Name: ______
You are going to create a sketch of Ship-TrapIsland. Using the details from the book, create an image either by hand or on the computer. What does the island look like? Where is the jungle? The castle? The dog kennels? Go into as much detail as possible.
Please provide a key if necessary. There may be details on the map that are too small or hidden by other features. Make sure all of the detail of the story is shown in your work.
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Labels & Features - Neatness / 90-100% of the labels/features can be read easily. / 89-80% of the labels/features can be read easily. / 79-70% of the labels/features can be read easily. / Less than 70% of the labels/features can be read easily.
Scale / All features on map are drawn to scale and the scale used is clearly indicated on the map. / Most features on map are drawn to scale and the scale used is clearly indicated on the map. / Many features of the map are NOT drawn to scale even though a scale is clearly indicated on the map. / Many features of the map are NOT drawn to scale AND/OR there is no scale marker on the map.
Color Choices / Student always uses color appropriate for features (e.g. blue for water; black for labels, etc.) on map. / Student usually uses color appropriate for features (e.g. blue for water; black for labels, etc.). / Student sometimes uses color appropriate for features (e.g. blue for water; black for labels, etc.). / Student does not use color appropriately.
Neatness of Color and Lines / All straight lines are ruler-drawn, all errors have been neatly corrected and all features are colored completely. / All straight lines are ruler-drawn, most errors have been neatly corrected and most features are colored completely. / Most straight lines are ruler-drawn, most errors have been neatly corrected and most features are colored completely. / Many lines, corrections of errors, and/or features are not neatly done.
Details from story / The student clearly returned to the reading to gain specific detail to add to his or her map. / Many details from the story were added to the student's map. / Few details from the story were used for the student's map. / Little or no detail from the story was used for the student's map.
This assignment is worth 20 points.Total: ______