




Form 11 “B”

School № 460

Zuykina Christina

Ananev Leo

The head – the teacher of the English Language

Mukhitdinova Nuria Matygullovna


1) Annotation page 3

2) A few words are about Scotland page 4

3) Culture of Scotland of page 6

3.1 Scotch suit

and his connection with the concept of klanovosti page 7 3.2 Legend about the thistle of page 9

3.3 Secret of Lokhness monster of page 10

3.4 «Elixir of life» of page 11

3.5 Excellent archers of page 11

3.6 National consuetudes and holidays of page 12

3.7 Scotch bagpipe of page 17

4) Edinburgh military festival of page 18

5) Conclusion page 20

6) List of the utilized literature of page 21


Scotland is so enigmatic and not with what not comparable. Exactly we decided this surprising country to devote our project work.

And this year one of the most magnificent soldiery festivals «Kremlin Star passed in Moscow». Seeing the fragments of this festival, we paid regard to, surprising music national suits speakers, and also on unusual musical instruments. All of it inspired us on research of cultural features, traditions of Scotland, therefore we put a primary objective before itself more in detail to familiarize with traditions, consuetudes, language and culture on the whole these surprising people and to probe stage-by-stage development and perfection of bagpipe and scotch suit in course of time.

Our project consists of a few sections. In the first, we want to tell about natural features countries and its districts. The second – greatest section is devoted directly to the culture of country. Here speech will go about national consuetudes, holidays, traditions. We will tell about scotch legends, will find out the origin of surprising musical instrument are bagpipes, and also probe a scotch suit. We devoted a next section the Edinburgh military festival, histories of his origin and will affect certainly, passing first time, in Moscow shocking on beauty festival «Kremlin Star». And in a final chapter will draw conclusion on done by us to large research work.

During the prosecution of project we utilized the followings methods:

• Research

• Informative

• Analytical


A few words about Scotland

SCOTLAND, administratively-political part (historical province) of Great Britain. Has some autonomous rights, from 1999 is own parliament. 78, 8 thousands km. A population is 5 million persons (2004), mainly scotches. Most believers belong to the Presbyterian church. In an administrative relation part on 9 districts and island territory. A main city is Edinburgh.

Scotland occupies north part of island, on which Great Britain, and also more shallow islands, is located next door: Gebridskie, Orkneyskie and Shetlendskie. Basic territory of Scotland westerly and north surrounded the Atlantic ocean, easterly — by the North sea, and from a south territory of England joins to it. The highest mountains are Grampianskie mountains, stretched out in the north of Scotland, where the highest top of Great Britain — Ben-Nevis is (height 1343 m). Very much in Scotland of mountain lakes, among which Lokh-lomond and Lokh-ness... On Orkneyskikh and Shetlendskikh islands, due to washing them Gulf-stream, a climate is relatively soft. Mainland part of country is divided by Mountain (Khaylendiyu) and Flat (Loulendiyu) parts.

Most ancient population — pikty. They disappeared already after distribution of christianity, probably, simply assimilated. Later piktov here settling apart gely are celtic people. Gely and pikty was successfully defended from Romans. In 5-6 vv. the celtic tribe of skottov came here, forcing out gelov in mountain areas. Gely (now in their language no more than 80 thousand persons talk in Mountain Scotland and on Gebridakh) khaylendery is othergates named or simply highlanders.

There was a clan structure of society. Clans, urgent on the name of the semilegendary founders, owned earth jointly, responsible for the members in obedience to the rules of circular bail and wars conducted on the rules of feudal loyalty (I.e. if the head of clan swore somebody on loyalty, all of members of clan must were support him).

In spite of klanovost', kingdoms appeared in Scotland. The most ancient piktskoe kingdom had the center in Skone. From here by birth coronation stone which now belongs to the Britannic crown. A single kingdom was folded to 10 v. England rendered the determining influencing on political life of Scotland.

Edward the I English conquered Scotland, but there an enormous revolt blazed up under the direction of sir William Uollesa (nach. 14 v.). Robert Bryus, which returned a country independence, heaved up a new revolt after execution of Uollesa. The rule of dynasty of Styuartov, bound by family ties with the English royal house, made off establishment of their lordship over incorporated Britain. But for Scotland personal uniya 1603 replaced tacking to England in 1651-1652 with liquidation of attributes of independence. In 1707 Scotland is incorporated with England officially.


A borough and valley of the river Glasgow is most inhabited Klayd, where highly technological industry develops. In 1980th the deposits of oil and natural gas are opened in the North sea, that gave a powerful shove development of Scotland. Mining, steel-smelting industry, shipbuilding is developed. One of leading reasons of export is a production of whisky. Fishing is widely developed in Scotland.

In 1990th the production of computers and software developed stormily. Now VNP per capita in Scotland higher, than in rest of England except for London and adjoining to him region. Large profits are brought by tourism, including educational (in the universities of Edinburga, Aberdina, Dandi, Sent-endryusa). Near fourth part of all of area of country tilled or is under pastures. A traditional culture is an oat.


The culture of Scotland

Scotch - it one of those people which honour the traditions zealously. In this question they even in something look like «multitraditional» England.

Foremost from all of traditions it is necessary to mark the most important is a clan. A clan in Scotland (Clan) is a group of families, carrying one last name (for example, Poppy of Donal'dy is «children of Donald», because Mac po-shotlandski means «son») and having a general ancestor.

Every clan has the holiday, and in this day all of members of clan put on the suit, wherever they were. There are the international meetings of clans in Edinburgh - the capital of Scotland. People, carrying the the same scotch name, go down on meetings of clans. The delegates of such meetings get dressed in national suits. On meetings of clans bagpipes music of which delights the ear of representatives of clans are always present, take place competition in throwing of log - kebera, in at run uphill, dances, one of which is dance with jumpings up above the crossed broadswords is old, kind, truly scotch dance, khaggis eat is the smoked sheep stomach, filled the pieces of meat with spices and proudly show off in family kiltakh before numerous tourists, go down to Scotland of all of corners of the world.


Scotch suit and his connection with the concept of klanovosti

To 1745 year the Scotch clans were managed chifteynami (chieftains). It is necessary to notice that the system of clans is popular until now and it was saved anymore as national tradition of scotches. When a scotsman reminisces the Motherland, the sorrowful heather uncultivated plots of land, ruins of locks, occur him, worn-out great-grandfather yubka-kilt and pibrokh is a mournful melody of bagpipe. Coloring of skirt must be concrete — in accordance with tartanom.(Tartan) — by a woolen matter with the standard of lines of different width and different colors, which cross each other under certain corners. Present much different tartans, each of which is related to the certain scotch clan. Every clan in Khaylende (Highlands- mountainous, overhead part of Scotland) has the certain color and certain tested standard which the members of clan carry on kiltakh and plaids related to him. And to put on stranger colors is social violation (gaffe) and it also impermissible, how a ship must heave up on a mast a foreign flag. After it strictly a responsible person, Main Gerol'd, Keeper of coats of arms and seniority of clans, looks after in Scotland. In his difficult duties enters to watch after that nobody appropriated itself unauthorized titles, stranger cages, did not lead on a bagpipe (bag-pipe) during ceremonial'- nogo of March the melody of other clan. From all of doomsdays queries come to him in relation to clan belonging and symbolism. Even the American, Australian, novozelandskie, Canadian generations of scotches did not lose interest to the native family consuetudes and traditions, reminisce the roots and what farther, that anymore come to the idea: «Wherever we were, my-shotlandcy! » Traditionally, except for a skirt — kilt, a tweed jacket (t w e e d jacket), simple long stockings, is included in a scotch national suit (Highland dress), takes and leather sporran (sporran), is a purse which hangs on a narrow small strap, engulfing thighs. This variant of suit is carried in the day-time. For an evening there is other variant of suit — yubka-kilt is put on with fur sporranom, stockings with it certain tartanom, by the complicated jacket and shirt finished a ruche. Scotch beret- tam-o’-shanter is a woolen hat without the fields with a pompon or feather on a top. Temeshente carry usually, slightly moving to one side. Name a beret got it on behalf of hero of poem Robert Bernsa with the of the same name name. It is necessary to mention such detail of suit, as knife. A veritable highlander (Highlander) after the right stocking must carry a knife, on the handle of which the flower of thistle is engraved and topaz is set. It is necessary to notice that if a highlander stuck a knife on the inside of leg, on scotch tradition it meant is declaration of war. Peaceful people carry a knife always from exteriority. Traditions of carrying of the suit scotches are so durable, that self-control can exemplify from the article of L. Martynova about that, how once the Canadian traveler and writer a researcher Arktik Farli Mouet at the end of November visited Moscow. «Business was at the very end November, — writes L. Martynov, — Mouet was in a scotch suit: in a short skirt, thick checked


woolen stockings, podvernutykh under knees. From under a coat on a skirt enormous

koshel' went down with finishing from tolen'ego fur - sporran. Appeared, that today all of his sorodichi are dressed exactly also, and already therefore he at once can know in crowd it, to mark with him a holiday or, in the case of necessity to come for help. And a chance to meet other Moueta in Moscow crowd was extremely insignificant although, and besides a weather did not play in favour of going around with naked knees - icy wind drove the sprinkle of snow, — no talk about other suit and could not be. Tradition of clan colors appeared not so a long ago. England at one time forbade scotches to carry a national suit. It was in 1746, when in a battle on the tableland of Kulloden (Culloden) at Invernessa (Inverness) scotches lost chances on independence. Prohibition operated to 1782 years, and when he was abolished, it turned out that old patterns — forgotten. It was necessary to invent new, written down after every clan. Concerning such basic detail of scotch national suit, as yubka-kilt, it is necessary to notice that carried it before all of not scotches, but only khaylendery (highlanders) are highlanders.

As we know already, Highlands plugs in itself the highest mountains of Britannic Islands, most wild lakes and islands. On the origin khaylendery consider itself Celt. They gordyat'sya that are the descendants of skottov, which came to Britain from Ireland in 6th age, and they name itself skottami (and Scot, and Scotsman, and Scotswoman), (and Scotch-man, and Scotchwoman). A few thousand scotches which live at lakes in Western Khaylende (Western Highlands) and Gebridskikh islands still talk on Scottish Gaelik (scotch gell'skiy) - ancient celtic which very looks like irish gallic and related a welshman. The farmers of Khaylendera, or as they are here named by kroftery (crofters), conduct heavy and simple life, following the plough and cattle breeding: grow an oat and potato, conduct sheep and cows, fish. Kilt for some khaylenderov and until now is everyday clothes. Khaylendery feel superiority in relation to loulenderam (lowlanders) - to the habitants of plain, majority from which are the descendants of danes. On the ethnic composition of loulendery more various, than khaylendery. There are plainsmen to the middle of our age — loulendery carried trousers and even not checked. I will repeat oneself, that every tradition in the basis carries practical sense. Khaylendery carried kilt and gaiters not simply because they wanted so, but obviously because so comfortably them to move in mountainous locality. we in this connection it is possible to remember leather trousers and gaiters of tyrolese’s, suit of gimalayskikh gorcev- the tucked up dressing-gown ends above knees, and calve is protected something like golfs. Obviously, that so more comfortable to walk on steep mountain paths. Loulenderov did not have a necessity to move on mountains and, naturally, and proper for this suit Interestingly describes the origin of tradit«In 1953 lord Laurdeyl, head of clan Meytlendov, must was lead the solemn procession of state value, carrying a scotch flag with the Andreevskim cross, naturally, what a suit of him could be only scotch. But at the low-laying area clan of Meytlendov no own cages existed. A way out of situation was found: on happiness Meytlen-dy consist of family relationships with the mountainous clans of Kabbingemov and Gannov. Those lent the colors, and from their connection the own appeared tartan -kletchataya woolen matter of Meytlendov. Afterwards lord Layon on the basis of long calculations defined meytlendam tartan and added him to the official book of the clan colourings. Only forty with


superfluous years passed since that day, when loulendery led for itself a mountainous suit,

but it became tradition already. Traditions arise up variously, but, arising up, have a tendency not to die. Source of scotch traditions is aspiration by all means to defend the originality. Especially as English kings long tried to eradicate this originality, but scotch persistent and stubborn character counteracted «sas-senakh»-takim scotches named England a scornful word.