Lesson Plan Submission Rubric
Lesson Components / Exceeds Expectation / Proficient / Does Not Meet Expectation / ScoreObjective / The objective is appropriate for selected grade level(s) and provides a concise description of expected student outcomes. The objective is clearly tied to the lesson. (11-15 pts.) / The objective clearly identifies expected student outcome. (6-10 pts.) / The objective is not clearly stated and/or does not identify expected student outcomes. (0-5 pts)
Materials and Resources / Materials and resources are accurately listed and directly related to lesson content. Additional information is provided such as purchase locations, website links, and/or original worksheets. (6-10 pts) / Materials and resources are accurately listed and directly related to lesson content. (3-5 pts.) / Materials and resource list is inadequate, poorly described or missing in its’ entirety. (0-2 pts)
Instructional Procedure / Instructional procedure is clear and easy to understand. Sequential information provides for easyexecution of lesson within other classrooms. Suggestions are given for modifications and extensions. Lesson includes elements of best teaching practices such as higher order thinking, multiple intelligences and differentiated instruction. (21-30 pts.) / Instructional procedure is clear and concise, but may not provide opportunities for extensions in learning. (11-20 pts) / Instructional procedure is vague and difficult to understand. (0-10 pts)
TEKS & Cross-Curricular Connections / Music TEKS and cross-curricular connections are thoroughly listed and are aligned with lesson objectives and assessments. (11-15 pts.) / Music TEKS and/or cross-curricular connections are listed. (6-10 pts) / Music TEKS and cross-curricular connections are insufficient, missing, or unrelated to the objective. (0-5 pts)
Authentic Engagement / Lesson design iscreative, innovative, and exciting, providing students with a highly motivating and meaningful experience. (11-15 pts) / Lesson is well- designed and students are provided with a highly motivating experience (6-10 pts) / Lesson is of poor design and will not capture the attention of students. (0-5 pts)
Assessment / Assessment opportunities are relevant to the stated objective and are integrated within the lesson. (11-15 pts) / At least opportunity for assessment is in the lesson. (6-10 pts) / Opportunities for assessment incomplete and/or not related to the stated objective. (0-5 pts)