated areas of Titagarh, West BengalL India / Food Control, 20 / - / 2009 / 942-945. ISSN: 0956-7135
Determination of public health hazard potential of wastewater reuse in crop production / World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 7(4), 328-340 / - / 2010 / ISSN: 17412234, 17412242
Heavy metal accumulation in vegetables grown in a long-term wastewater-irrigated agricultural land of tropical India / Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184, 6673-6682 / - / 2012 / ISSN: 0167-6369
Estimation of Heavy Metals and Their Daily Intake in Selected Edible Vegetables Grown in a Sewage Fed Agricultural Land of West Bengal, India / Explorations, 1, 59-70 / - / 2014 / ISSN: 2349:9672
Wastewater application in agro biotechnology development and public health issues. In: Biotechnology concept and applications / Edited by Ravishankar Rai and Rajiv Bhatt / - / 2008 / ISBN 978-81-7319-902-8
Assessment of potential public health hazard of wastewater use in agriculture. In: Studies on Pollution Mitigation / Edited by S. P. Gautam. Vol-1, pp. 557-570 / - / 2010 / ISBN 8192004007, 9788192004006
Potential risk of Wastewater reuse in agriculture- health consideration. In proceedings of International Workshop on RD Frontiers in Water and Wastewater Management, / National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur / pp.762-769 / 2006 / -
A study on accumulation of toxic metals and bacteriological contamination in wastewater irrigated vegetable crops / In Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Environmental Engineering (RWEE-2008). Padhy, P. K., Patra, P. K., Balachandran, S. & Chaudhury, S. (Eds.). Organised by CES, Visva-Bharati, / pp.35-44 / 2011 / -
KARTICK LAL BHOWMIK / Studies on Tranport properties of Cdo-Cuo Thin film Hetero Junction / Proceeding of ICANMEET, 2013 / IEEE / 2013 / 978-1-4799-1377-0
DR. JAYDIP BHATTACHARYA / 1. Fuzzy compactness in L – Fuzzy topological spaces / Proceeding of National Conference on recent development in Mathematics and its Applications / Assam University, Silchar / 2001 / -
2. Weakly Fuzzy iso-compact spaces / Journal of Tripura Mathematical Society / Tripura Mathematical Society, Agartala / 2001 / 0972-1320
3. Fuzzy iso-compactness and WΔ – spaces in L – Fuzzy topological spaces / Proceeding of National Seminar on recent trends in Mathematics and its Applications / Tripura University, Suriyamaninagar / 2003 / -
4. Nearly iso-compactness in L – Fuzzy topological spaces / Acta Ciencia Indica / Pragati Prakashani India / 2005 / 0970-0455
5. α - iso-compactness and CL – α - iso-compactness in L – Fuzzy topological spaces / Proceeding of National Seminar on Fuzzy Mathematics and its Applications / Tripura University, Suriyamaninagar / 2006 / -
6. RS - iso-compactness in L – Fuzzy topological spaces / The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics / Los Angeles, USA / 2008 / 1066-8950
7. Semi iso-compactness and CL – Semi iso-compactness in L – Fuzzy topological spaces / Journal of Tripura Mathematical Society / Tripura Mathematical Society, Agartala / 2008 / 0972-1320
8. On iso – P – closedness in L – Fuzzy topological spaces / Proceeding of National Seminar on recent development in Mathematics and its Applications / Tripura University, Suriyamaninagar / 2008 / -
9. Strong iso-compactness and CL-Strong iso-compactness in L-fuzzy topological spaces. / Journal of Tripura Mathematical Society / Tripura Mathematical Society, Agartala / 2013 / 0972-1320
DR. RUNU DHAR / On Fuzzy δ - semi preconnectedness, Fuzzy δ - semi separation axioms and fuzzy semi δ - semi separation axioms / Procediung of National Seminar On Recent Development in Mathematics and its Application, Nov. 14-15, 2008, page 161-165 / - / 2008
On fuzzy δ - semi preopen sets and weakly fuzzy δ - semi preopen functions / Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXV M, No. 1, page 11-16 / Pragati Prakashan, Meerut, India / 2009 / 0970-0455
On weakly fuzzy δ - semi precontinuous mappings and weakly fuzzy δ - semi preirresolute mappings / The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics”, Los Angeles, 18(1), page 209 - 216 / International FuzzyMathematics Institute, Los Angles, USA / 2010 / 1066-8950
Some More Results on fuzzy δ-semi preseparation axioms and fuzzy δ-semi preconnectedness / Journal of the Tripura Mathematical Society Special Volume-13, 209-216 / Tripura Mathematical Society, Agartala, Tripura, India / 2011 / 0972-1320
On pairwise weakly fuzzy δ - semi preirresolute mappings / Proc. Int. Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets and Soft Computing”, November 5 - 7, 2009, page 392 - 399 / Serials Publications,
New Delhi, India / 2011 / 978-81-8387-417-5
DR. SYMAL ADHIKARI / 1. Synthesis and characterization of the Homo-bimetallic [Bis(2-hydroxy-1-napthaldehyde) oxaloyl dihydrazonato] bis dioxomolybdenum (VI) Tetra hydrate complex and its Reactivity towards proton and Electron Donor Re-agents / Journal of Chemical Research / The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK / 1997 / 0308-2342
2. Synthesis, Characterization and Structural Assessment of Homo-bimetallic and Hetero-bimetallic zinc (II) and dioxouranium (VI) complexes Derived from Bis (O-hydroxynaphthaldehyde) oxaloyl dihydrazone / Synth. React. Inorg. Met – Organic Chemistry / Marcel Dekker Inc., New York / 2001 / 10016-0602
3. Synthesis, characterization and some properties of oxoperoxo complexes of molybdenum with 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde isonicothinoyl hydrazone / Synth. React. Inorg. Met – Organic Chemistry / Marcel Dekker Inc., New York / 1996
4. Synthesis and spectral characterization of dioxouranium (VI) complexes of Disalicylaldehyde Adipoyl Dihydrazone / Synth.React.Inorg.Met – Organic Chemistry / Marcel Dekker Inc., New York / 1996
5. Dioxouranium (VI) and zinc (II) Complexes of Bis[O-hydroxy napthaldehyde) oxaloyl dihydrazonato] Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization. / Polyhedron / Pergamon Press Ltd., Great Britain / 1993 / 0277-5387
6. Synthesis and characterization of Mn (IV) Complexes derived from the direct reaction of Mn (II) Acetate tertrahydrate with oxaloyldihydrazide and 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde / Synth. React. Inorg. Met – Organic Chemistry / Marcel Dekker Inc., New York / 2002
7. Synthesis and properties of mononuclear and binuclear molybdenum complexes derived from Bis (2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde) oxaloyldihydrazone / Journal of Spectro Chimica Acta / ELSEVIER / 2008 / 1386-1425
8. Synthesis and characterization of A Binuclear copper (II) complex [Cu(H2Slox)]2 from ployfunctional disallcylaldehyde oxaloyl dihydrazone and its heterobinuclear copper (II) and molybdenum (VI) complexes / Journal of Coordination Chemistry / Taylor and Francis, England / 2011
9. Synthesis and characterization of seven coordinated polymeric mono [anti-cis-bis (2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde) oxaloyldihydrazonato] mono aquo bis (cis-dioxomolybdenum (VI) dehydrate complex / Indian Journal of Chemistry / New Delhi / 1996
10. Spectroscopic studies of Isomerisation of coordinated polymeric mono [anti-cis-bis(2-hydroxy-1-napthaldeyde) oxaloyl dihydrazone / Indian Journal of Chemistry / New Delhi / 1997
11. Synthesis, structure and properties of bimetallic manganese (II, III) and dioxouranium (VI) complexes derived from bis (2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde) oxaloyldihydrazone / Journal of Indian Chemical Society / 1998
12. Synthesis and spectral studies of sodium acetate and fluoro bis [Bis (O-hydroxy-1-napthaldeyde) oxaloyl dihydrazonato] Tetra aquo tetra kis dioxouranate (VI) complexs / Indian Journal of Chemistry / New Delhi / 1995
13. Oxoperoxo molybdenum (VI) complexes Derived from N-benzamido salichlaldimine / Journal of Indian Chemical Society / 1998
MANORANJAN DAS / 1.Bhakti in Vivekananda’s Philosophy, / Drashta Research Journal Page 527-529 / Acharya Academy Haryana, Pin-124527 / Year-2 Part-5 Dec,Feb.2012 -2013 / ISSN-
2. Bhakti: The Basis Of Indian Socio-Religious Tradition With Special Reference To Swami Vivekananda / Tripura Journal of Social Science Page 45-53 / Council for Social Science Research College Tila 799004 / Vol.1, Part.1 January 2014 / ISSN
3.The concept Of Karma And Views Of Swami Vivekananda / Pramāna Research Journal Page 312-316/ / Acharya Academy Haryana,Pin-124527 / Year-2 Part-2 Dec-Feb.2013-2014 / ISSN-
4. Present Position Of Indian Women In Light Of Swami Vivekananda / Socio-Political Thinking Of Swami Vivekananda and The Challenge Today. (Proceeding Of National Seminar ) / Department of Philosophy
Ramakrishna Mahalayaya,
Kailasehar, North Tripura
Page 94-97 / 2009 / Nil
5.Rabindranath–The Most Sympathetic Personality towards Women, Page 94-97/,2010/ NIL / Development, Freedom, Power and Justice Considerations From Feminist Perspective. (Proceeding Of National Seminar) / Department Of Philosophy, Karimkang College, Assam / 2010 / Nil
  1. -
/ Prospects and Problems of Brick Industry (Book) / Mittal Publication, New Delhi – 110 059 / 2008 / 81-8324-245-6
2. Situation of Agricultural Farmers in India – A Socio-Logical Approach / Agrarian Economy in India – Challenges and Government Initiatives, pp. 227-244 / Mangalam Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi – 110 053 / 2013 / 978-93-838106-02-7
3. An Enquiry into the Problems and Prospects of Brick Manufacturing Industry in Tripura (Ph. D Thesis Abstract) / Finance India, Vol. XXVI No. 1 March 2012, pp. 241-248 / Indian Institute of Finance, New Delhi - 110 052 / 2012 / 0970-3772
4. 10 years perspective Plan of Tripura – Attainment of Self Sufficiency in food grain production – A Distant Dream / Indian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 1, Dec. 2010, pp. 101-110 / International Knowledge Research Journal, New Delhi / 2010 / 2231-4091
5. Perspective Plan to achieve self sufficiency in fish production in Tripura – An illustration / Journal of Applied Science and Social Science, Vol. II No.1, March-April, 2011, pp. 01-08 / International Knowledge Research Journal, New Delhi / 2011 / 2229-3205
6. Intercropping in Immature Rubber Plantation of Dhalai District of Tripura / International Journal of Plant Science, Vol. 6, Issue 1, January 2011, pp.207-211 / Hind Agricultural and Research Institute, Uttar Pradesh – 251 001 / 2011 / 0973-1547
7. Growth of Rubber Plantation in Bangaldesh – An Overview / Indian Journal of Humanities, Vol. 1, Issue 1, April-June 2011, pp. 29-31 / Manabata, Agartala, Tripura / 2011 / 2248-9541
8. Vehicular Pollution and Environment / Indian Journal of Humanities, Vol. 1, Issue 02, July 2011, pp. 23-30 / Manabata, Agartala, Tripura / 2012 / 2248-9541
9. Problems of Agricultural Financing in Tripura / Indian Journal of Humanities, Vol. 1, Issue 04, Oct-Dec 2011, pp. 155 / Manabata, Agartala, Tripura / 2012 / 2248-9541
10. Economic Feasibility Study of Rubber Plantation in Tripura / Tripura Journal of Social Science, Vol. II, January, 2014 / Council for Social Science Research, BBM College, Agartala / 2014 / 2357-5854
RAMA CHOWDHURY / Theme of Diaspora and Disintegration in Anita Desai’s Bye-Bye Black Bird / Indian Women Novelists in English: A Critical Study (ed) pp.87-89 / Supriya Books, New Delhi / 2011 / ISBN 978-81-909143-2-1
Shashi Tharoor’s the Great Indian Novel: A Study in Narrative / Indian Fiction Since Independence: Readings from the periphery, pp. 124-133 / Prestige Books International, New Delhi – 110 060 / 2013 / ISBN 978-93-82186-17-5
Voice and Focalisation: Narrative Strategies in Anita Desai’s Cry, The Peacock / Variegated Narrative of Indian English Fiction (ed), pp.129-138 / Aadi Publication / 2014 / ISBN 978-93-82630-32-6
The Pains and Pangs of Partition: A Study of Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines and Haribhushan Pal’s Chhinnomul / Tripura Journal of Social Science (A Bi-Annual Journal), pp.100-106 / Council for Social Science Research, BBM College, Agartala / July, 2014 / ISSN 2357-5854
DIPAK HRISHIDAS / Environmental Impact of E-waste / Emerging Environmental Issues in Today’s Society with Special Reference to Northeast India (Edited Book by Gupta, N and Sarkar, D) / Supriya Books, New Delhi / 2015 / ISBN 978-93-84471-07-1
CHANDRASEKHAR PILLAI / The Environmental Impact Assessment for Prior Environmental Clearance of Industrial Projects: A Study / Emerging Environmental Issues in Today’s Society with Special Reference to Northeast India (Edited Book by Gupta, N and Sarkar, D) / Supriya Books, New Delhi / 2015 / ISBN 978-93-84471-07-1

List of Publications of Faculty members of Women’s College.