English III
TAG Interview Guiding Questions
Directions: Answer these questions on your own paper. Use these same questions when you conduct your interview.
1. What was your best ever family vacation?
2. What was your favorite pet?
3. Who was your first love? Describe them.
4. Who was your favorite teacher, and why?
5. Who was your best friend in elementary school/grade school?
6. How did your parents meet?
7. If you were alive, what do you remember about V-E Day?
8. If you were alive, where were you/what were you doing when JFK was shot?
9. Where were you/what were you doing when the planes crashed into the Twin Towers?
10. What’s your favorite movie, and when did you first watch it?
11. What was the first movie you saw in a theater?
12. Who was your favorite movie star when you were in high school?
13. What was your favorite song when you were in high school?
14. What’s your favorite book, and when did you first read it?
15. Did you ever learn to play a musical instrument?
16. Did you ever win a trophy or an award?
17. What was your first job? Do you remember your wage? What was it?
18. Do you remember the first TV program you ever watched? What was your favorite TV show growing up?
19. Who is your favorite comedian?
20. What’s your favorite childhood memory?
21. Who was your favorite President? Who was President when you were born? If different, who’s the first President you remember?
22. What was your first car, and how much did you pay for it?
23. For your first car, how much was a gallon of gasoline? How much was a loaf of bread? A gallon of milk?
24. Where did you go on your first date? With whom did you go?
25. What was a major news story when you were in high school?