Homework – Class 1 – 215 WEEK of May 18 – May 22

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the thirty-fourth week of first grade! This week we will be continuing to learn about “short U”. We will also be reviewing some of our sight words from last year. Please remember to complete the homework with your child each night and to put the completed homework back into their homework folder. Please remember to complete the work in the support binders. We will also be starting first grade math! We will be working on addition again!

Please return the “Support Binder” on Friday!!!!!!!

Ms. Fuchs

Sight Words: I, can, we, a, the, like, to, me, girl, boy, red, yellow, blue, on, ride, go, up, down, black, white, he, she, went, and, look, that, big, little, this, funny, are, for, you, come, want, who, be, said, what, they, with, because, look, this, do, and, here, was, has, them, far, going, make, gave, sent, when, get, will, some, has, just, about, home, over, had, will, home, say

NEW Sight Words (words for homework) – had, they, over, got

Spelling Words – had, they, over, got, bun, sun, run, fun

Monday, 5/18:

  1. Literacy Worksheets
  2. Math worksheets
  3. Write each NEW sight word 3 times in the homework notebook

Tuesday, 5/19:

  1. Literacy Worksheets
  2. Math Worksheets
  3. Write each NEW sight word 3 times in the homework notebook

Wednesday, 5/20:

  1. Literacy Worksheets
  2. Math worksheets
  3. **new** Write three sentences about your favorite thing to do in the summer time.

Thursday, 5/21:

  1. Literacy Worksheets
  2. Math worksheets
  3. **new** Write three sentences about your favorite thing to do in school.

Friday, 5/22:SUPPORT BINDER DUE!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Literacy Worksheets
  2. Math worksheets
  3. **new** Write three sentences about your favorite color and things that are that color.