Welcome to Carlby. We hope you enjoy living here; and we hope you find the information in this leaflet a help in settling in. There is more on our village website (address above) and a monthly newsletter on village activities, Carlby Now, will come through your letterbox.

Village organisations

Friendly Club – meets in the village hall on the 3rd Wednesday in the month,

2-4p.m. Contact Daphne on 590295 or Veronica 590166.

WI – meets in the village hallusually on second Tuesday in the month. The WI programme is on the website. Secretary – Heather Shead 590180.

Mums & Tots – for babies and pre-school children with their carer. Meet in the village hall every Wednesday during term time, from 10.30 to 11.30a.m. Contact – Kimberley Griffin 59040.

St. Stephen’s Church – a monthly ‘Village News’ gives information about services and other church events (also, see the end of this welcome note). Contact – Dan Pope 590200.

Playing Field – maintains the playing field and organises events for youngsters. Secretary – Roger Shead 590180.

Carlby Walkers – organises a monthly walk nearby. Contact – Margaret Dair 590525.

Bowls Club – regular league and social bowling in the summer. Indoors in the village hall in winter. Chairman – Carole Wright 590255.

Carlby Gardeners - meet on the first Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m.

If you'd like to join us pleasecontactAmandaPearsonon590005oremail

Visual Arts Group - if you are interested in photography or painting, join the VAG. Contact - Liz King 590376.

Local Services

Doctors – Galletly Practice, North St., Bourne 01778 562200: Hereward Centre, Exeter St., Bourne 01778 393399: Dr. Campbell, Castle Bytham 01780 410205.

Milk delivery – Dairycrest round 043 on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 01733 562875

Refuse collection – black bin alternative Mondays; grey bin alternative Mondays; green bin fortnightly on Wednesday.

Newspapers – Daily Mail News Shop, Drift Road, Stamford. Contact – Martin Bailey 590310.

Fish & Chip van – every Friday 7.30 – 8p.m. near Manor Road.

Butcher – Nelson’s van calls every Thursday at about 8.15a.m. at Manor Road.

Schools – Primary Ryhall C. of E.; Secondary Queen Eleanor, Casterton; Stamford Endowed Scools; Bourne.

Buses – see timetable in the bus shelters.

Window cleaner – Kleena Windows 01780 765130, mobile 07931191460.

Other facilities

The village hall – can be hired for events. Booking Secretary Kerry Vincent 590611. Also holds social night on third Saturday of the month. Village hall committee Secretary Margaret Dair 590525.

Village history – an account of how Carlby has developed over the centuries. Proceeds to village organisations. £5 per copy –from Ian Dair 590525.

Newsletter and items for the local papers - as mentioned, a newsletter isdelivered to every home once a month and village news features in the Stamford Mercury and Bourne Local. Items to editor - Ian Dair 590525.

The Parish Council - the Parish Council represents villagers in local government and has funds of its own for disposal to the benefit of the village. The PC meets at least six times a year and parishioners can raise issues of concern at meetings by attending the Open Forum; or by contacting any Parish Councillor.

The names and telephone numbers of Parish Councillors are given below and are on the website, along with the minutes of recent meetings and the annual statement of objectives. The address for correspondence to the PC is: the Clerk, Barbara de Heveningham, 25 Corby Road, Swayfield, Grantham, Lincs, NG33 4LQ email

Parish Councillors:Mike Glover,Chairman 590511; David Nelson, Vice Chairman 590238; Roger Easton 590000; Nicky Howells 590526; Ian Dair590525; John Bavister590343; Tony Roche 590025..


Our Neighbourhood Policing Team is Sgt. Emma Crisp mobile 07500 918823, PCSO Charlie Smith 07825 523 423 and PCSO Marlow Bramich 07900 170 170.

The Witham on the Hill Community Beat Team can be contacted on:


Church services

Services each month –

1st10.30a.m. Holy Communion

2nd8.00 a.m. Holy Communion and 10.30am Family Servic

3rd10.30a.m. Benefice Service (in turn with Ryhall Church and Essendine Church)

4th10.30a.m. Holy Communion

When a 5th Sunday occurs, 10.30am Ryhall Holy Communion.

Vicar Rev. Paddy McKee 01780 762398

Reader Mrs. Hazel Whitfield 01780 765484

Space for notes

The cost of this leaflet has been met by:

Just two miles from Carlby on the A.6121 is the

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The golf course is both challenging and presents wonderful views over the surrounding countryside. And there is a floodlit driving range on the large practice ground.

For bookings at the Hotel, ring 01778 590614; for the golf, ring the Pro shop on 01778 590616.

Produced by Ian Dair with the help of village organisations December 2010