Painting and Assembling 1:1200 Scale Napoleonic Ships
Ray Trochim
An excellent book on the subject is “Navies of the Napoleonic Era” by Otto von Pivka, which has every major ship of every power, when they were built, their total guns, and what happened to them. The book also covers engagements between 1793 and 1815 in a brief history along with sections on the different navies of the period. The bad news is that the book mentions nothing about a ship’s appearance.
Painting Schemes
Essentially, privateers and some frigate captains painted their ships any way they wanted, either out of necessity or for deception. Ships could occasionally be all white, all yellow, all red, all black, or all
slate gray-blue. The most common scheme for the frigates of war was the back hull and colored stripe which would sometimes be made wider or narrower in the hopes that it would camouflage their size when viewed from a distance
Early in the 1700’s, ships’ hulls would be painted yellow orche or had varnished wood with narrow black streaks along the wales of the ship’s sides (see figure 1), but it is likely that other variations upon this basic theme were used on ships of all navies.
Figure 1
After 1780 British captains were given yellow and black paint for their ship’s hulls. Its application to the hulls was at the discretion of the captain. If a captain should choose, he was able to add other colors to be used in painting the ship (never white), but this was done at his own expense. Other navies followed a similar practice with their ships with red or maroon and black being the most common colors in the Spanish navy. Several paint schemes began to emerge during this period. Ships would be painted black with stripes that were either solid, one broad stripe along the hull, one wide stripe on the upper or lower hull of the ship, or even no stripes at all (See figure 2 and 3 for two examples). These stripes on the hull did not necessarily run along the lines of the gun ports. Ships that were black with solid stripes along the gun ports would look like they had a checkered pattern when the gun ports were open.
Figure 2
Figure 3
A new checkered paint scheme has been said to have originated in the Royal Navy around the 1790’s and was copied by the other navies of the world. When it actually started and who actually used this new paint scheme first is anybody’s guess, but the stripes with black gun ports seems to have been referred to as the "Nelson checker" and became more common in the Royal Navy as he rose to prominence (see figure 4). By the Napoleonic wars, this new checkered paint scheme was the most popular among captains of all navies but paint schemes like that shown in figure 2 and others would still be in use.
Figure 4
During the periods of the American and French Revolutions ship colors were not very well defined but by the Napoleonic period, a set of national patterns had started to emerge. The two key elements were the color of the ship's hull, and the color of the stripe that ran across the gun ports.
Nation hull stripe Nation hull stripe
Britain black yellow Holland black orange
France black white Spain black red
U. S. A. black white or red Russia green white
Denmark black red Ottoman ochre black
Denmark red blue
There will always be exceptions to the rule and the chart above should only be a rough guide. French ships for example would not all have white stripes. The use of white was uncommon and did not begin to be more common until about 1810 to 1812. You can still paint French ships with red stripes or even consider a yellow. The Spanish would be the same way but red would be the most common color. A notable exception for the Spanish was the Santissima Trinidad, with painted red hull and white stripes. Other sources suggest that the S. Trinidad had just red stripes and yet another source suggests that the S. Trinidad was actually white, with red stripes! Some Spanish ships like the Santa Anna were all black. A contemporary described the light British yellow used by the British as "baby puke yellow" but most paintings and other sources place it as a yellow ochre or rich yellow, but as this faded I can see how the term baby puke yellow got started. This color was used more and more on ships of the Royal Navy when it became a standard, but the transition didn’t happen overnight.
While you are safe using natural wood colors when painting the rest of the ship (the deck being a very light color of bleached wood), the following information offers some alternatives. If you want to the actual source, this information comes from an article in the Jan. 1990 issue of Miniature Wargames magazine.
Inside Bulwarks red or ochre red, yellow, green, blue, black, or brown
Gun Carriage red, yellow, wood ochre ditto, and green
Outer Bulwarks dark blue, dark gray ditto, and red or brown
Fighting Top Armings blue, red white-and-blue green and white
Masts varnished, yellow varnished, white
Masts Tops black black
Mast Bands black black
Yards black black
Again, don't take this information too seriously. Different shades of natural wood colors will probably work just fine. It should be noted that at times the British would paint their masts yellow with black yards and masts tops: the current paint scheme of the HMS Victory. The Americans would paint parts of the ships’ masts white with black yards while other parts of the mast remained varnished wood. I have never seen any information that points to a ship with masts painted red. Most masts were varnished wood with black yards and mast tops. The bowsprit was painted in a similar way to the masts. The base of the bowsprit would be painted or varnished wood and the far end would be painted black.
When building your miniature ship, make sure all parts are trimmed of flash and the pieces fit into the holes or slots. Some assembly might be done before painting like attaching the stern to the ship hull, but paint the masts and hull separately and then assemble the ship after it is painted.
Finally, small ship models tend to leave out the "dolphin sticker" and spar on the bowspirit. You have to add this yourself for a completely accurate model but it’s not necessary.
Some Historical Paint Schemes
Some examples of ships at The Battle of the Nile 1798 taken from a data sheet from Davco.
British ships
HMS Alexander: Plain yellow sides with a black stroke
HMS Goliath: Yellow sides with a black stroke between upper and lower rows of gunports
HMS Culloden: Yellow sides with two narrow black strokes between upper and lower gunports
HMS Zealous: Red sides with a narrow yellow stripe
HMS Minotaur: Red sides with a black stroke between upper and lower gunports
French ships
Le Guerrier: Dark yellow sides
L’ Aquilon: Red sides with a black stroke between the upper and lower gunports
Le Franklin: Medium yellow sides
Le Heureux: Very dark yellow sides
Le Timoleon: Very dark red sides
Le Guillaume: Light yellow sides with black stroke between upper and lower decks
Painting schemes of ships at The Battle of Trafalgar 1805 taken from a data sheet from GHQ.
All of the British ships were painted in the “Nelson Checker” of alternating black and yellow stripes and black gunports. To further distinguish the British ships from the French/Spanish ships the British painted their masts yellow instead of having the normal varnished wood. Yards and mast tops were still black. There was no standard color scheme among the French and Spanish ships. Some ships such as the Spanish Santa Ana were painted all black and the Spanish Santissima Trinidad had a deep red hull and a narrow band of white under each of the four rows of gunports
The amount of rigging and which type of rigging you want to install depends a lot on your tastes and patience. First of all, I do not recommend doing any of the running rigging. It’s too difficult to do and it offers no support to the masts of the ship model. Just do the standing rigging. Second, use only black thread for everything but ratlines where you would want to use tan. While the model instructions may suggest that you can use different colors, they won't look right. I highly recommend using this metallic thread that comes from West Germany (165yd/150m W.GERMANY, Sulky Metallic 142-7051) because it is very strong and it doesn’t have that fuzzy thread look. Besides copying the historical rigging, you have to make sure that the model's masts are supported. Adjust or add to the historical rigging to make sure that each mast is pulled both forward and backward equally.
Examples of standing rigging and shrouds
When you run the rigging through the sails, don't just glue the thread to a notch you made in the masts... it will pop out later. Wrap the thread at least once around each point where it needs to be glued. To keep the thread from going slack, alternate the direction you rig the ship. Do the first line from front to back, the second from back to front, and so on, alternating with each thread.
Overall, rigging is more of a personal thing. You can eat up a whole day installing rigging on your 1/1200 scale ship and have it look terrible. Just the right amount in the proper places can get a good look. The ratlines/shrouds are the trickiest to get right and should be put on the ship miniature first. Don't waste your time trying to drill many tiny holes and running your own ratlines/shrouds one line at a time. I have tried drilling holes and running the thread through the holes and if done right, it can look good but not great. Instead, for each shroud/ratline section, use a mesh-like black cloth or screen (like very thin window screening). Finding the proper screening can be very difficult. Try finding brass small wire screening or go to the fabric store and look into mesh-like materials. You can buy special screening form Langton’s miniatures. I have ordered a sample of this, and I have to admit it’s the best stuff I have found up to date.
Langton Miniatures Tel/Fax:
North Trendeal 01726 882805
Ladock, Truro
Cornwall, U.K.
If you’re like me and you still don’t like the looks of the screening material you can either make a jig and produce your own custom shrouds and ratlines or just run the shrouds without the ratlines. Drape the shroud lines over the fighting tops so that they’re flat and adjacent to one another (this will also give the mast the best support) and instead of trying to drill those holes, try just attaching the shroud lines to the channels. I think this looks a lot better then drilling the holes and a heck of a lot easier as well. Currently this is how I rig my shrouds (no ratlines) and it looks great. When attaching the shroud lines to the channels you have to use some care with the crazy glue. I recommend using the end of a tooth pick to apply the glue, otherwise you can get glue flowing everywhere but where you want it. You also may want to use your X-Acto knife to make little tiny notches in the channels to help as a guide in placing the shroud lines evenly. The number of shroud lines to use is all up to you, but the chart below will give you a starting point. When the shrouds are in place, cut the excess thread at the base of the channel with scissors or snips and then apply a little bit more glue with that toothpick. When you’re all done rigging your ship, go over the glue points with a brush on flat or proper color paint to take out the glossy effect of the glue.
Fore Mast / Main Mast / Mizzen Mast80 to 100 guns / 5 / 6 / 3
74s & large Frigates / 4 / 5 / 3
40 gun Frigates / 3 / 4 / 2
32 gun Frigates / 3 / 3 / 2
Basing and Colors
Make sure that you mount all of your ships on stands that project past the ends of the model. This will help protect the model from damage. Cut stands in sizes that are multiples of half an inch in length and quarters of an inch in width. A typical base for a 74 gun ship-of-the-line would be 3” by 1.25”.
There are various putty and gel compounds you can use to create waves, but a very nice solution involves the use of lighting fixture panels. Buy a clear plastic lighting fixture panel with the irregular pattern called "Crushed Ice." If you do not want to buy a 3' by 4' section at the hardware store you can go down to McGuckin’s Hardware (or your local hardware store) and buy small sections. Paint the smooth side of the plastic with your favorite sea color. Then dry brush the very tops of the rough side with off-white. Mount the ship on the rough side. The result is a most marvelous imitation of the ocean.
I have also seen many gamers just use plain clear bases. This also looks good because you can see the texture that’s under the ship which can be helpful sometimes. This is what I'm currently using for my bases and I have no complaints. For storage, I have specially built racks that secure the ship even if the rack gets flipped upside down. No need for magnetic basing when set up for this.
Most of the metal ship models do not come with a flagstaff for the national ensign. Instead, you have to glue your flags to the rigging, or make your own flagstaff. Signal flags may stay on the rigging fairly well, but gluing a large national ensign to a piece of thread can be somewhat difficult and the flag may come off later. Instead, get a tiny drill bit and drill a wire-size hole at an angle in the rear of the quarter-deck. Mount your flag to a bit of wire and place it into the hole. If you don't glue the wire in place, you have an opportunity to avoid locking in the nationality of your ship. Drill the hole deep enough to hold the wire flagstaff up without glue. Then you can make a series of flags of different nationalities, inserting whichever flag you need for a particular battle. Or you can play around with any other removable system like stretchable thread. This will give you tremendous flexibility to play a variety of scenarios with just a few ships. This will also allow your French ships to switch from the Bourbon White ensign to the Revolutionary Tricolor, depending on what year it is. (Some people assert that the frequency with which the royalist French surrendered caused the white flag to become associated with surrender or truce flag.)