VIVACAT MEETING 10/30/1998 UVA, Newcomb Hall
In Attendance: Jackie Shieh (UVA), Charles Lewis (JSRCC), JoAnn Keys (GMU), Vickie Budge (CVCC), Trish Kearns (W&M), David Badertscher (W&L), Allison Sleeman (UVA), Elaine Day (JMU), Karen Cary (VCU), Billie Hackney (ODU), Althea Aschmann (VPI), Joyce Ogburn (Chair, ODU), Ginny Reese (PVCC), Leslie Obrien (VPI), Ed Summers (ODU)
The Chadwych-Healey representative said they do not have a response to the issues that VIVACAT has raised regarding the quality of their records. They are going to get back in touch in a few weeks and will address the issues point by point.
JMU is investigating a loader for Innovative to load the C-H records. They have received an informal quote from Innovative on a shared load table for the C-H records. The libraries must agree on mapping of data to specific tags, however field content does not have to be identical. The data loads must take place within the same time period, one to two weeks. Three institutions expressed some interest in the load table. E. Day will contact each VIVA Innopac library with more detailed specifications and estimates. If there is sufficient interest, Innovative will issue quotes and invoices to each participating library.
UVA is getting a lot of response to having the records available in the OPAC. Some of the C-H problems that have been identified were first reported by patrons.
There was some discussion of VIVA support in underwriting the cost of loaders for VIVA institutions. Joyce will pursue this with Kathy Perry.
There has been no significant new information concerning the work of other consortia. We will be trying to get updates from OHIOLINK, CIC, and GALILEO soon.
No other consortia or similar group seems to be developing their own guidelines at this time. We have heard that several non-VIVA institutions are using the VIVACAT Guidelines including the University of California System.
Responding to a query Joyce made over the VIVACAT listserv, several community colleges have indicated that they need training. The larger colleges and the universities are cataloging the VIVA resources and using the Guidelines.
The possible format of a workshop was discussed. It was decided that we needed at least two days for a complete session on managing electronic resources and that the cataloging portion of the training should be hands-on. The cataloging/hands on training needs at least 6 hours and to make the best use of the time a lunch should be available on site. Having cataloging training at 2 or 3 sites across the State was considered.
Other topics that might be pertinent such as how cataloging electronic titles may be affected by AACR2, CONSER, etc. It was reported that AACR2 revisions are not likely to be in place prior to our training session. Selection, acquisition, instruction, marketing, management, system support, and policies were brought up as possible topics.
Opening up the sessions and co-sponsorship were brought up as possibilities. This lead into a discussion of possible meeting conflicts. A site will need to be found that has no conflicts, has parking, and has both an auditorium and hands on facility for training. PVCC is checking to see if that would be a possible site. It was concluded that March or April is our time frame for the meeting. We will look for possible speakers from outside VIVA. The meeting will be broken into two distinct parts. One day will address many of the general and management issues of using online resources and another day will contain the hands on cataloging training. It should be possible for people to attend one day or the other depending on what they need/want. Two groups were appointed to get started on planning content for each of the days. We should have some information by early December.
The article describing VIVACAT is nearly finished. A draft copy of the article will be distributed to the Committee members for comments.
Joyce gave a brief rundown of her presentation at FEDLINK where she mentioned VIVA activities and showed the cataloging Guidelines.
NEXT MEETING: December 11, 1998
Charles S. Lewis
MPC Coordinator
Media Processing Center
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College