building better life-long bonds through behavior training & coaching


How to Introduce: Have your dog at your side and then give him the SIT command by saying “SITTT”. You donot need to give a hand signal and you do not need to give a stay command once he is in a sit. After you have asked your dog to sit then wait 1-2 seconds. Once your dog is in the SIT command,give him verbal PRAISE only and wait 1-2 seconds. If he holds it 1-2 seconds then release him and give him hands on PRAISE! If your dog does not do the command or breaks command by getting up or lying down, you will do the following:

Step One

With the hand closest to the dog, place your finger and thumb on either side of the tail where it meets the body and keep the other hand on the leash. At the same time, gently lift up and back on the leash (this is not meant to be a correction) and push down on either side of the tail and repeat the SITTT command. Once your dog is in the sitting positionthen you return to the upright position,give him verbal praise only and wait 1-2 seconds. If he holds it 1-2 seconds then release him and give him hands on PRAISE! However, if does not hold it 1-2 seconds and stands up before being released then say NO, SITTT as you gently lift up and back on the leash and push down on either side of the tail. If your dog is moving away from you, you may be pressing too hard on his backside. You only want to direct him.

At any point, if your dog breaks command DO NOT CHANGE YOUR COMMAND and DO NOT MOVE TO A NEW LOCATION. Stay consistent with the sit, as you never want to change your command half way through. If you do, your dog has won and next time it will be that much harder. As well, when you start a command you must finish it. Work through the command, calmly, until the dog is in a sit. Be patient, do not get frustrated and remember it is a learning process and will take time.

Step Two

Repeat theexercise for 1-2 seconds at a time until your dog successfully completes the command 3-4 times in a row with no help or direction from you. After your dog has done this for you 3-4 times in a row, you should no longer give him any help. “Help” is considered touching your dog or gently pulling on the leash. Your dog “knows” it if he goes into the sit position upon hearing the command. If your dog does not sit when asked or breaks command before being released thenissue a correction NO, SITTT. If your dog does not complete the command after the correction then you will repeat the correction until he is back in the sit position.

Step Three

At this point, your dog knows the command and should be expected to sit when asked.

Now that your dog is remaining in a sit, you want your dog to hold the command on his own for 2-3 seconds. It is ok to give verbal praise while your dog is in command. If he holds it for 2-3 seconds then release him and give lots of hands on PRAISE! If he does not hold the sit for 2-3 seconds and breaks command then give a correction NO, SITTT.

Once the dog is holding the command for 3-5 seconds then take one step away. If your dog still holds a sit then release him and give lots of PRAISE! Continue repeating the exercise until you are able to walk around him at the end of your leash. This is a slow progression and may take several training sessions to accomplish.

Proper leash correction for the sit command

When giving a correction for the sit, be sure to issue it at a 45 degree angle, up and backward behind the dog’s head. In addition, please remember you cannot give a correction to your dog unless you are convinced he knows the command. You will know this if he can do the command for you three to four times in a row without any help from you.

If your dog moves toward you as you are walking away OR walks off in another direction, calmly approach your dog without saying anything. Pick up the leash and take your dog back to where he originally was when you gave him the command. While walking toward the spot he was in, every second or third step you will give him a correction NO. When he is back at the original spot your last correction will be NO, SITTT.

If your dog lies down there are two ways to get him back into a sitting position: (1) Take a fake step forward with only one foot and pat your leg. Quickly return to your stationary position as your dog begins to stand. Most dogs will be motivated to a sitting position by this rocking motion. (2) Slide your foot under his chest at the same time you give the correction NO, SITTT. Most dogs do not like to have things moving under them.

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