Director Bob Ward called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM and asked if all Presidents or representatives had checked in with Mike Abrams and Mary Murray.

CHAPLAINSharon Bundy gave the invocation.

WAGONMASTER Robin Murray led the Pledge of Allegiance.

GOOD SAM PLEDGE - In the absence of our Sambassador, Rosemary Bates-Ranks, the Good Sam Pledge was read by Carolyn Martin of Rolling Sams.

PARLIAMENTARIAN Mike Abrams explained that we are governed by the rules and regulations of Roberts Rules of Order and under the Constitution and bylaws of Good Sam International and Florida Good Sams. He asked if everyone had checked in and received their card. Mike stated that to be able to speak during the meeting you must get the attention of the chair. If the chair recognizes you by your card you may then stand andstate your name and chapter before continuing. He also advised that the ordinance card should be raised to vote. He asked that the cards be returned to him at the end of the meeting.

Mr. Ward took a moment to ask some people playing cards in the back of the room to please leave. He also asked Joe Weston to go to Sunstate Sams and tell them that we need to have someone here. Joe and Doyle Williams returned a short time later.

SECRETARY Mary Murray gave roll call, with 48 Presidents or representatives attending.

Mr. Ward called for the reading of the minutes. Chick Thompson of North Florida Lifetime Sams moved to waive the reading and accept the document as published. This was seconded by Forrest Fritz of Good Sam Seahorses. Motion carried.

TREASURER Linda Voyton stated that everyone should have received a copy of the Treasurer’s report and asked if there were any questions. Ken Wangler of Florida Chapter at Large asked why a check was let go for so long and Linda responded that it had been over 90 days and had to be voided and another check written.

Chick Thompson of North Florida Lifetime Sams made a motion that the treasurer’s report be accepted as published and Bill Scheffer of Bay Area Sams seconded it. Motion carried.


LEGISLATIVE – Sharon Bundy did a follow up on the report of November 2009 in regard to Verenium Corp., based in Cambridge, Massachusetts and their proposed cellulosic ethanol plant to be built in south Florida. Verenium Corp. has a wide range of press releases on their web site at Sharon said she did not find any additional information on construction of a Florida plant, only facilities in Jennings, LA and San Diego, CA.

Sharon then talked about our Florida State Parks. She said shorter trips, closer to home have kept the avid RVer in plain sight on our highways. THE Rally in Louisville, KY only had 2,867 rigs in attendance, a far cry from the 6,000 rigs several years ago in Gillette, WY. However, for those in search of a new rig, the best bargain of the year was available in Louisville - a brand new Prevost that was marked half-price.

Sharon said she could not find a list of State Parks that allow pets. She got the following information from a Florida State Parks webpage. “Pets are permitted in the family campgrounds of Florida State Parks. Pets are not permitted in cabins or cabin areas, food service areas, buildings, restrooms, bathhouses, beaches or bathing areas. Noisy, destructive, intimidating or dangerous pets will not be allowed to remain in the park. Failure to clean up behind your pet can result in eviction from the campground and/or park.

Henry Harper of Crosstrails Sams said that last year the minutes reflected that the U.S. Forrest Service was proposing to eliminate the 50% discount for Florida residents and wanted to know the status of that. Sharon answered that there was nothing that she could find right off.

Jim Geller of No Frills Sams asked how he could get a copy of the report and Sharon told him that it would be on the Good Sams of Florida website.

STATE STORE– Carolyn Swinea said that Dee, Pam and she had an exceptional week and they exceeded their past income. Mr. Ward said that the State Store had items that were quite old and Carolyn has been gracious enough to donate them as door prizes. He said if we can’t move these things we’re going to write them off. He gave Carolyn permission to go ahead and get rid of them and then she turned around and donated them as door prizes. He thanked her for a job well done.

DOGS FOR THE DEAF – Leo Reuss said that today they had their dog walk, which was a huge success compared to last year. They had 13 dogs walking. One was about nine years old and weighed 200 pounds. They received contributions totaling $116.00. He said it was a great improvement and they are looking forward to next year.

FLORIDA GUIDE DOGSFOR THE DEAF– Tom Leonard said that the contributions that were given last year were $5,321. In addition to that, Golden Triangle Sams gave $100 for Pennies for the Pooches, and Manateean Sams added “In Memory of” for $25.00. They went to Florida Guide Dogs for the Deaf in the Bradenton area and gave them a total of $5,162.21. Golden Triangle Sams are once again TOP DOG with donations of $1,500.

Tom said he wanted to clarify some misunderstanding; Florida Guide Dogs is local and all donations stay in Florida, and Dogs for the Deaf is National and goes to Oregon. They are two separate entities. Pennies for Pooches goes to Florida Guide Dogs. He stated that if you didn’t have a large chapter you could get a pail for Pennies for Pooches. When you have donated $100 you get a very nice badge that goes on your chapter flag. He said neither organization is trying to take from the other one. If you have any questions you can ask either one of them. He said it takes about $2,100 to get a dog trained and in the possession of someone. He asked to be advised of any officer changes.

His email address is .

WARREN BRADLEY MEMORIAL – Director Ward said that Mrs. Bradley is not here to accept donations or give a report. Under our minutes it indicates that she will be here to give a report. She is not here so therefore we will discuss this further down the line under new business that he is bringing up.

HISTORIAN – Sherrie Risberg said the Chapter History is about 75% done as of today. She’s working her way thru all the chapters. Mr. Ward stated that Sherrie is doing a very good job with that; this is hard to keep up.

WEBMASTER – Jill thanked everyone for their support and continues to thank all the chapters for sending in their newsletters. For those chapters not sending in newsletters you are missing out on not letting other chapters know what you are doing. She said she continually strives to improve the website. With the help of Rich Vander Bok she is adding a list of vendors and will scan their business card onto the website so that a person can link to their website or email. She also stated that she is adding a link to Boggy Creek. It will be in the Adobe format which is a printable format. Their site has a list of things they need that can be donated and you can print this out for your chapter. She said it is an experience to tour this beautiful facility. If you haven’t been, you’re missing out. It is a beautiful facility and it is just wonderful for the children that go there.

Forrest Fritz of Good Sam Seahorses asked Jill about the monthly newsletter and said that some have links and some don’t. Jill said that some chapters are not sending summaries, they are sending the entire newsletter and it is too much to show on the site, so she has started putting a link to their newsletter which actually takes you to their website. Allshe really needs are the highlights of the letter. Anyone wanting to do that should send her an email saying to link their newsletter and she will do that.

Mr. Ward said that this lady has a lot of work to do. He told everyone to look at the website; it is now carrying more information than has ever been there before, like the minutes and twice as many pictures. He said Jill does a heck of a lot of work.

Bob stated that the registration for Okeechobee will not be on the website until after the first of the year.

EMERGENCY RESPONSE – Mike said that there is no doubt in his mind that everybody in Good Sams is family. He said you wouldn’t believe the amount of time he has spent today answering questions about what happened to the lady last night and how people asking how she is. He said it really touches you that everyone is concerned. He said the lady had congenital heartfailure and had an episode last night. An episode with that is probably one of the worst pains you will ever feel in your life. They had to get her out and check her blood pressure. She is now in very good condition and back in her rig. The pain is totally gone but now she has to manage her blood pressure as a result. They are first timers from Mississippi but are coming back. They have nothing but praise for all about how we take care of our own.

Mike then talked about equipment and supplies. He said we are in good shape this year. He goes thru the AED about four times a year and it is certifiable. It is certified by the manufacturer and it is in good condition. There are no supplies missing. He said he goes thru a lot of bandaids and things like that and asked if you have any you are not using, don’t throw them out; give them to him. He appreciates your support. Director Ward stated what a wonderful thing this Emergency Response is and said that Mike has made it work so well. He thanked him.

BOGGY CREEK – Debbie Weiss said that over 70 bears were made and donated by Staff. They also donated a bunch of crafts. She said that the kids like crafts and you can donate them any time. Mr. Ward said that if you haven’t been on tour of Boggy Creek yet, please go tomorrow.

Bob asked if any ASD’s had anything to bring up before this committee. No response.

WAGONMASTER - Robin Murray said that we are all family and he has been asked a lot of questions today. This lovely lady back here and myself, we really were married on February 29 and he’s cheap; every four years we have an anniversary and that ain’t so bad. He said that the sign of Hwy. 46 showed a bear and stated that there really are bears in this area, and that bob cats have been seen several times. He advised not to put your dog outside or put food or garbage outside because you might draw up critters that you really don’t want to see. Robin stated that we parked 390 rigs and were expecting about 10 more to come in. He thanked God that they were all parked and hopes some are in the right place. He said it’s been a busy couple of days and we are not quite thru yet, we have some more people coming in tomorrow and we’ll get them all parked and come Sunday we’ll get you all out of here. He thanked everyone who helped park and said we had John Depp helping all day today; he just wouldn’t go away.


OLD BUSINESS – Bob said he was giving this to Linda, seeing as how she is responsible for the election results. Mr. Ward said that Linda Voyton was reelected for Treasurer and he was reelected for Florida State Director. He said a lot of people don’t want the State Director’s job and don’t want anything to do with it; he has fun with it and he has really enjoyed it and hopes that he represents Good Sams in the way that it should be done. He feels like he has and will continue to do that. We’re doing a lot of changes and a lot of things have changed since the last state director and a lot of other state directors come in and tell them what they are doing wrong, but they will get over it.

Mr. Ward turned the mike over to Linda to discuss what to do with the results. Linda turned the mike over to Jim Johnston of Casita Scramblers, who said that it is required that the ballots, after they have been counted and approved, be destroyed. He made a motion to that effect. This was seconded by Chick Thompson of North Florida Lifetime Sams. Motion Carried. The ballots for director and treasurer will be destroyed.

AUDIT REPORT – Mr. Ward said that this year we had an audit and Jim Johnston, who is a certified CPA, served as chairman for that. He asked Jim for the report. Jim gave the Good Sams of Florida, Inc. Internal Audit Committee Report and said that in the committee’s opinion the financial records of Good Sams of Florida, Inc. were maintained in an excellent and correct manor. Mr. Johnston stated that in the committee’s opinion the records are accurate. (see attached)

Mr. Ward asked if there were any questions. Bill Scheffer of Bay Area Sams moved that the report be accepted and Chick Thompson of North Florida Lifetime Sams seconded the motion. Motion carried.

NEW BUSINESS – Director Ward called for volunteers for an audit to be held March 10–12, 2011 at Paradise Oaks in Bushnell. Jim Johnston has volunteered to chair that and said it should be very easy and a lot of fun. Mr. Ward said all volunteers would receive free camping and would be taken out to dinner one night. Steve Griffin of Golden Triangle Sams, Evelyn Jorgensen of Sassy Sams, Linda Reuss of Go-See-Um Sams and John Weaver of Skyway Sams volunteered. Linda Voyton said if the volunteers would turn in their email address she would send out confirmation. Evelyn Jorgensen later declined due to medical reasons.

Director Ward said that a chapter had called earlier and informed him that they would like to change their name and charter but not change their number. It’s an older chapter and these people have been together for quite some time. He just got approval from Californiafor this on Monday. Rainbow Sams will now be Florida State Hobo Sams.

Mr. Ward said he now needed a motion to decharter Traveling Sams #121. Helen Price of Suwannee River Sams made a motion to decharter the two chapters and Bill Schilp of Pasco Loafers seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Mr. Ward stated that our chapter numbers are getting smaller and smaller and smaller. We have gone from 72 chapters to 60. He stated that we must keep up with the bylaws, which say that each chapter must have a president or representative attend at least one State Committee Meeting per year. In February at the next committee meeting he will have a list of these chapters not attending. It is your duty and your responsibility as a State Committee member to decharter these people. He thinks there are about five or six of them.

CHARITIES recognized by Good Sams of Florida are Boggy Creek, Dogs for the Deaf, and Florida Guide Dogs.

Chick Thompson of North Florida Lifetime Sams said that this committee recognized Warren Bradley by actually donating to Shriners of Tampa. Bob advised him that if he would go back to his minutes we voted that we would call Mrs. Bradley up and she would take those donations. It was never approved that the committee for FloridaState would accept thisas a Florida State Good Sam charity.

Evelyn Jorgensen has minutes and read excerpt - ‘Chick Thompson says this is not a charitable item; it’s a volunteer item’. Mr. Ward advised anyone wishing to donate to make the check out to ShrinersHospital. Mrs. Bradley is not here and this is a situation we don’t need to get into.

PROPOSED BUDGET - Mr. Ward asked if there is anyone who has not received the proposed budget for 2011. It was emailed out with your packet. He said if one got it they all got it. It didn’t change from last year. He stated that if you are not getting your email he is trying his darndest to get it to you. If you can’t get it let him know and he will mail it to you. He said we have cut down our postage over $500. Chick Thompson of North Florida Lifetime Sams moved to accept the budget as proposed. This was seconded by Jim Davis of Space Coast Sams. Motion carried.

RULES FOR CHAPTER OF THE YEAR – Mr. Ward said he was going to bring this up one time and one time only and this is the way it’s going to be. He said he could find nowhere it stated we have to have Chapter of the Year. This chapter of the year thing is governed by the rules that California puts out. We don’t have rules and don’t recognize rules. The State Director does this on his own;he allows it to happen. It doesn’t have to happen at all. As long as he is State Director we will go by guidelines put out by California. Books will be judged that way, the chapters will be judged as a chapter. He gives the judges the books and guidelines and tells them that is what they should follow. He said once the judging is done he wants them to turn the books in and then he wants them to judge them as a chapter. Anyone can make up a book. It’s up to him how the book will be judged. He does it as a courtesy to the chapters; therefore he will not take any more discussion on this.